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    forestry example sentences


    1. Of British manufacture, installed when the camp was built for the forestry service by the old government, before the war

    2. I have an understanding with the forestry workers nearby, and buy scrap wood for burning

    3. units of the National Forestry Agency

    4. of the National Forestry Agency

    5. employees of the Ministry of Environment and Water and the National Forestry

    6. In 1984 he became a director of the Boyce Thompson Institute, a private research laboratory for agriculture and forestry that had moved from Yonkers to the Cornell Campus in Ithaca

    7. experts and officers from the forestry commission have

    8. We tried to keep the sun at the same angle, but even a slight variation soon adds up to a large deviation and it was well after midday before we hit the forestry road – a rough, gravelled track

    9. Great swaths of pristine forestry were being laid to waste by fire

    10. He learned that Eddie had done forestry work as well as construction work for a living

    11. Just as I was told, there was a spread of forestry that separated the mansion from the main road, and, consulting the map, I saw that the paved road to the right would lead me straight to the premises

    12. Its stores were eclectic, in well-kept Victorians, its economy firmly based on Tourism not coal mining or forestry like a lot of other towns in Tennessee

    13. It was said forestry officers flying with Bird-dog, actually aged ten years in a week

    14. We know there's considerable mining and forestry activity in that general region

    15. "But there's little mining or forestry in that particular quadrant

    16. This sector was free of any settlements, mining or forestry activity, even roads

    17. Nearly three thousand acres of the estate was given over to forestry

    18. So, the management of the estate’s forests was contracted out to the Forestry Commission

    19. Despite being a well run estate, and having the benefits of the Forestry Commission managing the woodlands, there were still large areas of forest undeveloped

    20. The Forestry Commission had agreed with the owner a reclamation plan whereby plot by plot the Rhododendron would be cut and removed, the land sprayed, then re-planted with fast growing evergreen trees

    21. Steve had worked for the Forestry Commission in England since leaving school

    22. The missing forestry worker would undoubtedly draw attention to the area

    23. Back at the Forestry Commission’s assembly point on the Llancoed estate Darren Tetlow collared his supervisor, Jed, just as he was leaving for home

    24. He also told her about the incident in the forest and the discovery of the camp, with its two bodies, one being most likely the third man to be killed at Ainsley’s house, and the other a forestry worker, again, shot by a sniper

    25. When her nerves had steadied she asked if the forestry worker had been identified

    26. ‘They’ve also managed to retrieve the bullet that killed the forestry Commission worker, Steven Hartland

    27. Our wealth has been slowly eroded over the years, and if it wasn’t for the money we get from the timber taken by the Forestry Commission the family would be bankrupt

    28. awards; the 2000 award was for essay on forestry, and

    29. We both attended the same course, in the first year of Forestry Technology, and we were casual acquaintances

    30. “My name is Gil Shuliete, Forestry Reserve, and I’m an ecologist, with a

    31. The valleys below mostly existed of forestry and rock formations,

    32. areas were not paved yet, but the forestry service kept a close eye

    33. The farmers in the hinterland concentrate on vegetable, dairy and stock-farming while the areas of Vryheid and Eshowe are known for forestry and furniture manufacturing

    34. As part of the Ingonyama Rural Development Forum’s Brics Programme, King Goodwill Zwelithini addressed a delegation of academics from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

    35. The turn-off to Cooktown was a mile away and there was a forestry track a further five miles from that, just beyond the town of Mossman

    36. The Landcruiser vanished from his rear-view mirror and there was still no sign of it when he reached the forestry track and disappeared down it

    37. to cross cut the forestry into one-thousand acre parcels to isolate forest fires

    38. He was a young forestry student who used Indian folklore and animal totems to gain extensive knowledge of Mother Nature

    39. The snow-capped mountains in the distance tower over the town, and much of the forestry continues to exist throughout

    40. I soon meet up with Robi, but the mouflon wasn't in between us; it has moved into the forestry land

    41. “Yeah, he wanted to come here to study forestry

    42. I wanted to go after a degree in forestry,” Jeff replied as he waved

    43. Forestry and Wood Products:

    44. He had gone to Purdue University, where he’d earned a degree in forestry and conservation

    45. often away in the Shire on his forestry work

    46. Managed forestry plantations are divided by broad paths as fire breaks

    47. In forestry plantations look for the roadways and firebreaks

    48. In areas where there are forestry plantations you should see racks of fire-beating equipment at intervals along the main routes

    49. Some of these men are sent to insane asylums, others are enlisted as scribes and are transferred to service in Siberia, others are made to serve in the forestry department, others are locked up in prisons, and others are fined

    50. Forestry Pavilion at the, 105

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    "forestry" definitions

    the science of planting and caring for forests and the management of growing timber