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    Use "fling off" in a sentence

    fling off example sentences

    fling off

    1. He blew his nose into his hand, and though she’d also seen Tragus do this many times, he’d at least step outside, fling off the snot, then wipe his hand on his chiton

    2. No, this was a fierce Halfling off to retrieve his beloved mate

    3. ” Helen had finished her sentence and Kate was trembling and rifling off a series of questions, one after the other

    4. 19 think not eating the unclean, then, a trifling offense

    5. 19 think not eating the unclean then a trifling offense

    6. Stokes looked resigned and hung his head before being prodded by the rifle and shuffling off

    7. Let’s keep looking,” he said, his slender, gangly frame shuffling off

    8. Ted sat at his desk and heard shuffling off to his left

    9. When the big moment came she was prepared to fling off her black gown, switch broom for wand, and emerge as the fairy godmother

    10. "Queequeg," said I, when they had dragged me, the last man, to the deck, and I was still shaking myself in my jacket to fling off the water; "Queequeg, my fine friend, does this sort of thing often happen?" Without much emotion, though soaked through just like me, he gave me to understand that such things did often happen

    11. As a half-grown boy I killed our good, kind watchdog in one of my fits of rage for some trifling offense, and I have never ceased to regret it

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