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    Use "geography" in a sentence

    geography example sentences


    1. "Even with RNAcid enhancements I barely have the geography of the Highlands in my head

    2. Every time the need arose I concentrated on the geography of my new home for a moment or two and then struggled up onto my knees

    3. Separated not just by geography but also by time

    4. When his story was set into the context of geography there were those who questioned whether any good could every come of a country that suffered from an apparently incurable case of Asperger’s Syndrome

    5. When his story was set into the context of geography there were

    6. Billy knows the basic geography of the place

    7. His thoughts are focussed on geography, on the panorama of survival

    8. I have a vague idea that one can see three counties from here but my geography is a bit shaky and I can only think of two – Dorset and Wiltshire – so maybe that is not so

    9. She suddenly always knew way too much history, way too much biology, like the codes to the seven most important plasmids in the ephemerality cures, way too much geography, economic statistics

    10. "Its not the twelve I'm worried about, its the thirteenth one that gives me grave cause for concern" Miss Pringle glared forbiddingly, "Granny always said the Plateau had many moods and not to take them lightly, keep to the road and all will be well she used to tell us when we did geography

    11. He’d employed tutors in literature, geography,

    12. one designed to test their comprehensive knowledge on the subjects of American History, English, World Geography, and Trigonometry

    13. It was nothing more than a limp dishrag hodge-podge, an amalgam of history, geography, government, and civics

    14. At least this time William knew what to expect in the way of geography ahead of him

    15. Paul sat at a study table in the library; he had a mountain of history and geography books in front of him

    16. Panama was isolated from the rest of Colombia by geography, high mountains cutting off contact except by the sea

    17. That"s all for the geography lesson

    18. Settling back a little more comfortably, now that he had a plan, he watched carefully as the geography sped past the window

    19. While legality gives Cambodia an edge, geography is firmly on Thailand's side

    20. Because of the geography of the area, they could expect warmer weather than they’d thought to have in Colorado, as well as year-round access to the land and a town thirty miles away

    21. He describes the geography of this place in detail

    22. interest in geography but what puzzled him the most was how he

    23. Reminder: Our military comes under civilian control / orders and; hence, military senior leaders give the nation’s leaders their best advice within their understanding of the capabilities of an enemy (its people people, equipment, geography and the size/capabiliy of the enemy’s armed forces, as well as our own, and then execute what is approved / directed by the nation’s leaders

    24. geography, she knew that the Urals covered hundreds of miles

    25. For years, geography was heavily taught

    26. But geography has long since been replaced by social studies, a discipline that can cover anything the teacher and the school desire, including ecology, community relations, sex and race relations or whatever (and if California has its way the virtues of homosexuality

    27. The traditional school stressed specific subjects—reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, history, and grammar

    28. Trade would be a natural consequence of this geography

    29. It is interesting to note once again the role played by geography in the settlements of the Franks along the Rhine River

    30. I've studied geography and I know exactly where Nubia is

    31. was begin studying geography for the first time, along with

    32. “Anybody who believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography

    33. The government judge that the geography of the Appalachian mountains is of far more practical use - strange thing, that! He does not question this lack of knowledge, or the possible reasons why it is withheld

    34. Geography of Earth-Based Heavens

    35. lake, but Duat geography is a bit dodgy

    36. A green-blue serene lake similar to an ocean in rest was dominating the geography, and in its crystalline waters there were little tiny creatures swimming with big emulation

    37. terms of the local geography here?‖ he asked

    38. semester on geography, population and the resource bases of the Sol system and all its colonies

    39. All of them provide some awesome lessons in history, politics, geography, and more!

    40. which gives little indication of the actual geography

    41. World Geography test that day

    42. As the water picked up speed, it carried with it rocks, soil, trees and detritus of millennia of undisturbed geography

    43. the chief barriers were geography and the harsh Helsinki

    44. How many romances start not only by a chance meeting, but then by further happy coincidences, such as the sharing of an interest, the reciprocal appreciation of each other's unique beauty, the mundane practicalities of geography and working hours that allow for regular meetings, etcetera

    45. While his steps were progressing he prepared a landing field in the old enchanted region which at that time looked like a plain of crushed flintstone, and he studied the wind direction, the geography of the coastal region, and the best routes for aerial navigation, with-out knowing that his diligence, so similar to that of Mr

    46. The next fives minutes were used by the documentary to explain the geography and history of the area of concern, with the help of maps and side pictures

    47. the geography of the area but the nearest city to us is Kiev

    48. Theo witnessed yet another insulting outburst in geography, a class, which he attended because a new teacher called Brownfield liked to show films rather than do the work himself

    49. And in Geography, boys never got beyond the Japanese city of Kumamoto, which, in Swahili, means hot vagina

    50. Earth looks flat, without the lessons of geography

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    Synonyms for "geography"

    geographics geography

    "geography" definitions

    study of the earth's surface; includes people's responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation