Use "fundamental law" in a sentence
fundamental law example sentences
fundamental law
1. Like what are called the fundamental laws of some monarchies, they might frequently hinder the security of thousands from being endangered by the caprice or extravagance of one man
2. The tribunes, when they had a mind to animate the people against the rich and the great, put them in mind of the ancient divisions of lands, and represented that law which restricted this sort of private property as the fundamental law of the republic
3. It is the fundamental law of staying above an ass whipping
4. fundamental Laws of Biology, something that
5. " Then the Master discoursed at some length on the earthly family as an illustration of the heavenly family, restating the two fundamental laws of living: the first commandment of love for the father, the head of the family, and the second commandment of mutual love among the children, to love your brother as yourself
6. There was no room in the fisherman's dull brain for fear, at least for such fear as might grip a man who has just seen the fundamental laws of nature defied
7. fundamental law of nature in which energy cannot be created out of
8. That’s a fundamental law of rock music
9. As the interests of the individual are protected by the arms of the country, added to his own; and his needs may depend upon certain supply in the degree that they are felt more universally and steadily; in the same manner does conscious citizenship in the Republic of nature secure us from the annoyances of subordinate agents by alliance with superior powers; and by appeal to the fundamental laws of resistance or inducement offered to mechanical or chemical agents, distribute the labor to be performed between them and man to the best advantage of the inventor
10. would be a fundamental law of their universe
11. Indeed, if reciprocity is the fundamental law of the universe,
12. When you understand that cause and effect is a fundamental law of this universe; that there are
13. The fundamental laws which he gives are not supposed to change with time and circumstances
14. So Damon tells me, and I can quite believe him;--he says that when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them
15. But I regard the two names as describing one form only; for whether the government is in the hands of one or many, if the governors have been trained in the manner which we have supposed, the fundamental laws of the State will be maintained
16. This may be set down as a fundamental law of the stock market, and it suggests an investment approach that should prove both conservative and promising
17. A fundamental law of physics states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, but it is also a fact that in order to reverse direction an object must come to a stop
18. There now follow some intuitive rules of thumb for smart investing: a recipe for optimal diversification and the “fundamental law of active management”
19. This simply reflects the fact that with four uncorrelated strategies, portfolio volatility is about half the constituents’ average volatility, consistent with the fundamental law of active management (see Section 28
20. Hence, the two fundamental laws of optimizers:
21. As I write these lines, I experience a feeling of insecurity, simply because I have allowed myself to say that men cannot render void the fundamental law of God inscribed in all the codes and in all hearts, by such words as these:—
22. It cannot be otherwise, because natural love is the fundamental law of human life
23. But it is certainly not established that this accidental violation of the law of production is the fundamental law itself
24. In saying that this separate consideration of the factors is the fundamental law of production, the economist is doing the very thing a zoölogist would do, if on seeing a great many siskins with their wings cut, and kept in little cages, he should assert that this was the essential condition of the life of birds, and that their life is composed of such conditions
25. But this new assertion, enforced by Darwin's followers in an arbitrary and inaccurate spirit, maintained the first assertion of Comte, and therefore it became the Revelation for our time, and the foundation of all sciences, even that of the history of philosophy and religion; and besides, according to the naïve confession of Darwin himself, the idea was awakened in him by the law of Malthus; and therefore he pointed to the “Struggle for Existence” not only of men but of all living beings, as a fundamental law of every living thing, and this was exactly what was wanted by the crowd of idle people for their own justification
26. And, moreover, according to the ingenuous confession of the founder of Darwin’s theory himself, his idea was aroused in him by the law of Malthus; and he therefore propounded the theory of the struggle of living creatures and people for existence, as the fundamental law of every living thing
27. But it is not conceived how any thing can be called the fundamental law of a State government which is not established in its constitution, unalterable by its ordinary legislature
28. Or, if for such a violation of its fundamental law, or any mismanagement of the institution to the public injury, its charter be not forthwith taken away, the State may refuse to renew it
29. " And it is declared that "the decree shall be considered as the fundamental law of the Empire, until England has acknowledged that the rights of war are the same on land as at sea—and until the right of blockade be restrained to fortified places actually invested by competent forces