Use "generalised" in a sentence
generalised example sentences
1. To get high CTR and high conversions, you have to focus on targeting keyword sets, not a generalised list
2. Only generalised comments will be used in relation to the
3. The aim of this module is to provide you with some general information about anxiety and generalised
4. This section addresses a level of anxiety that is described as generalised anxiety,
5. This is when normal anxiety becomes generalised anxiety
6. One of the important features of generalised anxiety is that the anxiety is spread across a number of
7. You may think that generalised anxiety is not as serious as other problems, such as social anxiety, phobias
8. However, generalised anxiety, nervousness,
9. Unfortunately, people who have problems with generalised anxiety often do not seek treatment, as they
10. No single gene has been associated with generalised anxiety
11. · This information package focuses on generalised anxiety, addressing the worrying or the nervous type
12. But generalised statements such as these are, by definition, overly and exorbitantly extravagant and frivolous
13. The intense individualism of the English sought out every detail, every leaf and flower for itself, painting them with a passion and intensity that made their painting a vivid medium for the expression of poetic ideas; while the more synthetic mind of the Frenchman approached this search for visual truth from the opposite point of view of the whole effect, finding in the large, generalised impression a new world of beauty
14. We are oppressed at being men--men with a real individual body and blood, we are ashamed of it, we think it a disgrace and try to contrive to be some sort of impossible generalised man
15. In the writings of Professor Owen we continually meet with the expression of generalised forms, as applied to extinct animals; and in the writings of Agassiz, of prophetic or synthetic types; and these terms imply that such forms are, in fact, intermediate or connecting links
16. First, Tolstoi, wishing from natural delicacy to make his remarks impersonal, often generalised his private impressions and observations from intercourse with separate individuals, and therefore these remarks in reality carried no reflection whatever against all women in general