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    Use "genteel" in a sentence

    genteel example sentences


    1. Miss Jones and her ancient familial home now stood in much reduced status in the middle of this quiet and genteel suburban sprawl

    2. It occurred to her there and then that if they couldn’t get to the crawling thing behind her, they would probably take just as much delight in wreaking havoc upon the body of one of the genteel classes

    3. She was even more impressed when she realised that her centenarian relative, having dispensed with a life of genteel blackmail in her early eighties, had subsequently taught herself not only the arts of silver surfing, but had also majored as a writer of hacking and viral software on a par with any young eastern European hotshot

    4. reduced status in the middle of this quiet and genteel suburban

    5. wreaking havoc upon the body of one of the genteel classes

    6. The ensemble was ideal for one of those sedate portraits so frequently adorning the halls and mantles of the genteel

    7. Old money on a slow genteel slide to ruin

    8. �Being the genteel lady that she was, I would use a place where I wouldn't be out of place

    9. A genteel lady like her would not bury this material

    10. It was divided into flats, in an affluent, stable neighbourhood of genteel respectability

    11. What judges in America have wrought, following transnational principles, Judge Bork asserts, “is a coup d’etat—slow moving and genteel, but a coup d’etat nevertheless

    12. ‗It‘s not only homophobic yobs who might feel intimidated by a pair of giant testicles and a not insignificant penis flapping in the breeze as you cycle through this genteel suburb

    13. She has that very genteel, diplomatic, friendly exterior, but there are nerves of steel inside

    14. Obviously this charming young woman was capable of careful calculation that she masked behind her genteel Southern grace

    15. Though Wickland could have expected as much from Peter, he would never have believed that Martha, the kind and properly genteel Southern woman, was capable of such conduct

    16. His curiosity was now fully piqued with the revelation of a possible indiscretion on the part of the seemingly genteel Martha Spalding

    17. They liked to think of themselves as genteel

    18. They knew Alice had been reared in the genteel seclusion of a convent and would be innocent of the sexual innuendos of the words she was so innocently using

    19. "Ah--mate," he would coo again, sighing; while Manby, very genteel and self-effacing in a corner, appeared to be studying a Russian newspaper

    20. She was a genteel woman who called no one mum

    21. "Oh don't mention it, Miss Neumann-Schultz," was the pleasant answer of that genteel and trustful lady; and she suggested that Priscilla should take with her a well-recommended leg of mutton she had that day for sale as well

    22. Vickerton vaguely, who did not follow; she was so genteel that she could never have enough of aspirates

    23. supremacist living and ways as a genteel tradition

    24. She was getting to be a closet feminist being too old and genteel and old-fashioned to be an overt one

    25. Their rich owners having joined the ranks of the genteel poor, courtesy of the Revolution

    26. The building spoke of genteel Victorian prosperity, of top hats and frock coats, and ladies with wasp waists in crinoline and bonnets

    27. "wretched contemptible lodgers" that she knew "how to do things, how to entertain" and that she had been brought up "in a genteel, she might almost say aristocratic colonel's family" and had not been meant for sweeping floors and washing the children's rags at night

    28. Among those who failed to appear were "the genteel lady and her old-maidish daughter," who had only been lodgers in the house for the last fortnight, but had several times complained of the noise and uproar in Katerina Ivanovna's room, especially when Marmeladov had come

    29. Then she would make a rush at the crowd; if she noticed any decently dressed person stopping to look, she immediately appealed to him to see what these children "from a genteel, one may say aristocratic, house" had been brought to

    30. The law was allowed to be genteel enough; many young men, who had chambers in the Temple, made a very good appearance in the first circles, and drove about town in very knowing gigs

    31. "But why should you think," said Lucy, looking ashamed of her sister, "that there are not as many genteel young men in Devonshire as Sussex?"

    32. Pumblechook was in favor of a handsome premium for binding me apprentice to some genteel trade,—say, the corn and seed trade, for instance

    33. There was one thing she didn't like and that was the tracts on the walks; but the matron was such a nice person to deal with, so genteel

    34. He receives these wares not only from treacherous valets or maids, but frequently from genteel ruffians who have gained the confidence and affection of trusting women

    35. With this gentleman, who took me home soon after our acquaintance commenced, I lived near eight months in which time, my constant complaisance and docility, my attention to deserve his confidence and love, and a conduct, in general, devoid of the least art and founded on my sincere regard and esteem for him, won and attached him so firmly to me, that, after having generously trusted me with a genteel, independent settlement, proceeding to heap marks of affection on me, he appointed me, by an authentic will, his sole heiress and executrix: a disposition which he did not outlive two months, being taken from me by a violent cold that he contracted, as he unadvisedly ran to the window, on an alarm of fire at some streets distant, and stood there naked-breasted, and exposed to the fatal impressions of a damp night air

    36. On the nightset for the occasion, the company met in the assembly-room, in the New-inns, where we had bespoke a light genteel supper, and had M’Lachlan, the fiddler, over from Ayr, for the purpose

    37. This was no genteel resort

    38. Her soft skin hadn’t wrinkled randomly, hadn’t puckered her face in unflattering ways; every line seemed to have been designed to maintain a gentle and genteel countenance and to have been executed by a seamstress to royalty

    39. This left behind the curious companions of solitary clerks and traveling salesmen along with the occasional former dowager who, having exhausted or squandered the money from selling the family silver, was waiting out genteel poverty in one rented room with a three-bar electric fire

    40. “Genteel starvation, I think—and hope

    41. Eventually, the actual cinema must have fallen into such disrepair that it was beyond renovation, because when I returned to the neighborhood after my two years on Merseyside, I found it demolished and replaced by an unlovely residential block funded by a housing trust for low-income families of this genteel district

    42. Tess could whistle like most other country-girls, though the accomplishment was one which she did not care to profess in genteel company

    43. The early mornings were still sufficiently cool to render a fire acceptable in the large room wherein they breakfasted; and, by Mrs Crick's orders, who held that he was too genteel to mess at their table, it was Angel Clare's custom to sit in the yawning chimney-corner during the meal, his cup-and-saucer and plate being placed on a hinged flap at his elbow

    44. " It is very probable, too, that Katerina Ivanovna longed on this occasion, at the moment when she seemed to be abandoned by everyone, to show those "wretched contemptible lodgers" that she knew "how to do things, how to entertain" and that she had been brought up "in a genteel, she might almost say aristocratic colonel's family" and had not been meant for sweeping floors and washing the children's rags at night

    45. Among those who failed to appear were "the genteel lady and her old‐maidish daughter," who had only been lodgers in the house for the last fortnight, but had several times complained of the noise and uproar in Katerina Ivanovna's room, especially when Marmeladov had come back drunk

    46. immediately appealed to him to see what these children "from a genteel, one may say aristocratic, house" had been brought to

    47. The caretaker was so struck with their innocent appearance, and with the elegance of Tess's gown hanging across a chair, her silk stockings beside it, the pretty parasol, and the other habits in which she had arrived because she had none else, that her first indignation at the effrontery of tramps and vagabonds gave way to a momentary sentimentality over this genteel elopement, as it seemed

    48. It was the same reason the waiting room they made her pass back through was so horrifically genteel, with its potted plants and piped-in music: so she would know that what happened after they fit the mask over her mouth and nose and turned on the gas was nobody’s fault but her own

    49. For who of any consequence in Middlemarch was not connected or at least acquainted with the Vincys? They were old manufacturers, and had kept a good house for three generations, in which there had naturally been much intermarrying with neighbors more or less decidedly genteel

    50. He had now achieved this, and from all who did not think it a bad precedent, his honorable exertions had won him due esteem; but in no part of the world is genteel visiting founded on esteem, in the absence of suitable furniture and complete dinner-service

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    Synonyms for "genteel"

    civilised civilized cultivated cultured genteel polite affected aristocratic refined pretentious artificial formal mannerly well-behaved well-bred courteous haughty

    "genteel" definitions

    marked by refinement in taste and manners