wil never believe she cannot do it – she falls over again and again
It falls short onto the counter, not that she would have caught it anyway
As the diatom dies, the dia-earth falls to the bottom of the lake or ocean in which they lived
58 percent of serious injuries in people 65 and older are caused by falls
The loss of balance that leads to serious, injury-producing falls can be traced to age-related changes in the brain, diminishing vision, inner ear problems, weakening of the legs and trunk and/or the declining reliability of sensory mechanisms that let the brain know where the limbs are in space
Excessive alcohol consumption and side effects from medications can lead to falls, but ongoing problems with instability should be reported to a physician
Exercising to strengthen muscles around knees and hips helps prevent falls and serious injury
Its slow, graceful movements have proven to have a profound effect in improving balance and preventing falls
· Remove throw rugs and tack down the edges of carpets to prevent falls
“When I think about Him, His presence falls
They will thrive any where the moisture, temperature and amount of food available falls within 1 tablespoon DE (garden grade) tolerable boundaries
He just falls and hurts himself
John staggers a few more feet, falls on his knees in the parking lot
’ Barney said, pushing the plate away from him with so much enthusiasm that it nearly falls off the table
The back snaps open and a piece of paper falls out on the counter
indolently, lays his head back down and falls to sleep
A dog wanders out one of the open front doors and one of students kicks at it, misses, nearly falls on his ass while other students laugh and point
and crash! The door falls over, shattering glass all over the steps of the building
Is there a thing today that falls beyond your understanding? Cancer
The class falls silent, waiting
He falls happily on Ricci’s neck to embrace him
Cancer is a diagnosis that falls under the curse of the law
Ahmed runs to him, falls on his shoulder, weeping
Then his eyes roll up into his head and - splat! - he falls forward, face in his dinner plate
Suddenly, Ricci’s eyes cross, he gets a stupid grin on his face and - BOOM! - he falls sideways out of his chair
Never falls off, though
The night falls, the moon and stars are present in the black
I’ll stab his fucking balls off with a steak knife the next time he falls asleep with his fat legs open
But everything falls by surprise; the destination
and is presently working with the Lone Star Church of Christ in Falls of Rough, Kentucky
This doesn't prevent him from going steady with the daughter of the family, but their happiness won't last: While she is in the garden, she bumps her head against a tree branch; she falls down on the ground and some mutated plants swallow her up; when they vomit her she is no longer what she was: she looks like a gigantic snail-like monster, a living horror
During the week before Remembrance Day which actually falls on a Sunday this year, I talk with all of the folks at one time or another about what it meant for them – with the exception of Fred, they all have wartime memories of some sort – he was too young and was evacuated with his mother to somewhere in Wales for a couple of years
"The hammer falls!" Moamar shouted
’ She asked, and my heart falls
Beyond the confines of earth-time, way out beyond the fringes of the universe where dark matter falls forever, Smith thought about nothing, taking slow but gigantic steps towards origin, and in thinking, even on a universal scale, Smith began to acquire the very first trappings of personality
When we wrestle with these other aspects of the cross and what it symbolizes, it all falls apart if we are unwilling to recognize the Godhead in the midst of it all
the sound of faint but constant water falls
night falls with the bending of time
He falls in slow motion, watching the days
as the sting of the swift falls away
When Israel falls, Jesus told us to look up, for our redemption draws near
So it is a fact that, where unhappiness falls,
the shape of white wings falls upon on the ground
feel my tears in the rain that falls and see me,
(She faints and falls to the floor
in the swelling shadow of her jaws and falls across my face,
that falls upon their heads, thrown up
She falls to the ground
ERICK falls backward
Therefore, it would be better not to opt of dermabrasion if the skin falls under this category
He falls on the body of SAMANTHA, and dies
He falls silent and, respecting this, I concentrate on following Joris
stained hair that falls across the lilywhite skin
that falls darkly over her face,
and as dusk falls the tips
on the shear, and then a head falls,
the sound of crumbling mortar falls
This word falls under ample warning because no matter how bad a person is acting it can't fall in a category worse than psychotic
In the process, my shirt gapes slightly and my travel stone falls forward on its gold chain
Our water falls, then comes the waste
Graham is out and Bill up to his eyes in something complicated so it falls to me to go and deal with her
I suppose some sort of mental filter automatically falls into place when I’m working … I’d always thought Dave was an attractive man but never, in my wildest moments, thought of him in terms of someone I could go out with
RAI E: That which falls
And when he falls,
lift up his fellow; but woe to him who is alone when he falls, and doesn’t have another
in the snare, even so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly
in the place where the tree falls, there shall it be
Jim falls back and spins away from the girl
He tries to give Ken a withering look, but it falls on stony ground
Allcock made their traveling arrangements for Buffalo and Niagara Falls two days hence, Harry took in the scene around him
His foot slips in the mud by the side of the track leading into the parking area and he falls into a blackthorn bush, which whips at his hair and impales him on its thin black barbs
’ So then his good friend does see that a drop falls into her glass because what he suspects is that his friend hungers for a sample of Teshi’s body, since anyone would have noticed all Hyondahi had done to keep her as his sex pet
He strains again to see the world as it should be, but staggers backwards, hitting the brick wall of the barn with his head as he falls
Helen's arm snags in the steering wheel spokes and as she falls back into her seat the wheel is yanked to the left, hauling the car away from the anonymous body by the fence
He gags as he falls, spilling his guts onto the front of his flak jacket and then onto the floor, and he turns away and starts to crawl as soon as he feels solid earth beneath his spine
It in turn heaved forth three smaller, roaring falls, then another thirty feet to the glassy surface of a large, rainbow colored lake
If he falls into the wrong hands, it could mean the
“Very well, humans, I will let you stay here, with your memories intact, and you shall forever be the protectors of The Singularity, but only under one condition: that it never, ever falls into evil hands,” The Hesean Governor said
"I saw her place several things in a large globe, with a picture of the falls painted on it and then put it into a hat box
And as King Philippe’s representative, that decision falls to
it falls to fourteen and fifteen pence
At a few miles distance, it falls to eightpence, the usual price of common labour through the greater part of the low country of Scotland, where it varies a good deal less than in England
God falls, things will become clear
The proportion which the usual market rate of interest ought to bear to the ordinary rate of clear profit, necessarily varies as profit rises or falls
it falls they sink below it
The whole quantity of such wines that is brought to market falls short of the effectual demand, or the demand of those who would be willing to pay the whole rent, profit, and wages, necessary for preparing and bringing them thither, according to the ordinary rate, or according to the rate at which they are paid in common vineyards
Their whole produce falls short of the effectual demand of Europe, and can be disposed of to those who are willing to give more than what is sufficient to pay the whole rent, profit, and wages, necessary for preparing and bringing it to market, according to the rate at which they are commonly paid by any other produce
"Next time the smelly man falls asleep he can be sure Galimoto's claw will be pressed to his throat!"
‘This falls within the jurisdiction of the Church, Bailli,
They promptly dropped their back packs and headed for the pools of glistening water beneath the falls leaving their teacher snoring under a billowing handkerchief
They had almost three acres of land down in Yoonbarla Vale, the little finger of the great valley that followed Yoonbarla Brook up towards the falls for over three miles
If, in the progress of improvement, therefore, the real price of one species of food necessarily rises, that of another as necessarily falls ; and it becomes a matter of more nicety to judge how far the rise in the one may be compensated by the fall in the other
If, on the contrary, the sum of the repayments from certain other customers, falls commonly very much short of the advances which it makes to them, it cannot with any safety continue to deal with such customers, at least if they continue to deal with it in this manner
The house is crazy, says a weary traveller to himself, and will not stand very long; but it is a chance if it falls to-night, and I will venture, therefore, to sleep in it
How can there be two “ah-has” when one re-frames The other? – a higher insight? The next insight on an Infinite chain of ever-changing recognitions? Everything Falls into place, retrospectively, so each prior insight remains Valid in its place in the chain? The retroactive web Extends out further as its center swirls up:
“Does intuition pan out? When we invent or discover, What pans out and falls together as in a sort of…
A paper currency which falls below the value of gold and silver coin, does not thereby sink the value of those metals, or occasion equal quantities of them to exchange for a smaller quantity of goods of any other kind
Then cleared his voice and said “You’re from the Meadow Falls coven, right?”
“After they left the Meadow falls coven, your parents joined mine
I sighed and continued, “Having the Cross blood was a bigger plus because it meant I was descended from the founders of two covens: Sacred Moon and Meadow Falls