Use "gearing" in a sentence
gearing example sentences
1. scheduled they are gearing toward the creation of a more competitive structure where by the first place prize will be the most phenomenal in the history of women’s golf
2. Frank appeared to be gearing up for one of his stories, and was clearing the throat
3. Leading edge business owners are constantly eliminating distractions and gearing up to deal
4. Their greatest advantage is shown when conditions are absolutely becalmed, for the windmills can be disconnected from their gearing, allowing the water screws to be turned by manual labor or magic
5. It was obvious when their windmills were disconnected from their gearing, for the windmills began to turn faster even as the ships began to slow
6. she found herself gearing up expectantly to the culmination of the
7. According to the intercepted conversations and staff meetings, the Imperium was now gearing towards total mobilization of its forces and pushing for the emergency retrofitting of its ships with time distorters, with the ultimate goal of finding the Time Patrol and its supporters and eradicating both in a massive nuclear strike
8. I started breathing, same as usual, making my mouth aperture smaller, gearing up my breath, zinging it up, feeling the current, both eyes focussed on the dot on the wall
9. Sally just leaned back against the wall she was gearing up for a wild story
10. With the accelerating speed of the bus, my dreams were also gearing up
11. “One last thing, OK? Despite everything I’ve just said, I sensed there was still more: that Joan/‘Y OCHEVED’ was unconsciously gearing up for something
12. A part of him was already gearing up for a lawsuit
13. The so-called politicians are gearing up for a real hullabaloo in Legco and the media is fanning the flames as they always do
14. Belfast Civic leaders and the tourist industry is gearing up
15. Conseil, whom I hadn't alerted, mistook it at first for a gigantic sea snake and was gearing up to classify it in his best manner
16. He was gearing up ahead of the harvest, presumably
17. I was gearing up to reacquaint myself with my family
18. The drinks are being carefully drunk: Insley and Campbell both have vague appointments the next morning, and I have work, so we aren’t gearing up for a big night, we are winding down, and we are getting dull-witted, bored
19. He had been gearing himself to make the long walk back to Pimlico, late though it was
20. Note that since spread bets are leveraged trades, the actual profit may be much greater than 26% depending on the amount of gearing
21. Enormous gearing, the prime motor of which is the gnat, and whose final wheel is the zodiac
22. Stop while there is yet time, and save yourself! Otherwise, it is all over with you; in a short time you will be among the gearing
23. The letter had evidently been intended for Cosette to read on the following morning; after the two discharges that were heard between eleven o'clock and midnight, nothing more has taken place; the barricade will not be attacked seriously until daybreak; but that makes no difference, from the moment when "that man" is concerned in this war, he is lost; he is caught in the gearing
24. Kantos Kan had shown me a trick of gearing, which is known only to the navy of Helium, that greatly increased the speed of our machines, so that I felt sure I could distance my pursuers if I could dodge their projectiles for a few moments