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    gong example sentences





    1. That rang about as true as a leather gong, but he wasn't going to argue about it

    2. The director wanted to build both the atmosphere and his chance of a gong at the annual television awards ceremony

    3. atmosphere and his chance of a gong at the annual television

    4. Zarko heard the gong sounding in the distance to announce the advent of the midday meal

    5. The oriental martial arts, Chinese Gong (Kung) Fu, which means "masterful", is the oldest

    6. But Gong Fu did not originate in China

    7. “We are gong to take you into Auchonvillers tonight for a little light R & R and to help celebrate your birthday

    8. A big gong is right in front of the chair—overpowering! I’m suddenly nervous

    9. He is now explaining to me why he is going to play the gong; I think that he is saying that it is a Tibetan instrument engineered fifteen hundred years ago to help the mind of the monks to find the Theta ways, but I really don’t care since I start feeling really good

    10. He also requests that as soon I hear the gong, I let all my resistance go and move out of my body to meet him in the Healing Place of the Mountain

    11. The sound of the gong is totally unexpected

    12. The gong ends the session

    13. I close my eyes, visualize the blue light filling my body, I hear the gong, and the journey begins

    14. I’m guided back to the Healing Space of the Mountain, gong, and I’m awake

    15. Today it was completely gone before the gong

    16. I’m finally in, comfortably lying down on the black leather therapy chair, with the large gong right in front of me

    17. The gong bounces me into the Healing Space, and I see myself standing next to the big flat red rock based in the center of the Space

    18. An alarm gong had sounded upon the sighting of such a large number of strangers

    19. Before I could say more, the sound of a gong reverberated through the

    20. Young then I was and watched as they blocked the rift to the Plane of Chaos with the great Gong Seal

    21. It wrapped itself around the translucent beings, restraining their movement as they hovered over the Gong Seal

    22. “Alas, broken the Gong Seal is

    23. “Alas, the Gong Seal is breached,” said Gnoll

    24. Thoth howled in frustration as he perceived the insertion of the blocking plug into the place where the Gong Seal had been

    25. “Install the new Gong Seal, Smithforge, while we still hold this Plane with a semblance of kharmic solvency

    26. “Smithforge succeeded in creating a new Gong Seal but was thwarted from putting it in place by the ambitious Denizens of Chaos

    27. Smithforge acted quickly to bring his freshly hewed Gong from the hall outside

    28. The firbolgs’ blows only caused a series of reverberating crashes to rise from the Gong

    29. A strengthened Gong Seal has been placed in the breach opened by the Ephemeral Specters, Flotsam and Jetsam

    30. My father breached the Gong Seal and it was only until recently that I was able to return to this Plane without risking detection by him or his attending monks

    31. Taliesin, it appears that the Gong Seal in the Gorgon Plane has been breached

    32. Thoth and Tiamat themselves will think twice before attempting to breach the Gong Seal in Mount Crow

    33. It was gong to be a challenge

    34. Somewhere a gong sounded a deep, ominous note

    35. Startingly, shockingly in the slumberous stillness, there had boomed the deep strident clangor of a great gong!

    36. He reached the gong, started into the arch nearest it

    37. Beneath the gong the polished marble flags showed no footprint, but there was a scent in the air—a faintly fetid odor he could not classify; his nostrils dilated like those of a wild beast as he sought in vain to identify it

    38. That gong had not sounded of its own accord, whether the noise had been meant to lure him to his death, or not

    39. While he was gone I thought I heard a gong sound, but I was not sure

    40. Crom! I wonder if it was Zargheba who banged that gong

    41. Was this the work of the priests of Keshan? If so, where were they? Was it Zargheba, after all, who had struck the gong? Again there rose the memory of Bit-Yakin and his mysterious servants

    42. He crouched at the mouth, staring into it, remembering the clangor of the gong that had echoed from it to lure him into a snare

    43. The air hung heavy with the odor he had scented in the court of the gong

    44. 'Food first,' he grunted, and the priest smote a golden gong with a silver wand

    45. He rose and struck a gong

    46. Instinctively his hand reached for a gong, then recoiled as from a hot coal, and he shuddered

    47. Nothing stirred in the blackness beyond, though far away and below him, as it seemed, he caught the faint, muffled note of a gong

    48. gong, cannot be heard through

    49. I had a friend coming to pick me up from the Gong where I had been sent by parole to give me a lift to Canberra but he ended up in an accident and I was stuck

    50. Since then I"ve been in the Gong and have only caught up with Dug a few times, the last time being at my Canberra show in October

    1. station’s biased reporting, you will be gonged

    2. The bells gonged as a final blast thudded into his throat

    1. The train curved away, gonging it's under-sea funeral bell, sunk, rusted, green-mossed, tolling, tolling

    1. It was lead by men beating drums, and large bronze tubes that sounded like gongs

    2. The thought that I’ve got to get one of these gongs because the sound is amazing is disturbing my journey, but I chase it away, and I’m ready

    3. Through the hot, stifling night the temple gongs boomed and the conchs roared

    4. If he'd stuck to that he'd have come away with a chestful of gongs but there

    5. His head was full of the noises of tram- gongs and swishing trolleys and his nose already sniffed the curling fumes punch

    6. It was then that I discovered that the orchestral percussionist, expert though he might have been at smiting gongs with felt hammers, couldn’t play the drums to save his life

    7. The Cone Gongs were constructed out of fuel tanks—among the junk that Partch found in a disused shipyard, where he had a studio

    8. gongs, a hideous clamour

    9. The city authorities had forbidden the use of fire-crackers, greatly to the chagrin of the Joss-worshippers, but the din of the gongs was such that even an idol, it would seem, might almost be made to hear

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    Synonyms for "gong"

    bell chime gong tam-tam tocsin alarum cymbal

    "gong" definitions

    a percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that is struck with a softheaded drumstick

    a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument

    sound a gong