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    Use "famously" in a sentence

    famously example sentences


    1. They all got along famously with each other

    2. It all seemed to be going too easily and although they appeared to be getting on famously, there was something in the businessman’s eyes that seemed to take all of the warmth and cheer out of the day

    3. to be getting on famously, there was something in the

    4. Richard Nixon famously said in the mid-seventies that we are all Keynesians now

    5. He of course famously said that it"s an idea worth trying

    6. translating famously, when, in the late afternoon, there came a ring of

    7. He famously bragged like he was in a Hollywood film, calling for Iraqi insurgents to “bring it on” and saying he wanted Hussein “dead or alive

    8. “The Flag Follows the Dollar” was an argument most famously advance by Marine Corp Commandant Smedley Butler that American invasions and ordered overthrows were because there were US companies out to make money off Latin Americans

    9. ” He told me that he wanted to “do some normal kid things, like carouse the malls for girls and breakers and stuff,” which I’m sure was the reason that we had been getting along famously ever since

    10. But they got along famously anyway

    11. John Peel famously quoted, “I’ve always found it easier to tell the truth because that way you don’t have to remember what you’ve said

    12. George had already returned from campaign and was reported to have gotten along famously with his cousin George, the Khan of Clouds

    13. He famously sold his soul to the devil; this, as the story goes is how he picked up his magical guitar powers so quickly

    14. We got along famously and he even invited me to visit his home, although I had to decline until the wanderings of the court brought us near it

    15. The descent to new lows started when I was returned from ‘burbs’ to Wine Mess to avail myself of those famously low priced cards

    16. We hit it off famously

    17. As David Hume famously pointed out, there are essentially two types of judgment, the

    18. Darrell - You very famously had a bad case of writer’s block that lasted 25 years and you have some thirty unfinished manuscripts lying about in the bottom of a cupboard

    19. Steve Baker (Strat) Elvin Stanley (Chippers) Charles Clark (Nobby) and Wayne Logan (Sticks) more famously known as ‘Fossils,’ are four musicians from varying background who are inadvertently united and form a band with a unique and exciting sound that filled an auditory hiatus that has been lacking for decades in the modern day music industry

    20. After a dramatic pause, he declared famously, that he was rejecting the proposal as the father was a known grafter

    21. Famously earning herself the, rather menacing, title after she was caught draining the life force from sleeping children

    22. Jesus famously said that those who do not hear His words are, in effect, building their lives on poor soil: bound for ruin and destruction

    23. And in the Second Punic War, that dragged on from 218 to 201 BC, the Carthaginian general Hannibal famously marched an army, including elephants, through Spain and Gaul, and over the Alps into Italy where he repeatedly routed the Romans

    24. This battle, which came to be famously known as the Battle of

    25. One British celebrity famously emailed through to his Twitter profile on live TV because nobody believe it was his account and instead believed it was a crazy fan or a spammer

    26. A doting sister, Priyanka seemed content to remain in Rahul’s shadow, their us-versus-the-rest relationship most famously captured in the photograph of the siblings arm in arm in mutual consolation after the UP defeat in 2012

    27. Ryanair, as well as other airlines – most famously perhaps EasyJet, has been frustrated by this lack of product development

    28. ‘He looks after me famously

    29. But the main host was actually one that was so famously renowned throughout the

    30. With a pair of iron fists, with a iron lance and his uncanny predictions that was always accurate with his iron mouth, whose was so famously well known

    31. So the umma came invest in Arafat’s Al-Fatah in right earnest as Leila Khalid, the female face of Palestine terror then, famously commented to the world media that there were no innocent people as such, for everyone either supports a cause or opposes it, ideologically or otherwise

    32. At a wedding he famously accused the bridegroom of “making love to my wife”, and married the poor woman Livia Orestilla, himself

    33. Oh yes, even when James was the most competent person in the room, because it was his house and he was famously a 7th gen, everyone turned to Hunter as their general in this time of war

    34. Famously, the editor of TWANG at the time printed the letter verbatim, without correcting the spelling or grammar, leading to Stripehead receiving much ribbing in the national press

    35. Lead singer Tony “Stripehead” MacNally and backing singer-cum-reality TV star Natalie Pearson are both serving two year sentences for aggravated assault following what the judge famously described as “the greatest rampage in the history of popular music

    36. As he famously wrote,

    37. She’s famously lazy, but right now she is rubbing her head vigorously against the edge of his computer monitor

    38. Rudyard Kipling lived in the building in the decade before the turn of the century as a tenant and famously wrote “The light that failed” in the parlour above the bar

    39. It was a difficult life, trying to keep those alive who seemed so desperate to die famously in battle

    40. Lucy had finally come to see Sarah yesterday and the two women got on famously

    41. Mr Starkey appeared on News Night a few days later, and famously said, “…a particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion, and black and white boys, and girls operate in this language together

    42. The Revolution become famously known as ‘The Reign of Terror’

    43. Everybody getting on famously which meant one can always count on Ma to be as chilly as autumn rain wanting to know why the Miss didn’t favor us with her presence in church? Miss Wakefield laughed kind of uneasy like and said she thought a Son would surely know that not all people worshiped the God of the Bible

    44. Few people believed there could be any serious rift in the famously close relationship between Quaid and his wife

    45. The correspondence flourished famously, and letters flew to and fro with unfailing regularity all through the early spring

    46. The president and Regan actually got along famously, often spending time alone together in the Oval Office, telling jokes

    47. He was very controversial, particularly because he attacked the press, once famously calling journalists “nattering nabobs of negativism

    48. MacArthur also famously uttered the line “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away

    49. When Nathan Hale, who became an American spy when only twenty years old during the revolution, had been captured by the British and was preparing for execution, he famously said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country

    50. Before his death, he famously said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country

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    Synonyms for "famously"

    excellently famously magnificently splendidly

    "famously" definitions

    in a manner or to an extent that is well known

    extremely well