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    Use "forthcoming" in a sentence

    forthcoming example sentences


    1. ’ Rose tells me one morning as I angst at her about the forthcoming meeting I have with the Trustees

    2. These are just normal reactions to the forthcoming adventure - nothing to be ashamed of

    3. responsiveness, and a few new clauses tacked onto the forthcoming

    4. tasks which had to be completed in readiness for the forthcoming

    5. Promising that some food would be forthcoming before nine, the sergeant pointed out the facilities and left Andy, as he put it, to grab a bit of peace and quiet

    6. All faces turned to the windows for some clue to the sudden inconvenience, though from their vantage point within the series of train cars and lacking a proper field of view, ready explanations were not forthcoming

    7. Pritzlaff had just commended the Republican national convention for bringing a fair amount of delegates to the city the month before, and hoped the Democrats would be as forthcoming when they met in a few weeks

    8. (Specific tax codes, exemptions, and collections to be issued in accordance with California policy and Tahoe City Charter, and set forth in a separate statute, forthcoming

    9. The exemptions offered through testing might make their concerns moot, yet each continued to devise alternate plans should an exemption for themselves not be forthcoming

    10. forthcoming he jumped off the stool and collected his coat

    11. She sent a brief notice of their intentions by wire, promising more details would soon be forthcoming by correspondence

    12. The only ones there were the older students who had stayed on for a few days in order to cram for their forthcoming exams

    13. how that forthcoming “anything else” will be, but this

    14. meet with my allowance, and then, there was the forthcoming

    15. time he had said yaar and his forthcoming words told why “I too

    16. “I only wish that clues were a bit more forthcoming

    17. And why had they not been more forthcoming overall with what they knew

    18. Ironically, Creosote, Catfood and Cheese is the name of the firm of solicitors acting for Quentin Tote in a forthcoming libel case against Belcher

    19. There were also supply dumps springing up all over the place packed to bursting with all the things we would need for the forthcoming offensive

    20. The weather was quite good and we could see all the stuff that had been amassed for the forthcoming offensive

    21. More and more extra troops were piling into the area for the forthcoming offensive and I knew that pretty soon we would be packed tighter than sardines in a can

    22. This would have weakened them just before our ‘Big Push’ got underway which if everyone was to be believed was not far off now though we would rather have had it quite as these raids could get you killed before you had even had the chance to take part in the forthcoming battle

    23. No information was forthcoming from me; it was all just a blank until I had tasted water

    24. A lot had happened since then, not the least of which was the forthcoming marriage of Uncle Hobart and Aunt Martha

    25. They explained that financing the resistance in Nicaragua required a great deal of money, much more than would be forthcoming from a reluctant US Congress

    26. I wanted them to know that, even though I had received part of the unexpected news, since nobody had provided me with concrete details of the forthcoming homage, neither the time nor the intensity of the surprise will ever be able to diminish either the degree of satisfaction or the hierarchy of the honor received

    27. When Caroline heard the judge’s ruling stating that the evidence would be reviewed at a forthcoming hearing, she immediately called Sylvia for further advice

    28. Finding the truck driver later wasn’t as easy as finding Walston: his forthcoming marriage combined with his size and light complexion made him stand out in the prison population

    29. Mary was told about her forthcoming child

    30. “What… What about you?” Ludwig asked with just a hint of hesitation, as if the answer might not be forthcoming, as if it were dangerous to know

    31. But I wanted her to phone me to learn of this new development, that is my forthcoming fortune

    32. Loops are described in forthcoming

    33. TEPCO, even after a year and a half, has not been forthcoming with

    34. The latter was quite forthcoming

    35. Not as far as I am concerned and yes you can visit with her but please wait until tomorrow to tell her about her forthcoming child, I want her to rest quietly this evening giving her brain a rest after today’s operation and please check with me tomorrow before you tell her

    36. On this occasion the reporter wrote with zeal that the very same man was a delegate at the forthcoming conference and posed the question „Rowlandson shipwrecked on a remote island, a new beginning or the inevitable end’

    37. Everyone had been expecting a spirited defense by Harry and his lawyers but none were forthcoming as far as he was concerned

    38. with a portent of those things forthcoming

    39. It was during that brief stay in the “magic city” that Roger decided to accompany his brother Antonio and sister-in-law Nínive in their forthcoming trip to El Bierzo

    40. Roger was questioned about the forthcoming elections between Nixon and McGovern

    41. Panama, ruled by a leftist government, was seeking to take full control of the Canal in forthcoming negotiations

    42. suggestions and recommendations that had been forthcoming

    43. ” By April, I was getting regularly recurring ocular migraines and not sleeping, so I had become worried that my health would fail soon if I were not going to receive backing from Birx and Almendral, which was never forthcoming, despite high praise after my termination for the exemplary job I had done

    44. children, it was noticeable just the same that he didn’t spend very much time in close contact, preferring to discuss the forthcoming dinner party with his wife

    45. Along with all this technology -- which includes the TV too, by the way -- comes information overload, says Daphne Stevens, PhD, a psychotherapist, life coach and author of the forthcoming book, Watercolor Bedroom: Creating a Soulful Midlife

    46. only ones that won’t be forthcoming are those that don't quite see the concept of this

    47. forthcoming are those that don't quite see the concept of this type of list, and it's likely they won't be hanging around for long anyway

    48. that no one had thought until now would be forthcoming in the remainder of the day

    49. By the time he was a young boy, he had learned to not question anybody a second time about their birth season if the answer was not forthcoming on the first

    50. So many things have happened since this story began that I trust another book will be forthcoming to address that journey

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    Synonyms for "forthcoming"

    forthcoming approaching coming upcoming extroverted outgoing next at hand near expected imminent impending

    "forthcoming" definitions

    at ease in talking to others

    of the relatively near future

    available when required or as promised