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    Use "first floor" in a sentence

    first floor example sentences

    first floor

    1. on the first floor

    2. I came out to the first floor balcony

    3. struck, the ball rose and hurled towards the first floor

    4. I ducked in the first floor

    5. The first was on the first floor of a modern apartment block set down a side street leading from the main Via degli Aranci (Orange Tree Way) towards the old town

    6. The apartment itself is on the first floor of a house beside this thoroughfare

    7. Entry to the first floor apartment is by a staircase up the side of the building but it is not as rough as it sounds

    8. As the apartment is the entire first floor, there are views from the rooms in all directions

    9. passing out on the mattresses in the branch manager's room on the first floor

    10. After that, they'd have to break the first floor entrance door and then the flimsy

    11. The first floor comprises a large open plan lounge at the front of the building and Dave's bedroom facing out over the back garden, complete with ensuite shower and loo

    12. The place was a pretty lively public house inside with quite a crowd in the forty by sixty foot tap room on the first floor

    13. I can put you in a smoking room on the first floor

    14. She picked a table down the end and out from under the low roof leaves in a not-too-crowded part of the first floor

    15. He is directed to the first floor of the Ladywell building on the far side of the hospital, and taking the advice of the porter, Alex heads off in the direction of the link corridor on the ground floor, two floors down from the current level

    16. His flat is on the first floor … a large apartment with lots of light streaming through the floor to ceiling windows

    17. Just forty-five or so steps away was School House, and on the first floor, up the wide stairs from the common room were the halls of rooms occupied by the Hundred and the Sixth Form, mostly

    18. Allcock again for the charming company upon his arrival which so increased his spirits, and went up the broad stairway to the first floor and his rooms

    19. Narrow stairs to the first floor

    20. Snapping the watch lid shut, he bandied a few insignificant pleasantries with a correspondingly inconsequential neighbour, and went inside; thence, pausing briefly to catch his breath before the ascent, he proceeded up the stairs to his apartments on the first floor

    21. It was beneficial in one way because their bodies covered up the first floor windows, blocking the demons from entering

    22. I got dressed and wandered down the hallway then I had a thought I would nip in and see how Ma was so I started downstairs to the first floor

    23. ” We went up stairs into a bedroom on the first floor that had been made up and was now Rosie’s sick room

    24. The fossil was on the first floor,

    25. James is hardly ever here, and as far as I know, Mother and the dear old lady on the first floor don’t have sleepovers

    26. “We don’t use most of the first floor rooms, or some of ground floor ones come to that,” Carolyn said

    27. They said their good-nights in the long, first floor corridor, whispering and laughing like a couple of naughty children from a Lewis Carol novel

    28. All the staff members of Luxous waited anxiously in the main conference room stuck way back on the first floor

    29. The building consisted of two floors, the ground floor the factory and the first floor the offices

    30. The first floor was divided up into offices for the different administration sections by badly painted and grubby dry walling

    31. I entered the seven-story building, went up to the first floor and began looking at the names on the doors

    32. All of this; and found us a very nice room on the first floor, which is actually one up in England

    33. Karol explained that the tiled laundry room on the first floor actually was equipped with a bathtub and a sink with a hand pump for drawing water

    34. He noticed more guards, two on the first floor and two more on patrol around the farm

    35. “134 B, is that the first floor sir?” Junya asked while he looked down the

    36. I walked over to the closest bar on the first floor

    37. He presses the screen again, and everyone on the first floor goes still

    38. Lynn jabs her finger into the button for the first floor

    39. I had my own room on the first floor up from the ground floor

    40. powerless to defend its department as that of the sixty-first floor

    41. the restaurant level on the first floor, and wasted no time in

    42. I found it on the first floor next to a guest bedroom

    43. I made my way into the first floor’s hallway, for a moment I leaned against the wall for support

    44. We went up the stairs and turned into the first floor hallway “Where are we going?” I asked, looking around

    45. When he arrived at the first floor, he waited for the elevator to stop, but it didn't

    46. She left for her room on the first floor

    47. Out of curiosity I went up them, taking note that they weren’t as long as the ones on the first floor

    48. There is, in the first floor of the building, a painting that shows Captain George Vancouver and Admiral Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra Mollinedo celebrating the agreement of the division of English and

    49. He sat in the room on the first floor of the building and was on the phone

    50. This is as appropriate a juncture as any to deal with my favorite UCLS institution—Wine Mess, held every Friday 4-7pm in the first floor lounge next to Lynn house

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