Use "flatness" in a sentence
flatness example sentences
1. It slowly opened its eyes, and I marveled at the flatness of its face and the odd mix of size, fur, and lethargy
2. Distance lacked meaning in the Land of God, a land which almost defied logic in its flatness and its emptiness
3. meet the exacting specifications (especially for the flatness of the upper
4. It was a monstrosity that stretched out to the horizon, and in the horizon there was only the certainty of more flatness
5. Ariel waited for the flatness to end
6. Soon the mute exhausted flatness of the eastern plateau would
7. Add a decline in customer service and product quality into this pot of emotional flatness
8. Oh, I must tell you that Papa refused to have Joey sleep in his room with a flatness that put a stop to my arguments before they were even begun
9. His much-tried mother had to listen to many a cross and cryptic remark flung across the table from the dear boy who had always been so gentle; and more than that, he put his foot down once and for all and refused with a flatness that silenced her to eat any more patent foods
10. In the transition from two-dimensional flatness into a three-dimensional expansion of our Universe: the only curves scientists can perceive are the transitional curves between the two basic conditions of infinite Length, Width…, and the 3rd Condition: Depth
11. Its 2-dimensional flatness of Length and Width had no end to it
12. Energy emerged from both sides of this two-dimensional flatness as a Balanced Split
13. The apparent flatness of our Universe and the curvature of its Space which Science has discovered is because the Universe expanded out from a two-dimensional flatness that is actually Infinite in nature and size, and came back in…
14. Black Holes compressions in the center of flat galaxies are a re-creation of the compressed center of the 2-dimensional Universe coming in and being compressed into a black hole: a singularity, before exploding out into two, 3-dimensional Universes, through two orifices, that are oriented 90 degrees to the 2-dimensional flatness of the galaxy it inhabits
15. Expansion and Contraction, attraction and repulsion, Roundness and flatness were added in the 2nd linear Dimension
16. Negative symptoms include depressions, emotional flatness and a lack of pleasure or interest in life
17. What can you do with a perfectly flat wall? There’s nothing to look at: except a boring expanse of perfect flatness
18. Maybe it was the flatness in her green eyes, or the lack of a smile on her face
19. Farther out in the distance I saw a series of projections that stuck out and up from the flatness of the plain and I headed for them, as there were seemingly no other kinds of landmarks to be seen on the flat plain
20. I met the flatness of her soulless eyes and said, “Take a breath mint your breath still reeks of hell
21. Light and shade and half tone are the great enemies of colour, sullying, as they do, its purity; and to some extent to design also, destroying, as they do, the flatness of the picture
22. His glance was keen but showed cunning rather than intelligence; his lips were straight, and so thin that, as they closed, they were drawn in over the teeth; his cheek-bones were broad and projecting, a never-failing proof of audacity and craftiness; while the flatness of his forehead, and the enlargement of the back of his skull, which rose much higher than his large and coarsely shaped ears, combined to form a physiognomy anything but prepossessing, save in the eyes of such as considered that the owner of so splendid an equipage must needs be all that was admirable and enviable, more especially when they gazed on the enormous diamond that glittered in his shirt, and the red ribbon that depended from his button-hole
23. The ocean was a featureless flatness
24. But she could hear through the flatness of his voice an anxiety that made her feel she’d failed him
25. Thus in these brief weeks Dorothea's joyous grateful expectation was unbroken, and however her lover might occasionally be conscious of flatness, he could never refer it to any slackening of her affectionate interest
26. Lydgate found it more and more agreeable to be with her, and there was no constraint now, there was a delightful interchange of influence in their eyes, and what they said had that superfluity of meaning for them, which is observable with some sense of flatness by a third person; still they had no interviews or asides from which a third person need have been excluded
27. She constructed a little romance which was to vary the flatness of her life: Will Ladislaw was always to be a bachelor and live near her, always to be at her command, and have an understood though never fully expressed passion for her, which would be sending out lambent flames every now and then in interesting scenes
28. leagues away: twelve, I guess; but the flatness of the plain is hard to measure
29. I felt the flatness of her stomach, and her legs pressing
30. The 50 MA is the key to the trending market: it should show no hesitation in moving up or down (a bit of flatness is okay, but it should never move countertrend)
31. Some of them struck me as singularly odd compounds of ardour and flatness; commencing in strong feeling, and concluding in the affected, wordy style that a schoolboy might use to a fancied, incorporeal sweetheart
32. She deprived them of their flatness by her pronunciation
33. With the Pleuronectidae, on the other hand, the older they grow the more habitually they rest on one side, owing to the increasing flatness of their bodies, and a permanent effect is thus produced on the form of the head, and on the position of the eyes
34. The other senses, hearing, smell, principally—touch, in verifying our visual impressions give us a more definite conception of the seen objects; but that which we know as broad, thick, hard or soft or how the things seen by us sound or smell, do not prove that we know these things fully and that if a new sense (above the five) were given us, it would not disclose to us that our conception of things formed by our five senses was not just as deceptive as that conception of the flatness of objects and their diminishing in perspective which sight only gives us