Use "forcefully" in a sentence
forcefully example sentences
1. “Good gracious, look at the time”, she said forcefully
2. “No!” He said forcefully, then in a softer voice, “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you
3. “Who is the master of these two,” he asked rather forcefully
4. “It is the male who takes the female my dear,” he told her forcefully, “with her permission of course!”
5. It would usually excite me too much and would be forcefully sent back down to my holding cell
6. ” She stressed the point forcefully and then in a softer tone continued
7. It was forcefully with-held
8. She set her glass back on the table so forcefully that both Tom
9. ’ she said forcefully, the fury burning within her shining out of her eyes
10. He should have pushed her away more forcefully and said, ‘make room for one of my favorite ladies
11. The chill kept her forcefully pointed
12. She wouldn’t have guessed that from the way he forcefully strolled across the ice, without the aid of ice skates
13. She hadn't finished the statement, before he forcefully lifted her off the rock and swung her about to look him squarely in the eye, her toes dangling inches above the ground "I told you before, you’re the only one –” He stopped abruptly, and lowered her to the ground
14. “Do you ever remember her wearing anything that had giant sized feathers?” I spoke forcefully, because I needed her to believe me
15. William West states this more of these thoughts most forcefully
16. He finally cleared his throat and said more forcefully, “Miss, I need a minute of your time
17. You stay by the open door while they check her and her backpack,” Martin said forcefully
18. She then pushed him quite forcefully onto his back
19. forcefully displaying the Founders" intention never to allow the establishment in America of a state-supported Church analogous to the Church of England
20. She was relishing the thrill of the crowd cheering her on, the feeling of power as her knuckles clicked forcefully against her opponent
21. She strode towards Kiri’s table and grabbed her tray, slinging it forcefully across the room
22. He shoved Imbrahim forcefully into it before the commander
23. He pushed up his wings and held them still for a split second before he forcefully pulled them down again
24. I am not certain that Iraq would be able, at least in the short term, to manage its newfound freedom(s) should such an opportunity present itself if and when Saddam Hussein has been forcefully removed from power, replaced by Who or What? Such a scenario is reminiscent of Imperial Japan, a nation lacking historical democratic traditions
25. From the look of pain that suddenly crossed his face, he must have regretted shaking it quite so forcefully
26. When the Japanese military bombed Shanghai and Nanking, Roosevelt was among those most forcefully condemning them
27. Had Buchanan confronted southern secessionists more forcefully, they would not have gathered support or more importantly troops and weapons that enabled the Civil War to go on for as long or with as high a cost in human lives
28. If still begun, it should have been planned far better, should have had a better administration than Janet Reno's, and authorities should not have chosen to end the siege so forcefully, especially with a group that had such apocalyptic beliefs and an erratic leader
29. “We don’t want any, lady,” he said, “go away,” and pushed forcefully to re-close the door
30. He pawed at her, drawing her close, but she felt only revulsion and fought, freeing herself by shoving forcefully against him
31. mind, the more forcefully thoughts of him jumped to the sur-
32. Before she had a chance to make another sound, he grabbed her forcefully tearing away her clothing
33. If needed though, he would be forcefully removed
34. He grabbed the arm and twisted it forcefully down
35. ” He forcefully tugged Colling towards the door
36. She fell to the ground in pain, landing forcefully on her knees, air rushing into her lungs
37. Dacian clutched the girl’s wrists and brought her forcefully out of the cage
38. forcefully to face the other way, hands clamped on his shoulders
39. He pulled her from the chair and took her forcefully in his arms, his fingers in
40. camera, but he never tried forcefully to take her into custody
41. forcefully outwards in a bizarre manner, the jagged metal
42. shaking her forcefully by the shoulders
43. “Which reminds me;” Adrinius said forcefully
44. “Fine, then I can be your first, and your last”, he reiterated forcefully
45. Harvey planned to jump out, grab his neighbor and take her forcefully, right then and there, but there was someone else outside, waiting
46. her as forcefully as our furniture and her body could handle
47. The bhagavathar had to forcefully pull him away
48. Initial receptivity influences our initial intentional directedness to a source, but once we forcefully change directedness, the receptivity tends to follow that change so that the degree of intentional directedness is maintained through time
49. “Here!!!” he said as soon as he’d established contact, and forcefully passed her his memories of the meeting, which she effortlessly accepted
50. Mark knew where Talia was as she was forcefully jumped about on the far side of the world, but that was it