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    Use "fallacy" in a sentence

    fallacy example sentences


    1. The following very short and plain argument, however, may serve to explain more distinctly the fallacy which seems to have misled those gentlemen

    2. However it is a fallacy that only benevolent people leave this world early on in life

    3. It is, of course, a logical fallacy

    4. Logical fallacy believed by all too many of the ignorant

    5. “Our fetish is gone and our gods have deserted us!” In a few hours they had a practical lesson on the fallacy of fetishism that years of patient missionary labour could not have taught them

    6. Well intentioned and sincere voices are being heard that yell out the fallacy, in my opinion lethal, that there is no reasonable rationale for the war, which in itself is not “just” without the sanction of the United Nations Security Council

    7. Perhaps the international behavior of the United States has not always been ivory pure, but that is another fallacy already evidenced in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq

    8. helped me see the fallacy of this belief

    9. I am fully aware of our indoctrination from childhood that the dearly departed is now a floating soul, in the air above us, looking down at the funeral proceedings and they are sad to see us weeping and seeing us missing them, but boy are they happy with the best funeral ever! “A funeral to die for”, one could say… This is another fallacy, courtesy of the false churches!

    10. British writer and philosopher Roger Scruton holds that at the core of the unacceptable performance in America’s public school system there is a double fallacy

    11. The second fallacy Scruton sees at the root of educational deficiency is the philosophy of John Dewey, an American psychologist, philosopher, and educator of late nineteenth and early twentieth century

    12. That is a fallacy universally held as true, maintains Roger, because the public has been misinformed by vicious propaganda

    13. They knew it was not easy going, and one of them sent me pages 128 to 131 on father-and-son relationships from a book by Harry Levinson, entitled The Great Jackass Fallacy

    14. 35 Harry Levinson, The Great Jackass Fallacy © 1973 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College

    15. According to renowned physicist, Lee Smolin, when we imagine we are seeing into an infinite 3d space, we are falling for a fallacy in which we substitute what we actually see for an intellectual construct (generated by the brain)

    16. fallacy” in the logic of his argument

    17. fallacy of concretization", the assumption that the ideals in current use are "real" in a material or

    18. in what Alfred North Whitehead called "the fallacy of concretization" - they are assuming that

    19. Starting off at a point of easy riches is a fallacy

    20. the numbers in use cannot be verified because the statistical data does not even exist! A great example of this fallacy in play is when scientists predict the annual number of species that go extinct each year

    21. This should clearly demonstrate the fallacy of the more common way of beginning a re/organization by designating work groups or by any of the previous means first described in Chapter 1

    22. superstition, a myth, a fallacy will be greatly missed at the time of contemplation

    23. Why should one want to be wealthy when life needs no props of riches for its enrichment? That’s why chasing money is but a human fallacy

    24. He denounced slavish devotion to meaningless ceremonials and exposed the fallacy of materialistic worship

    25. and fraud who propagated an IQ fallacy that bedeviled British schools for

    26. societies this translates into the IQ fallacy that intelligence is innate and that

    27. fallacy says everyone is born with a limited potential

    28. Matthew Syed’s book does much to combat the IQ fallacy, which has held

    29. mortals of the world had committed a fallacy in logic just as deep

    30. The Federal Government committed the fallacy of

    31. All that they are capable of is simply fallacy of

    32. value! This fallacy of assumption strongly suggested two

    33. “But it is the same fallacy in logic that is alive and well to this

    34. “The same exact fallacy in logic that was true then is still true

    35. function on fallacy of assumption in this manner

    36. Alone, was a fallacy for Phil Rudolph, for the Clegg brothers had never been far removed from his psyche during every waking hour of this past week and the pressure would remain until the whole business was resolved

    37. A fire-brand priest by the name of Savonarola preached that old, tired fallacy that the end time was at hand, and he insisted that works of art and literature not in keeping with the strict, repressive long-standing dogma were of an evil nature

    38. But, there was still a running battle between fallacy and fact being waged between

    39. pure reason, is a fallacy

    40. It is fallacy that you can save money by not using a

    41. This notion that air forces can win wars by themselves is a fallacy

    42. This notion that heavy bombers can win the war all by themselves is a dangerous fallacy that should be put to rest once and for all

    43. Try to avoid the fallacy of the punishment and reward cycle

    44. "A total fallacy! We can have a life that we really want to keep going where there is no treadmill

    45. It was a shame they had been deceived into believing this fallacy and it would be a shame if they did not renounce their new beliefs when they would be given an ultimatum

    46. It is a different matter though, that for the orthodox Jews, Jesus was a Judaic renegade, and for the idolatrous Arabs, Muhammad was but a deviant, and so on, which brings to the fore the fallacy of prophetic glorification

    47. Here was an outstanding exponent of the Hindustani classical music who, being a devout Musalman, and in spite of the Quranic injunctions against idol worship, was wont to sing in ecstasy before the Deity of Sarada, the goddess of learning, in the hill temple at Maihar! Though his religious dogma would have him not to bow but to Allah, his theological wisdom enabled him to grasp the truth that the Omnipresent Allah would be present in the Hindu Deities as well; and so he had seen the falsity of the Muslim fallacy in making the Omnipotent Almighty a captive of Islam

    48. The fundamental fallacy of Muslims has been to interpret Islam as a closed system

    49. When fallacy is exposed, the face of mind is distorted

    50. Don’t go into “circular argumentation” fallacy occurs when the arguments doesn’t center on the point trying to prove

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    Synonyms for "fallacy"

    fallacy false belief inconsistency delusion deceit evasion quibble quibbling

    "fallacy" definitions

    a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning