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    for eternity example sentences

    for eternity

    1. He’s been sentenced to three-d reality in that hack for eternity because of it

    2. of my visit here and I’ll set him up for eternity as a Toby Jug in my

    3. their mouths, set as they were for eternity beneath paint and glaze

    4. Suddenly the path became an uncertain, narrow causeway edged by threatening tussocks of grass, the sludgy pools between them sucking mouths edged with rotting ferny teeth, just waiting for her to fall into them, to be lost for eternity in their peaty brown depths

    5. One thing she did know, it was within this room that LeCynic had enforced his horrors on them, and that whatever he had done, it had damned them for eternity, forcing them to live lusting for life and lusting for vengeance, cravings which could never be satiated

    6. There they are addicted to their narcotics," he paused to turn on echo for the next words, "for eternity," then paused again for the echos to die away, "and there they have more of their evil science than anywhere


    8. If not, he would be forced to connect directly with the Tree, wherein it would no doubt refuse his request to leave – perhaps for eternity

    9. He said the expression frozen for eternity on

    10. where they would scream and whither for eternity

    11. That she’d be punished for eternity because he was her brother

    12. “Spare a thought for old Dawson then there’s no one here to keep me company it’s so dark sometimes and I get so lonely that’s why you’re here Billy Boy you can join me for eternity”, and his good eye gleamed maliciously

    13. This presented enough difficulties without considering the immortals, they lived for eternity unless badly wounded or poisoned without receiving Healing in time

    14. I walked out of the cemetery and down the lane and tears ran down my cheeks as I knew that my great grandfather and grandmother had been reunited for eternity and because of writing his story they could now rest in peace with together the stain removed from his soul

    15. The apprentice was banished to outer space in a translucent tomb for eternity

    16. useful insights of these studies for eternity

    17. For without that, nothing else could be achieved with this woman, this woman he yearned so much to have and to hold for eternity

    18. “Know that these two moonstones are divinely appointed to resonate with each other for eternity

    19. The spirit quickly consumed the Fox, taking his form for eternity

    20. She would pay for eternity, if it existed

    21. He didn’t bother watching her any more because he knew she was ok and his feelings of love had only ever been a flighting crush, not enough to die for and certainly not a love that would keep his heart for eternity

    22. prepare you for eternity, and to release the soul and

    23. Wasn’t it time I grew up, learned that what knew me, understood me was what was right, besides Ishvara would live for eternity just like me, I’d never have to be alone, ever again

    24. who are to dwell within the heavens for eternity

    25. with Him for eternity in heaven

    26. They will be wrong for eternity

    27. I crashed in my motel room with takeout food, called the nursing home to speak with mother, and then alerted my estranged brother (evangelical Christian who is rightfully convinced that I will burn in hell for eternity) of my arrival

    28. “The poor boy is damned for eternity! If he truly is a good soul, it is the most tragic part of this entire tragedy

    29. “I would gladly have burned in fire for eternity if it would have saved him

    30. “You have damned me for eternity, and that is all there is to that

    31. Perhaps we could do it for a hundred thousand years, or a million! But we must find a way to be happy together for eternity

    32. “You, who know exactly what it is like as much as anyone can without experiencing it themselves, you are now another female’s rapist!! It matters not that you were too cowardly to do the deed with your own hands, and so forced an innocent to be your weapon!! You are still the one who is violating her! And for eternity, Alilia!!! Eternity!!! You are the worst rapist who has ever lived, or who ever will live!!! You have shamed us all!!! How could you do it?!!!”

    33. It must rip at your heart to think of me having to go through that for eternity, but I will not

    34. Blessed are those who pass away and return to Father’s house, for they shall receive life and joy that last for eternity

    35. Then all things will become new for eternity

    36. that wins, and that reaches the goals it has set for itself for eternity

    37. Since forever and for eternity he is the

    38. and not for eternity, the time will come when she will give him back to her

    39. I ask God to give us the strength to endure life without you, until we are all together again for eternity

    40. Unless one has abided by the church"s rules, after death there will be torture, pain, and misery for eternity

    41. His grace is enough to cover us in His perfect Love unconditionally and for eternity

    42. (the wine) for eternity,

    43. He was stood before a man to be Judged, men could not help him and God would not help Him, because it was necessary that Jesus endure death, so men and women could be Saved for Eternity

    44. It goes that Marqe was so angry at being disobeyed that he drug his hand across the Peninsula in a line that cut Cordor’s palace in half, creating the Line, or the Marks, as they’re called in Larin, and separating the peoples for eternity

    45. “Once, long ago, many years after Mischief’s Fate, Marqe, created the Line and separated the two sides of the Peninsula for eternity, Warock loved a mortal woman called Listra

    46. They intended to make about a hundred inhabitants altogether, and knew they could renew themselves at their leisure as and when their bodies wore out; this would be a perpetual turnover with the same neighbours and friends for eternity, if they wished

    47. Everything was now euphoric in their little utopia underground and would remain that way for eternity

    48. arms of The Sharks for eternity

    49. moments where I wished I could stop time for eternity; so we

    50. “I am damned here for eternity

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