Use "fritter away" in a sentence
fritter away example sentences
fritter away
1. His active mind seized on almost any aim that caught his fancy, causing him to fritter away Germany's strength by taking on several objectives simultaneously
2. An indolent, arrogant and self-centered man, Tang Yizong had let his empire start to fritter away, oblivious to the miseries afflicting much of his people while living a debauched, luxurious life
3. In another, the sons will follow no profession, and fritter away the most precious years of their life in doing nothing
4. To continue concerning oneself with countless petty matters will fritter away the attention
5. meals, buy all the latest toys or generally fritter away their time and
6. Thus, those who invested in Winn-Dixie were less concerned than much of Wall Street that the company would fritter away its cash