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    Use "foolery" in a sentence

    foolery example sentences


    1. "I would suggest a waltz with Miss Pringle and the Tom Foolery explanation at the same time

    2. As soon as we heard the shower pipes clanging Mick grabbed a bucket and filled it with icey water, everyone that was falling asleep woke up straight away because this tom foolery always lead to a major laugh or some morning action depending on the target

    3. No, I’m not ashamed of these years of foolery, my past, just happy that they were caught now, rather than never, for growing up, to some, is not an everyday occurrence

    4. Neither does the foolery of using 4-rod chains, 5½-yard rods, 12-inch feet, 16-ounce pounds, 16-cup gallons, 36-inch yards, 128-ounce gallons, 1,728-cubic-inch cubic-feet, 5,280-foot miles and 43,560-square-foot acres

    5. Only by individual choice is curiosity and desire for the foolery of drug use to be

    6. online business is absolute foolery

    7. Cunning foolery is all they have

    8. much longer with this foolery of woman to woman, of Mrs

    9. Choking with bloody foolery

    10. All that's happened so far is through our not having the sense to keep quiet--worrying them with guns and such foolery

    11. he wouldn't imitate their foolery,” other voices chimed in at once

    12. All this continental life, all this Europe of yours, and all the trash about ‘going abroad’ is simply foolery, and it is mere foolery on our part to come

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    Synonyms for "foolery"

    craziness folly foolery indulgence lunacy tomfoolery

    "foolery" definitions

    foolish or senseless behavior