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    fall short of example sentences

    fall short of

    1. fall short of the day's mark

    2. the best leadership, the most well trained soldiers, and the best of weaponry, only to fall short of preaching the Kingdom to the

    3. These advantages are sufficient to compensate a certain difference of revenue; but they will compensate a certain difference only ; and if the rent of land should fall short of the interest of money by a greater difference, nobody would buy land, which would soon reduce its ordinary price

    4. But no commodities regulate themselves more easily or more exactly, according to this effectual demand, than gold and silver ; because, on account of the small bulk and great value of those metals, no commodities can be more easily transported from one place to another ; from the places where they are cheap, to those where they are dear ; from the places where they exceed, to those where they fall short of this effectual demand

    5. If, by not raising the price high enough, he discourages the consumption so little, that the supply of the season is likely to fall short of the consumption of the season, he not only loses a part of the profit which he might otherwise have made, but he exposes the people to suffer before the end of the season, instead of the hardships of a dearth, the dreadful horrors of a famine

    6. Orders to prevent their further approach had a broad enough meaning to fall short of definitive

    7. Whenever social costs begin to (marginally) exceed their intended benefits because (limited) resources are either inefficiently allocated or mismanaged or depleting revenue is (simply) unable to keep pace with spending requirements or whenever non-recoverable anti-social attitudes begin to compromise that society‘s quality of life or whenever that society‘s efforts to rehabilitate its economic, intellectual or moral infrastructures or restore flagging morale are no longer effective or have lost their (spirited) momentum or whenever (public) proposals fall short of (private) expectations is that society said to be in a state of decline

    8. The best of Intentions oftentimes fall short of our Designs!

    9. Therefore, it may be properly argued that the relationship between poverty and (violent) crime is better understood as a potential for movement in association with (uncertain) prospects for economic improvement; each operating in an environment where results oftentimes fall short of what many had expected or hoped for

    10. 9 Now though I wished to write many things unto you not as a master but even as suits one who loves you not to fall short of the things that we have I have been zealous to write unto you as though I were the offscouring of you

    11. All philosophies and religions which fall short of these ideals are immature

    12. But the bottom line is that our conferences and discussions still fall short of changing our segregated status quo in missions

    13. Keep notes on where you fall short of

    14. In fact, each of these is designed to detect major financial catastrophes, but fall short of

    15. “… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God …” (Romans 3:23)

    16. tence that fall short of the physical plane, must first be granted by

    17. Many fall short of the ideal, but by showing the heathen the error of their

    18. Even when we fall short of the mark, God has promised to work within us, shaping us into the image of Christ”

    19.  faltar (a), to need, lack, be in want of; fail, fall short of,

    20. The question is: after work and chores, and entertainment: how much time is left over for us to be simply human? By allowing tools to run our societies, by giving up our responsibilities to tools: we fall short of any human responsibility to ourselves and to those around us

    21. Many of these verses need to be completely overhauled or reinterpreted as Jesus explained, imploring the need for urgent change of the interpretation to the ancient laws and rituals of scripture that fall short of the new message of mystical relational love and compassion

    22. Hence the ease with which we may yet fall short of the inheritance

    23. Roque Guinart ordered them to be restored at once; and making his men fall in in line he directed all the clothing, jewellery, and money that they had taken since the last distribution to be produced; and making a hasty valuation, and reducing what could not be divided into money, he made shares for the whole band so equitably and carefully, that in no case did he exceed or fall short of strict distributive justice

    24. then imagination will fall short of the reality

    25. There is a perfection which all knowledge ought to reach, and which our pupils ought also to attain, and not to fall short of, as I was saying that they did in astronomy

    26. He would have had his hand chopped off before he would have allowed himself by a word, by a hint, to humiliate her, or even to fall short of the fullest respect a woman could look for

    27. I will always fall short of his precision

    28. Bounces fall short of previous highs, and people begin to sell even more aggressively

    29. The next rally must fall short of the previous high (point B in Figure 3

    30. When the small rallies fall short of the level at point B, it is called a “Descending Middle Section,” as shown in Figure 13

    31. If the trader neglects the process of journaling and trade review, these mistakes simply become losses and fall short of being the learning experiences they should be

    32. Most people fall short of this

    33. The largest movements in a company’s price usually occur when its earnings either greatly exceed or fall short of analysts’ expectations

    34. It seemed clear, said the company, that "we will fall short of meeting the current 3 percent minimum regulatory capital requirement

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