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    Synonyms and Definitions

    Use "fully" in a sentence

    fully example sentences


    1. He remembered that day "You are the architect of this camp, I fully agree

    2. round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the

    3. · The retirement period could be further subdivided into phases such as (i) when you are still as active as earlier say till 65-68, (ii) you need to slow down and take-up less strenuous activities say till around 70-72 and (iii) the traditional retirement when your health concerns take over fully

    4. He should be awake by now, it was fully light and Kortrax would coagulate out of the orange shimmer on the horizon any minute

    5. With the popularity of Yoga spreading throughout the world, there is also the innate danger of people attempting to teach Yoga without actually being fully trained to use it as a therapeutic tool

    6. moment of reverie I found that I could read a fully detailed cyanotype from within my

    7. to fully receive your word that by your stripes my family and i were healed

    8. I fully understand

    9. I had lived there continuously for thirteen years but of course, I couldn't go back in time and go to school in the local Christian Brothers in order to be fully accepted by the natives of Darklow

    10. I hope you appreciate that I have just taken you fully into my confidence

    11. to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He

    12. “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one

    13. This was close enough to what she and Morg promised each other wasn't it? If we meet again after this separation, they would give each other fully

    14. Anyone goes in there half cocked or even fully cocked will end up the same as Rocco

    15. has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his

    16. She was fully dressed in roller derby outfit underneath and had travelled through the streets with her skates on

    17. The cruel voice of the big fat bully on the bus resounded in his mind and he fully expected to see her time and again on his way to work every day

    18. My ever-present tears had dried on my cheeks by the time that I woke fully from my reverie, leaving my face covered with brittle tracks of tight skin

    19. Devotion to Idols – He recognized Jehovah as Lord God, but he was not fully

    20. The amphitheater was fully open to the sky to view God's handiwork

    21. It is truly sad when men (especially young men) are not fully informed about the

    22. The last data we had from the Brazilian and the remainder of the Christial expedition indicated that they were cooperating with the Kassikan fully

    23. I lay on the floor by the door for fully thirty minutes before I dragged myself over to the mattress

    24. Horcheese was fully through the hatch and clinging to a handhold near the NAV console before he turned and saw her

    25. each in the fall, in order to understand fully the later legislation by God regulating the respective roles of men and women in the church

    26. be easier to deceive her? Adam went into sin fully aware of what he was doing

    27. “They are losers, who stupidly make do with 140,000 drachmas a month; they are cyphers, all of them!” she cries pompously and goes on with an air of profundity: “A businessman wants to earn as much as possible, this is natural! He will pay you as little as he can, unless you prove to him you deserve to be given something more!” … “A clever businessman will hire a secretary who will work for him for a month or so ''on trial'', then he will tell her she is incompetent and he will fire her without paying her a dime; then he will hire another stupid chick who will work for him for another month without payment, then another one will take her place, and so on, until he finds the one who will satisfy him fully” harangues Diana, showing her admiration for bosses

    28. Then Apollo says something that helps my spirits and definitely confirms he has fully embraced his gifts

    29. He fully understood that the wildlife in different areas of this planet differed from that of this area more than the wildlife of Brasil differed from any other continent on Earth including Antarctica

    30. It is only faith when the innermost fabric of our being fully subscribes to it

    31. You are not fully healed yet

    32. and others, that activates all other Laws to operate fully on our

    33. There are not any miracles that God has ever done that He didn’t do with all three aspects of the trinity being fully present in that moment

    34. The trick here is to do it fully on without the

    35. What is the outcome of such beliefs? What are the practical implications of believing in a trinity instead of a monotheistic god? It is my belief and conclusion that God is only represented fully – even if we want to say that the cross is His core character – only when we can embrace this view of the trinity

    36. By his revelation, the mystery of iniquity is fully understood

    37. questing for truth to become fully present and aware as to

    38. ‘I was fully expecting them to tell me to go jump

    39. Jesus is fully God, and fully man

    40. We’ll look in a later chapter at how theocracy is only fully established when Jesus rules from Zion

    41. I think instead of understanding that God the Father turned away, we need to understand that there was no other moment in the life of Jesus that He obeyed more fully

    42. And thus we are left with the question: what does the Kingdom of God look like? To be a part of that Kingdom, we need to understand more fully of what its character is

    43. Ah, he stirs! You had better get down there before he wakes fully

    44. What needs to be looked into next is what it means for the Kingdom to have fully come

    45. Theocracy (the Kingdom of God) is only fully established when Jesus rules from Zion

    46. When they will destroy their idols – especially that dragon statue set up at the Temple in Revelation 13:14 – then their redemption has fully come

    47. But it does not mean that the Kingdom had yet fully come

    48. The Kingdom fully comes when Jesus sits upon the throne of David as the King of Israel, and the theocratic kingdom of God has been established over all nations

    49. That can lead to problems – some youngsters never recover fully

    50. But once we were certain you were fully well, you were taken to a special centre so that we could train you for your task … and also so that we could protect you

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    Synonyms for "fully"

    full fully to the full amply in full sufficiently well thoroughly abundantly altogether completely

    "fully" definitions

    to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full' in this sense is used as a combining form)

    sufficiently; more than adequately

    referring to a quantity