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    Use "go-between" in a sentence

    go-between example sentences


    1. Paul had been the go-between

    2. He acted as a go-between for the Undead Lord

    3. He told her of the Kirkes and their roles as go-betweens and couriers, and he mentioned the big Indian, John-Paul, but he chose not to show her the Polaroid picture

    4. Ectoplasm is charged energy in the sense that a healer or any other channel is a “go-between” or medium

    5. After a tense argument, in which Aureli-ano Segundo acted as the laughing go-between, they baptized her with the name Renata Remedios, but Fernanda went on calling her just Renata while her husband’s family and everyone in town called her Meme, a diminutive of Remedios

    6. Jonathan tried to play the go-between as he honored his father Saul, but also loved his best friend David

    7. If things go well in Guangzhou, we would be interested in keeping your services as our local contact and go-between here in China

    8. Her detracto in the power corridors alleged that she was a ‘rent-seeking’ minister who had to be bribed for clearances, with her OSD (officer on special duty) Gayatri Devi being the supposed go-between (Modi in a campaign speech would later refer to a ‘Jayanthi tax’)

    9. Fancy explaining to him what Lucy really meant, taking upon herself the functions of interpreter, of go-between, when for a whole day and a half before she appeared on the scene--and she had only appeared on it at all thanks to his telegram--Lucy and he had been in the closest fellowship, the closest communion

    10. My Peugeot-driving young client brought his Libyan millionaire in an attempt to get him to buy the business and for a moment my hopes soared but the man, a tall, thin, aristocratic chain smoker, was cautious and, I suspect our go-between, my client, must have played a few fast ones on him and he declined to get involved beyond a little commerce

    11. The two officers pleaded with me as my workers gave way little by little and Magdi was the eager go-between, flitting now here, now there, extracting concessions from the mob and cajoling and pleading with me

    12. When Sisi would depart for Alexandria, I was the official go-between

    13. Go-betweens who in any way seek to profit from the unhappiness of others, are in my opinion: corrupt

    14. Where did the Greeks get their pantomime plays with masks, dirges, tragedies, and grotesque masks hiding the faces of the actors? From the Persian royalty and three hundred years of Persian politics and connivers hiding their faces behind go-betweens every time they dealt with the more honest, more forthright Greeks of their day

    15. That Sancho was a sorry go-between:

    16. "Have not your worships," replied Don Quixote, "read the annals and histories of England, in which are recorded the famous deeds of King Arthur, whom we in our popular Castilian invariably call King Artus, with regard to whom it is an ancient tradition, and commonly received all over that kingdom of Great Britain, that this king did not die, but was changed by magic art into a raven, and that in process of time he is to return to reign and recover his kingdom and sceptre; for which reason it cannot be proved that from that time to this any Englishman ever killed a raven? Well, then, in the time of this good king that famous order of chivalry of the Knights of the Round Table was instituted, and the amour of Don Lancelot of the Lake with the Queen Guinevere occurred, precisely as is there related, the go-between and confidante therein being the highly honourable dame Quintanona, whence came that ballad so well known and widely spread in our Spain--

    17. The king will grant it very readily, and the knight will courteously kiss his hands for the favour done to him; and that night he will take leave of his lady the princess at the grating of the chamber where she sleeps, which looks upon a garden, and at which he has already many times conversed with her, the go-between and confidante in the matter being a damsel much trusted by the princess

    18. Again, woe is me, hapless that I am! it was not verses that conquered me, but my own simplicity; it was not music made me yield, but my own imprudence; my own great ignorance and little caution opened the way and cleared the path for Don Clavijo's advances, for that was the name of the gentleman I have referred to; and so, with my help as go-between, he found his way many a time into the chamber of the deceived Antonomasia (deceived not by him but by me) under the title of a lawful husband; for, sinner though I was, would not have allowed him to approach the edge of her shoe-sole without being her husband

    19. The go-between, the emissary, had been lost in the wild thronging of civilization, probably hit by a car, or poisoned, or stolen, and there was no time

    20. In the door opening on the Rue de Babylone, there was a box destined for the reception of letters and papers; only, as the three inhabitants of the pavilion in the Rue Plumet received neither papers nor letters, the entire usefulness of that box, formerly the go-between of a love affair, and the confidant of a love-lorn lawyer, was now limited to the tax-collector's notices, and the summons of the guard

    21. The go-between, the emissary, was lost to the wild throngings of civilization, poisoned, stolen, hit by a car, left somewhere in a culvert

    22. He may have stolen it from Pietro, he may have been Pietro's confederate, he may have been the go-between of Pietro and his sister

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    Synonyms for "go-between"

    messenger negotiator agent referee assistant