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    Use "futilely" in a sentence

    futilely example sentences


    1. “Lorien! Do you have visual on Probe Five's present position? Was that movement?” the Elf was pointing futilely at the screen in front of her

    2. The Borantus's First Officer's eyes grew as round as saucers; his com officer shook his head back and forth futilely trying to rid the screen of the uninvited vision

    3. He went too far to the edge, feeling himself lose that vital balance as he futilely tried to correct the errant steering bar

    4. With his right hand, his left restraining the arm still futilely clutching the gun, Jacob seized

    5. With his weight bearing down through his knees onto her arms, he towered above, smiling wickedly as she thrashed futilely

    6. Couldn’t the man let her get at him once more, just once? She screamed her hatred, stretching her grasp towards the worm, fists and clawing fingernails flailing the air futilely

    7. walls when they attempted futilely to escape

    8. Some of the Re Che did stand and fight bravely, if futilely

    9. She rattled them and twisted the lock futilely before exhaustion crept over her and she sank down on the cobblestones and slept

    10. Lucy tried futilely to make conversation with her

    11. Fortunately the exchange of personnel had happened before more Special Forces soldiers appeared—who were now drilling futilely into the defense walls

    12. He struck out at Richard with open fists, futilely slapping at his face

    13. His half-checked stroke fell futilely as he crashed down on the dais, gashing the scaly trunk but not severing it

    14. Conan glared shoreward; like a tongue of emerald flame, a ribbon licked out on the water futilely, an oar's length from the Wastrel's keel

    15. Some five feet below him the mighty head crashed terribly but futilely through the leaves

    16. Saul looked over to his wife who was still thrashing futilely against the two Marines

    17. In the fury of his torment he tried futilely to rouse the omens that had guided his youth along dan-gerous paths into the desolate wasteland of glory

    18. As he ascertained a safe spot to hitch his horse to some growth several yards down the beach from the quicksand, he wondered how many others this land had claimed during its occupation by man and how many of those had perished in such a manner that was sickening to consider—slowly sinking and futilely struggling in a last effort to save oneself from the inevitable suffocation by the earth itself

    19. Mitchell continued to rip futilely on the metal plate flap that usually unlocked the seat belt

    20. The foyer was totally dark as Feltus, followed close by Lowell who had drawn his revolver from beneath his jacket, cautiously entered and quickly glanced behind the door before flipping the switch for the chandelier that filled the area with immense, twinkling light, which contrasted with the dark parlour where only a single lamp by the settee adjacent to the painting futilely attempted to push back the shadows in which evil seemed to lurk

    21. If you bang your head futilely against the same wall over and over again, you finally arrive at a point of exhaustion, and you collapse on the ground in despair

    22. Carrying his new weapon to the spot where the bug was last seen, Allen patiently scanned the ground in an attempt to locate his yellowish-green target, and within seconds he noticed the small, multi-legged creature futilely attempting to escape from the satanic giant hovering above him

    23. “So how did it happen?” Paul queried, futilely trying to hold back his tears

    24. “I cannot believe how vast the glaciers were,” Ailia said, adjusting in her seat, trying futilely to find a comfortable position

    25. It had caused her sharp mind to race futilely for solutions that it could never grasp, he had tampered with her soul, and this was causing the quickly ascending stress in her voice

    26. And to top it all, off-the-cuff adventuring always earned far greater notoriety than futilely educating a hopeless student

    27. The firbolg futilely struck out towards Eilidh as she ran past

    28. Rhal Der-Han stood over his captive, fighting futilely against the

    29. Latterly he had seen only Life, felt only the great passionate pulse of existence, unwarped, uncontorted, untrammelled by those creeds which futilely attempt to check what wisdom would be content to regulate

    30. Thunder bugled and reared, hooves lashing out futilely as Aerion’s grey stallion barreled into him at full gallop

    31. She hacked into the primary interface, bringing the engines online, and futilely checked for any modifications to its shielding or propulsion systems

    32. Then he was secured again, lifted so his boot soles swung futilely above the tile floor, and carried out of the hall still raving

    33. Rapp pulled out a switchblade and Gadai tried futilely to twist away, but in the end the knife just cut through his flex cuffs

    34. Among those circling futilely the outskirts of the banqueters was old Tublat

    35. He was on his feet in an instant and, leaping with the agility of the monkey he was, he gained the safety of a low limb as Horta, the boar, rushed futilely beneath

    36. "He did not die futilely, for his death in the cause of a strange American girl will make us, his comrades, face our ends the more bravely, however they may come to us

    37. In a letter to Chertkov, January 18, 1898, Tolstoi wrote: “Letters with threats have, of course, no effect, but they are unpleasant, in this sense, that there should be people who hate futilely

    38. His heart began soon again to pain and he “wants to cry over himself, over the remnant of his life which is being futilely ruined

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    "futilely" definitions

    in a futile and unproductive manner