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    Use "flamed" in a sentence

    flamed example sentences


    1. Flying in formation and then free fall, Ichor and his fellow warriors flamed as they passed and then did a complete turn around and flamed again

    2. He grabbed the disfigured monster and tore it in half and threw it into the air as Lady Isabol flamed it to ash

    3. Juztin and his squad checked the area as instructed by Ichor, and flamed all the remains to ash

    4. They were flying in a tight figure eight and flaming dragons as they went through their formation when a large black dragon dropped down out of nowhere and flamed at Jake

    5. He threw him out and Collin flamed him to ash

    6. The Queen and Kate and Emily were watching the fight below when they were suddenly attacked and flamed

    7. He dove and flamed them again, screeching

    8. He recognized Ichor and Lady Sarah in mid battle with the black bull; Jackson being flamed and Lady Isabol returning the flame

    9. Then he was surrounded and the Staff of Fire flamed again

    10. He flamed it as he passed and immediately turned around and James sent it to its doom

    11. Daowyn flamed the carcass to ash quickly

    12. the Christmas picture that had flamed and danced before her all day,

    13. His left hand crushed down firmly on her arm, jerking her against him, and the torch flamed toward her face in a threatening gesture

    14. Had that rude remark actually come out of her mouth? She flamed red again, “I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that,” she said

    15. Claude’s cheeks flamed, and he was fighting back tears

    16. the love that flamed in me was

    17. And the height o' the world has flamed and faded,

    18. a fire in his blood that flamed and raged

    19. Carefully she lit a small sail which flamed, unsteady in principle and some seconds later began to stagger up to gaining height and conviction and was then when she placed on it a metallic structure that was supporting the portable boiler

    20. The profile dwarfed anything that was leaving it, and their exhaust flamed

    21. There was an instant when the blades flamed and licked, seeming barely to touch each other and leap apart; then the broadsword flashed past the saber and descended terrifically on Shah Amurath's shoulder

    22. The sun flamed up slowly, sullenly, above the jungle, flooding the towers with a dull gold that left shadows lurking beneath the tottering walls

    23. 'You hell-cat!' Taramis's cheeks flamed and her resentment got the better of her regal reserve

    24. His eyes flamed, he ground his teeth in fury and blood-lust, as barbaric as any tribesmen in the Cimmerian hills

    25. Something passed between them, something that flamed like living fire

    26. Logs flamed in the wide fireplace, for there was a frosty edge to the air, and a great meat pasty in a stone platter stood smoking on a broad mahogany board

    27. It flamed, smoldered; a blue serpentine of smoke rose and swayed upward about Orastes in a slender spiral

    28. And Jimmy! Susan’s temper flamed

    29. When I first wrote about a new algorithmic anomaly that I (and others) saw, I got flamed with

    30. That sparked another whisper that it was a kiss, which flamed, in

    31. Reviewing the damage in one quick look, the British knew at once that he would have to bail out, as one of his engines was on fire and the other had flamed out

    32. Over to the beaten generations name, are we ill equipped, flamed up and

    33. turned dry in the mouth all sameness behind us sarcasmically obstructionally flamed

    34. The room she centred was gently lit with the warm flamed glow of the torches supported on two walls

    35. That is, the fire will be flamed and the Garden will be brought near after that every spirit will have witnessed what it has incurred

    36. At that time, my heart flamed with rage, spite and jealousy, and I could not deal with her refusal

    37. Her face flamed and she looked away

    38. Indignation flamed within her when she thought of the supper and the cushions

    39. My cheeks flamed at the thought of having to interrupt my aunt having sex with her boyfriend

    40. Fire flamed behind Emory’s eyes

    41. Her cheeks flamed

    42. The worker flamed its torch at them to seal the tops

    43. heart and soul came to life - flamed with the heat of her

    44. A mountain of muscle had crept up behind him during his altercation with Jenkins—a man whose biceps bulged at the seams of his white dress shirt, and whose skull flamed red under the bristles of his flat-top haircut

    45. ” I had the feeling he wasn’t talking about my necklace as his eyes flamed with lust

    46. And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains in all such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast

    47. and I am convinced to this day that it was just because I was ashamed to look at her that another feeling was suddenly kindled and flamed up in my heart

    48. The blood flamed up in him

    49. black, and had one eye, which flamed like a burning coal in the middle of his

    50. Newt turned on him, his face flushed red, his eyes flamed with fury

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