He crawled into a fetal position as they kicked his head, his face, his chest, his back, his arms and his legs
Instead the child is curled in fetal position
His body curled into the fetal position and wiped back, until I thought his spine would split in half
On the ground beneath the control panel Operative-14 lay in a fetal position, with a curiously serene look on his face
William lay unconscious in a fetal position
William was lying in a fetal position on dry earth
Curled into a fetal ball atop a waiting room sofa, her eyes glazed over, staring without seeing the adobe wall before her
He moaned, transferring his protecting hand from nose to his crotch, and lowered to the floor in a fetal position
And now as he lay close to her almost fetal position, he felt exhilarated and uncomfortable at the same time
The body is in a fetal position
He is still crouching in the fetal position
He begins searching every room until he arrives to the master bedroom where he finds Torin crying as he is laying on the bed in a fetal position
Chay’s hand flopped back down to her side, as she collapsed on the floor; she curled into a fetal position
As I lay in a fetal position and pleaded with God to take me to the
strength and courage to detach from the Fetal I they still carry within, and move
The type of pain that the Fetal I is struck with when it experiences a trauma is a cosmic force; the temporary way that the Fetal I faces
2) it is a birth of the Adult I from the Fetal I
The Fetal I¸ immersed in the intrauterine environment and in constant hormonal
during the embryonic and fetal stages
afflicts human life as early as the fetal stage
hide; one can recreate the security and protection of their fetal life and leave
the fetal stage, where the most painful trauma, the deepest splitting and the
In my area of specialization I am talking about ultrasound machines, fetal monitors, electrical cautery instruments, laparoscopic equipment etc
A similar thing happened with a fetal monitor that was not being used at all
You lay her down and tuck her legs into a fetal ball before shutting her in
The warmth of the blanket as he snuggles down in his soft bed underneath the covers in a fetal position gives him some small degree of comfort
In receding back into the fetal position
crawled in with Beth curled in a fetal position between Harold and
Retching, Samson fell to a fetal position
She had her knees up to her chest and was hugging herself in the fetal position
Mandy wasn’t doing much better, still fetal curved again on the ground
The villager, who was still over by the covered entrance, drops down to the ground and balls up into a fetal position
He tossed himself back over, curled into the fetal position, and started to cry
In the crater Joey clutched his burning, trembling hands to his chest and adopted the fetal position
Moaning, he keeled over at the base of the wall, in a fetal position
Folks, I was in the fetal position, just laying there moaning and rocking back and forth for hours
e that there is no God, that fetal transfer of tRNA is invalid, that the redshift is a poor estimation of astral distances)
Prior to written history, Egyptians buried their dead in fetal positions facing west where the sun traveled to the land of the dead after passing the land of the living, thought little else is known about religious beliefs prior to the advent of writing
Falling hard to the floor, he pulled his knees to the chest in a fetal position
He has our fetal pig, dissecting tray, scissors, scalpel, probes and
humans and “thus,” he says, “the study of the fetal pig is, in a very real
fire, she now lies cold, curled up in a fetal position
She made a move and the Big Swinging Dick was on the ground, in a fetal position, whining
The medicine shakes Victoria’s body as she spasms with each sip as she awakes, but finally she curls into a fetal position on the navy satin sheets and her eyes flicker close
the ground in the fetal position screaming officers rushed to
He curled up into the fetal position and began to sob
proper formation of fetal blood needed for the development of
The mother was tested for her liver function test and alpha fetal protein (a cancer marker for Liver Cancer) every 6 months
Once the fetal metabolic system has adapted to the higher amounts by removing the excess Vitamin C more rapidly than normal, even the normal amounts ingested by the newborn are removed at the accelerated rate, depressing serum and tissue levels
He found it difficult to unfold himself but slowly came partially out of his fetal position and hobbled down the stairs after Mary, who went before him to break his fall should he lose his balance
If the federal government insists on involving itself in fetal rights (as yet unborn children) to the extent of intruding its powerful arms inside the very bodies—into the wombs—and into the private lives of women, why can it not then, reach only into the public courtrooms and inside the judges’ chambers, the offices of its own states, to save our country’s children—to protect and save children already among us and suffering? Our babies, our toddlers, our little girls and little boys who are our future, should not have to be at the “mercy” of the whims of any particular state’s judicial spider web
He could see through the crystal shell of the fruit and saw the man inside, the same man who had just been thrown into the tree, curled up in a fetal position, silent and motionless
side of the sofa and curled into a fetal position with his eyes
Avery collapsed on the ground in a fetal position, rocking back and
This happens at every death that his fetal I undergoes, which holds so much power over him and which does not allow the Artistic Self to emerge; it happens with every death of some part of his animal instincts, based on thievery and violence, that Ulysses has carried within himself since the day he was born
- The infinite, arrogant demands of the fetal I (the Suitors are excellent representatives of these and since they have forcibly taken over Ulysses’
X, 135-475), he is referring to Ulysses’ fetal I, that wants nothing to do with leaving the uterus and being born
fetal I and his adult I
If while still in the uterus the fetal I responds to the monster mother with anger and hatred, the fetus, not the mother, will die
Those who go back to their trauma, also touch the infinite rage and hatred that it provoked in them, which their fetal I had immediately repressed and denied
When trauma strikes the fetal I, pain invades the I like a storm on the sea
I believe that the uterus of a mother who does not want to have a child becomes worse than a cardboard box for the fetal I, and the fetal I can hardly wait to destroy its mother and itself along with her
Very often, however, these births are completed only on a physiological level, because the fetal I that continues to survive well into adulthood is still in the womb, fused and enmeshed with its primary love object
We can often conquer this freedom by surrendering to the need to return to the womb through regression, and deciding to re-live the original experience registered in our cellular memory and in our fetal I, by projecting it on substitute maternal figures
One is the reasoning of the fetal I, that was devoured by the mother in the womb, and that still loves to be devoured ( repetition compulsion as Freud would call it)
Instead with Calypso, first of all Ulysses’ fetal I has complete control over his adult I, anchored as it is to the seductive pleasure of intrauterine incest
It forces him to accept seven years of being imprisoned on her island, but slowly his adult I takes control over his fetal I and its complicity with the seductive and castrating 85
There is no contradiction here: the fetal I wants to stay in the deadly embrace of the mother and the adult I wants the freedom to love a woman who is not the mother that has seduced him his whole life
The infinite arrogant demands of the fetal I
There are also the evils that rise from the fetal I, that is often in complicity with the mother and can completely suffocate the adult I
Every time Ulysses faces the death of a part of himself so he can be transformed; every time a part of his fetal I - that he is powerfully controlled by and that does not allow the artistic I to emerge – dies; at every death of his animalistic parts that are based on thievery and violence and that Ulysses carries within himself since he was born, he creates beauty and accumulates it within
Arrogance, self-righteousness and repressed hatred all belong to the fetal I , which often invades the adult I and forces it to bend to its wishes
narcissistic wound of traumatic origin is often the consequence of a trauma to the fetal I, or the infant I being deprived of a fullness that they should have experienced during the prenatal phase and the oral phase but did not
The parameters that the fetal I uses to judge and perceive the quality of reality most certainly are not anything like the parameters used by an adult I which is fully inserted in extra-uterine reality
The principle of reality of the fetal I does not at all correspond to the principle of reality of the adult I
For the fetal I the only reality that counts is its survival and wellbeing
All the rest is not real and, if it is, it is only in relation to the type of damage and offense that it did to the fetal I’ s ideal of perfection
The fetal I is not interested in the type of pleasure it would get should its wound be repaired, nor does it care about the pleasure and joy it could experience by developing its own creative, transformative power
Another question we could formulate might be: “Whatever I think and whatever I feel is true”; but which I am I talking about? Is there a single I within us? At a very bare minimum we can say that there is a fetal I and an adult I ; so, if I don’t ask myself which I is coming into play in the moment it is thinking and feeling, I cannot understand what type of truth I am talking about
The truth that concerns the fetal I is different than the one concerns the a post-fetal objective truth
… which I is acting during a situation like that? A projection can also have its beginnings during intrauterine life, and so it is the fetal I that kicks into action
I have no awareness of this fetal I so how can I affirm that this is the truth? Which I expressed the truth? That which is true for the Psychological I can be false for the I Person
Yesterday you had quite some difficulty with what you did and why is that? I believe that the reason for this is because of the predominance of the fetal I
fetal I believes that only he exists and the mother only exists in the distance
Essentially, the only thing that exists is the fetal I
This is one way we can take the experience of the fetal I and bring it into our daily experience; as long as the fetal I prevails, I will never be able to welcome anyone else’s existence, unless they are at my service
But what they especially represent is the fetal I and its infinite arrogant demands
The Suitors are also a metaphor and an external materialization of the internal fetal I of both Ulysses and Penelope
Killing the Suitors means killing the fetal I that is a part of Ulysses and Penelope
The fetal I has always invaded men and women’s existential space
I see that as being the type of complicity that the adult I can often show towards the fetal I, and how this complicity must be destroyed
They represent the fetal I who imposes its will as though it were an absolute, completely invading the space that should belong to the adult I
fetal I invades the adult and imprisons it in a spiral of infinite hatred
From here we can understand that we still have plenty to face with Poseidon and that we must decide to sacrifice our pride and our hatred, our megalomanic, omnipotent I , as well as our fetal I that wants nothing to do with detaching from the past or with giving up its thousands of types of complicity with the devouring mother
A little while later he was out on the patio in a fetal position, throwing up, eventually going back to his room
in a semi fetal position facing toward the pile
She curled up in a fetal position and let the sobs come