Use "familiarized" in a sentence
familiarized example sentences
1. Park’s accountability device: the teletype that Park had familiarized himself with during his early newspaper and publishing experiences
2. Sutton"s Vietnam combat experience had familiarized him with the importance of protecting ports and coastal regions from sea borne threats, and the significant role the U
3. Mike Teal chuckled inwardly; he had already familiarized himself with the hotel and knew he would have done the same had he been in her position
4. She climbed up into the cockpit, familiarized herself with the controls and started reading through the bulky hand book
5. “It would be better if I familiarized myself with the ship,” Tammas said
6. He activate this and familiarized himself with the information display
7. The metal was so very cold, and his wrists and ankles took on a dull, gray hue as the iron familiarized itself intimately with his flesh
8. Nancy familiarized herself with the room
9. But when the second moment had passed, when she found every doubt, every solicitude removed, compared her situation with what so lately it had been,--saw him honourably released from his former engagement, saw him instantly profiting by the release, to address herself and declare an affection as tender, as constant as she had ever supposed it to be,--she was oppressed, she was overcome by her own felicity;-- and happily disposed as is the human mind to be easily familiarized with any change for the better, it required several hours to give sedateness to her spirits, or any degree of tranquillity to her heart
10. And the highest thoughts, when they become familiarized to us, are always tending to pass into the form of feeling
11. familiarized to this humour, blushed indeed, but less than I did at the
12. landlord of them was familiarized to their ways; and provided the rent
13. familiarized with all those scenes of debauchery, so fit to nauseate a
14. The vengeance of the Hurons had now taken a new direction, and they prepared to execute it with that barbarous ingenuity with which they were familiarized by the practise of centuries
15. David, in some measure familiarized to the scene, led the way with a steadiness that no slight obstacle was likely to disconcert, into this very building
16. Amongst us you will not meet with any of those episodes with which your adventurous existence has so familiarized you; our Chimborazo is Mortmartre, our Himalaya is Mount Valerien, our Great Desert is the plain of Grenelle, where they are now boring an artesian well to water the caravans
17. The kindly folks at Quickshot Shooting Range familiarized me with various weapons
18. , for not appearing too much in the thing herself, sent a friend of her's, on the day appointed for my removal, to conduct me to my new lodgings at a brush-maker's in E—— street, Covent Garden, the very next door to her own house, where she had no conveniences to lodge me herself: lodgings that, by having been for several successions tenanted by ladies of pleasures, the landlord of them was familiarized to their ways; and provided
19. C*** O***, you know his estate, his worth, and good sense: can you, will you pronounce it ill meant, at least of him, when anxious for his son's morals, with a view to form him to virtue, and inspire him with a fixed, a rational contempt for vice, he condescended to be his master of the ceremonies, and led him by the hand through the most noted bawdy-houses in town, where he took care he should be familiarized with all those scenes of debauchery, so fit to nauseate a good taste? The experiment, you will cry, is dangerous
20. On the contrary, he would have despised any ostentation of expense; his profession had familiarized him with all grades of poverty, and he cared much for those who suffered hardships
21. Born a Provencal, he easily familiarized himself with the dialect of the south
22. But when the second moment had passed, when she found every doubt, every solicitude removed, compared her situation with what so lately it had been,—saw him honourably released from his former engagement, saw him instantly profiting by the release, to address herself and declare an affection as tender, as constant as she had ever supposed it to be,—she was oppressed, she was overcome by her own felicity;—and happily disposed as is the human mind to be easily familiarized with any change for the better, it required several hours to give sedateness to her spirits, or any degree of tranquillity to her heart
23. I ought to have familiarized the old De Lacey to me, and by degrees to have discovered myself to the rest of his family, when they should have been prepared for my approach