Use "fractional" in a sentence
fractional example sentences
1. Now all the big hotel chains are into timesharing, although it’s more often called fractional sharing or fraction shares
2. This type of data includes numbers with decimal part or fractional numbers
3. Stephen Hawking, this spin is said to have a fractional value of 1/2 which means they "do
4. have a fractional value of 1/2 which means they
5. Hawking, this spin is said to have a fractional value of 1/2 which means they "do not look
6. The student/ investor needs a calculator to use the fractional exponent
7. They say that 12 is better suited to fractional division than 10, because it is readily divisible into thirds and fourths
8. At least if kids are having fun challenging each other learning to invert and multiply fractional division problems then they’re sure to be interested, and if they’re interested, they’re learning
9. Even when a sperm does fertilize an egg, there’s only a fractional chance that the egg will attach to the wall of the uterus and eventually develop into a growing baby
10. Then the process got complicated when fractional reserve banking hit the scene
11. Fractional Reserve Banking – a form of banking where the bank maintains reserves that are only a fraction of the customer’s deposits
13. German politicians positively welcomed the idea of a solid US dollar and an end to fractional reserve lending, derivatives and short-selling
14. Science’s misperception of Time at the moment of what they call the ‘Big Bang’ is due to the fractional relativity of Infinite Time splitting
15. Actually it is only the relative Condition of the fractional rate of Time Splitting the Space between its photon-waves that is constant
16. This same fractional truth or principle was also true for Energy and Space during the 1st half of Infinite Time
17. The Relative fractional proportions of Splitness: in the context of Actual Infinity splitting into Time, Space and Energy explains the entire 1st half of the history of the Universe which Science calls the Big Bang
18. The fractional process of Splitness can be practically demonstrated as an organic creation of Linear Dimensions by Impetus following the Path of Splitness
19. Now; if you keep on splitting the last one-eighth of the apple into halves along the same parallel lines of the third split, into exponentially smaller and smaller fractional halves… for 13 billion years: the last unsplit sliver will represent the unsplit fraction of Infinite Time left in our Universe… And at that split… where your knife is: in-between the past and the Future of our Universe: is where we are now
20. The point is that the mathematical fractional symbol for one and the mathematical fractional symbol for Infinity both represent a Totality: reverse them, and they still mean the same thing… but only in the context of the Universe as an Infinite Totality which is also a Balanced Duality of two Universes: in no other way
21. If you could correctly identify exactly how and why the fractional splits of the Universe are arranged and structured and where the invisible balance points are; then you could explain and understand everything in it
22. If you try to use fractional comparisons to compare two things that are different from each other… it doesn’t work
23. Not only do they balance out! This mathematical balancing hocus-pocus is supposed to prove that they are to be absolutely equal to each other! I know this sounds crazy but that is precisely how Science uses fractional comparison and evaluation
24. It is merely a fractional proportion, comparing the difference between two things
25. Science uses fractional comparisons only in terms of Accumulation
26. It is the imaginary, abstract measurement of absolutes: using fractional equivalents turned into decimal fractions, comparing apples to oranges: in terms of accumulation
27. Planck’s famous Constant’ is not a Constant at all… it is merely a relative, fractional equivalent… as any scientist will confess, if pressed
28. Then there is hyperspace, ten dimensions, eleven dimensions, string theory, membrane theory, etc… All of them based upon a semantic trick of calling something a constant… regarding and using every fractional equivalent as if it were a Universal Constant
29. Only they have completely different symbols-different values, and fractional relations to each other
30. You now understand the math and logic trap of Fractional Reserve Banking and
31. interest (usury) and fractional reserve banking creates a mathematical treadmill — an endless loop
32. Fractional Reserve Banking systems, the Federal Reserve and other national
33. It is matter of notoriety, moreover, that almost every fact in Christ's life is received by us under a slight fractional difficulty in the evidence arising from the differing statements and silences of the evangelical reporters
34. There is no general dogma of faith deducible from the Bible, which it is not necessary to believe under fractional difficulties of interpretation
35. When all the votes—including fractional votes—had been tallied, the resolution had failed, 58
36. We see that both the mean and the median values have increased, which is to be expected because, as the account grows—which, on average, it does with this positive expectancy system—fixed fractional sizing allows you to take on more risk
37. Perhaps we are a little disappointed with the fixed fractional results, which seem to have increased volatility of returns without compensating for the extra risk
38. In fact, the fixed fractional approach would have a lower Sharpe ratio for a commensurate return
39. However, even a casual glance at the fixed fractional distribution shows that it almost certainly is not normally distributed
40. The returns of the fixed fractional plan are lognormally distributed
41. ) The most obvious point about the fixed fractional distribution is that it is no longer symmetrical; the variation is concentrated in a long right (positive) tail
42. In this case, the increased risk from the fixed fractional approach is a good thing; nearly all of the extra variability is potential upside
43. Advocates of fixed fractional approaches often point out that it is mathematically impossible to take an account to zero using these approaches
44. The people who say that fixed fractional approaches prevent the account from going to zero are absolutely correct (in the absence of commissions and other frictions), but, unfortunately, it is a completely meaningless argument
45. We used a 2 percent fixed fractional size as a starting point without any real analysis or consideration; it is possible that other percentages could give better results
46. 5 shows the Monte Carlo results for several different fixed fractional sizes, including some that are a little crazy
47. If we compare that to the fixed fractional 25 percent (again, not a direct comparison because that number changes with the account balance), we see the power of the adaptive bet size
48. Notice that in all cases, the randomly sized bets underperformed the simple fixed fractional 4 percent
49. Which of these carries more risk: a fund that will return 5 percent annually with a 10 percent standard deviation or a fund that will return 5 percent annually with an asymmetrical risk profile extending 5 percent downward and 15 percent upward? The second fund has dramatically higher variability, but all of the extra “risk” is skewed to the upside—in this case, variability is opportunity, not risk, as we saw earlier with fixed fractional position sizing
50. 4 shows this pro forma equity curve, assuming 1 percent fixed fractional risk, against the actual P&L