It was hot already, she wouldn't want anything more than this and the energy resources available on this planet guaranteed that even in lavish quarters like these, air conditioning would be nothing more than a laboratory curiosity for all time
During this alteration certain of the resonant vibrations within the seven's series came into contact, once and for all time to come, with the separated forces at one third and two thirds, one of the trio having already from the outset retained its original contact with the series; our DO, if you will
And perhaps, had he toiled hard enough and sacrificed enough of his self his many loved ones would have erected a monument of his very own to stand for all time as an indication of his benevolent existence
He would never know how close he was to routing them, most likely for all time
Yes, with an army of Chosen, Elves and Giants she could have sent the Dark Army into the Rift for all time
After all the years, and all the atrocities, why the sudden change of heart? Why now, when they could have won their war for all time?
Unchecked ambition had been a plague for all time, and likely would remain so
The effect of the destruction, the image of the almost divine Elf condemning them, would be imprinted on the psyches of the escaping Naud ships' crews for all time
for all time!" and, catching the cap from his head, he threw it after
He dammed them for all time for sullying so perfect a dream, but he came to realize that their greed for power wasn’t so much a personal sin as a part of human nature
If the Arrow is not returned in time, the soul who took it will be condemned for all time
Her parapet was gone, and the jewel had almost been lost for all time! A shiver coursed through her being at the thought
“His many deeds are like unto the heroes of our old stories who have done impossibly marvelous feats and have been remembered for all time
The Alpha and Omega has descended upon Man’s shoulders crowning Him Lord of all things for all time!
hands during worship for all time
status, of the true believer spelt out for us for all time
the present time, and for all time
us at the present time, and for all time
12 therefore the divine vengeance is reserving you for eternal fire and torments, which shall cling to you for all time
present state and from it you draw conclusions for all times and
discussed are timeless — valid for all times; the way they are
” Pénélope said to Brandon, who tensed for a fraction of a second, “Come on, for all time sake
We, the blob and I, are close friends for all time, and as much as I hate the
A Psalmist that shall be remembered for all time and generations
29 Whatever place shall shelter a Jew shall when he is hunted out be put under the ban of fire and be forever rendered useless to every living being for all time to come
10 And he running up to the pans said 11 Impious tyrant and most blasphemous man were you not ashamed having received prosperity and a kingdom from God to kill His servants and to rack the doers of godliness? 12 therefore the divine vengeance is reserving you for eternal fire and torments which shall cling to you for all time
Indeed, Annyeke had fought bravely in Gathandria for her ward Talus and had defeated the mind-executioner for all time-cycles in a way Simon could never have done
With his final words, Tregannon reached out his hand to her as if he would pluck her back from her chosen path and align her for all time-cycles to his
May the bond of our true affection be knit ever more closely for all time
"Once and for all time I could see that caution and quiet denote your preferred mode of life
As the harbinger and imprinter of all wavelengths and all frequencies, the zero point field is a kind of shadow of the universe for all time, a mirror image and record of everything that ever was
One that will honor him for all time
Her face, embedded into his memory for all time, was the
could tear them apart for all time
And that did the trick for all time to come as they went about cultivating materialism in the fertile minds of the white man
Moved by their sentiment, they made it the master bedroom for all time to come
The charge which Jesus gave these ten women as he set them apart for gospel teaching and ministry was the emancipation proclamation which set free all women and for all time; no more was man to look upon woman as his spiritual inferior
For all time, Pentecost disassociates the idea of spiritual experience from the notion of especially favorable environments
I could not be sure that my problems had been cured for all time, but I had been blind for a long time and now my eyes were opened
Peace for all time is a realization that all methods and means are of importance and all life is valuable, not simply those who share your world views
” In His last recorded teaching before the cross, Jesus claimed the glory of a conqueror--for all time and eternity
In the meantime, do not become fixated with the solution residing in the concept of time, for all times are simultaneous and reason has a penchant for creating that which it does not grasp
Nooshin and I will remain friends for all time
Men who transformed their respective nations to give them an identity, a strength of national character which will define them for all time; Russians are Stalin’s children as we are Nyerere’s
for all time thereafter
Although this cold winter’s day has passed with time The birth of Jesus will give faith and hope for all time R
that door and live in the drunkie's bland reality for all time and space, if that's what's on the other
Evil, Psychopathic and this has been the case with most totalitarian leaders and bosses who have taken the Ring for All Time
He was certain that his reputation was sealed in the history books for all time,” Ket said
Despite the protests of the witches around her, she stood back and watched Siren after Siren being seized by the waists and shoulders and sucked slowly into the earth, where they would remain for all time
But then Takina sneezed, Rana became Queen again, and the moment was lost for all time
“How could I? I thought once you died and went to heaven, you were here for all time and eternity
“I can’t stay here with you … for all time and eternity?”
It is for all time implied to initiate such pool landscaping at the earliest
I want to become the woman that everyone in every nation of the earth for all time remembers, and knows: I'm generous
What is worse for the unfortunate citizens, as if the foreign rulers of yore had laid down the norms for ruling Aryavarta for all times to come, the politicians of free India have stuck to the ethos of the aliens in governing their own country
Thus, the double jeopardy of the Islamic religious rigidity and the Hindu caste prejudice would have insensibly pushed those hapless converts into the ‘circle of hazard’ for life, and, what is worse, tied their progeny to an alien lifestyle for all times to come
Be that as it may, it was Moses’ concern for the Musalmans – “the congregational prayer is a weighty thing, and thy people are weak” - and his advice to Muhammad to bring some sense to that which saved the day for them all for all times to come
What is worse, there seems to be no way out for them as the umma goes to lengths to keep it that way for all times to come that is
How strange that the Constitution exhibits a singular lack of application of mind of its framers to secure India’s integrity as a constituent country for all times to come
Why for the new Hindu masses, India is no longer a mere piece of land that they happen to share with the Musalmans but it is a nation of theirs, which they would like to cherish and protect for all times to come
It is rather a scripture for the entire world and for all times
in the news, with their slayers put away for all time
“I want to be with you, and that’s the only way we’ll be together for all time,” he said
They were better off defused and dead as the worker poured into its actions it was made to carry out for all time
Lady Sati and you can stay here for all time to
There was no inflection to the voice—it was toneless, but Ravan sensed a dark authority in it as though it spoke for all time
whereas readiness is for all time and circumstances to come
Our family relations, our community life and every blessed thing that we can call social is finally brittle, like glass; it can break at any moment of time, and that is why we have no real contact and friendship or relationship with anybody for all time to come
Nobody is our friend for all times
The name of Campbell is a monument of glory, his burning oratory, his vast learning, his surpassing eloquence, is the highest tribute we can bestow, and we hope will abide for all time
Lothario, and it would be impossible to describe how he embraced him when he found him, and the things he said to him in the joy of his heart, and the praises he bestowed upon Camilla; all which Lothario listened to without being able to show any pleasure, for he could not forget how deceived his friend was, and how dishonourably he had wronged him; and though Anselmo could see that Lothario was not glad, still he imagined it was only because he had left Camilla wounded and had been himself the cause of it; and so among other things he told him not to be distressed about Camilla's accident, for, as they had agreed to hide it from him, the wound was evidently trifling; and that being so, he had no cause for fear, but should henceforward be of good cheer and rejoice with him, seeing that by his means and adroitness he found himself raised to the greatest height of happiness that he could have ventured to hope for, and desired no better pastime than making verses in praise of Camilla that would preserve her name for all time to come
but for all time, sees races, eras, dates, generations,
The truth is, that the question has hardly any meaning when applied to a great philosopher whose writings are not meant for a particular age and country, but for all time and all mankind
But it contains many fine passages and thoughts which are for all time
Any attempt at recovering the bodies was absolutely hopeless, and there, deep down in that dreadful caldron of swirling water and seething foam, will lie for all time the most dangerous criminal and the foremost champion of the law of their generation
It was as though the real sky, the real flowers, the real earth were forbidden her for all time and she condemned to breathe no other air than that of the theater
Besides, was he not as ugly as ever? He dreamed of creating for his own use a dwelling unknown to the rest of the earth, where he could hide from men's eyes for all time
This trade can be adapted for all time frames: scalping, intraday, swing, investing
The true future of Bitcoin is evident: The technology of the distributed asset ledger combined with an incentive-producing currency is certain to remain with us for all time
her, you would in time, when you had died, have become nosferatu, as they call it in Eastern Europe, and would for all time make more of those Un-Deads that so have filled us with horror
To us forever are the gates of heaven shut, for who shall open them to us again? We go on for all time abhorred by all, a blot on the face of God's sunshine, an arrow in the side of Him who died for man
They were mummies wrapped in cerements and put away for all time
Individuals will die as always, but our history will reach as far as we’ll ever need to see into the future, and with the knowledge of our survival for all time to come, we’ll know security and thus the answer we’ve always searched for
The shot of Monroe in the Travilla-designed ecru halter-top dress, standing on a subway grate, the accordion-pleated skirt a-flying as she gleefully but vainly tries to anchor it, is firmly imprinted on the collective cerebral cortex of moviegoers for all time
They were carrying a letter from the Governor of the Province to the municipal officials of San Juan de la Ciénaga, in which it was documented for all time that this was the first mail transported through the air
In watching the markets over the years, I’ve observed that most reversals take place after three consecutive higher closes or three consecutive lower closes, and this tendency is valid for all time frames
In addition, it says that the probability density function must be the same for all time
The picture was set for all time
In the delicate world of relationships, we are tied together for all time
The safety of all travelers for all times to come under every civilized flag is to be greater through their sac-rifice
His words are wisdom to those legislators who contemplate no essential reform in the existing government; but for thinkers, and those who legislate for all time, he never once glances at the subject
“Heaven,” he went on, “lies hidden within all of us—here it lies hidden in me now, and if I will it, it will be revealed to me to-morrow and for all time
Give her all the money you have, bid her good-by and put an end to it for all time
” Now that the cotton had been shelved for all time by the death of the husband, leaving a magnificent golden fleece in its stead, her devotion to “the cloth” had reasserted itself
Stillingfleet! You know he was the fellow whose grayish-blue stockings gave the name for all time to ‘blue-stocking’ clubs
When Martin Luther would break most effectually and for all time the papal yoke from the neck of Germany, he translated the Bible and set the people to reading