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    governess example sentences


    1. ' It turned out though, once a governess, always a governess

    2. Wherever I went, a retinue led by a governess trailed not far behind me

    3. arriving as the new governess and miming “I’m not Afraid” and trying to hit

    4. There was an advert for a governess at the Fitzroy house, but I don’t think I could bear it

    5. Bent on revenge, Evelyn applies for the position of governess at the home of Brendan Fitzroy, her mother’s lover

    6. cunning, informs only his governess Euryclea of his voyage

    7. She is present at the reading, darning socks and ancient sheets with her carefully kept fingers, and she treats me absolutely as though I were attached to her household as governess

    8. I remember when I was at the age when people began to call me _Backfisch_, and my mother dressed me in a little scarlet coat with big pearl buttons, and my eyes turned down because I was shy, and my nose turned up because I was impudent, one summer at the seaside with my governess we noticed in our walks a solitary lady of dignified appearance, who spoke to no one, and seemed for ever wrapped in distant and lofty philosophic speculations

    9. These were three, the _Christian Year_, given to her on her confirmation by her father, _Longfellow's Poems_, given her on her eighteenth birthday by her mother, and Dumas' _Tulipe Noire_, given her as a prize for French because Judith did not know any, one summer when a French governess was introduced (thoughtlessly, the Bishop said afterwards) into the Palace

    10. She—she was the governess who took care of the twins when they were children

    11. She was the seamstress of my past, the governess of my future; she was the lanterns, the candles, the hurricane over the sea

    12. she is still the same, of course! Yes, there's no denying, the Svidrigailovs are a bitter pill! It's a bitter thing to spend one's life a governess in the provinces for two hundred roubles, but I know she would rather be a nigger on a plantation or a Lett with a German master than degrade her soul, and her moral dignity, by binding herself for ever to a man whom she does not respect and with whom she has nothing in common--for her own advantage

    13. "It was Svidrigailov, that landowner in whose house my sister was insulted when she was their governess

    14. Of course that's all nonsense, it's almost all talk! You see, you know of course that my mother has scarcely anything, my sister happened to have a good education and was condemned to drudge as a governess

    15. beautiful creature into her house as a governess

    16. Can't you do the same with your governess?"

    17. "The madness is only this," said she, "that these are the letters of duchesses and governors, and these I have on my neck are fine coral beads, with ave-marias and paternosters of beaten gold, and I am a governess

    18. composed the small domestic flock, which my governess trained up with

    19. Still, though not actually received at the Hotel Danglars in the light of an acknowledged friend, Louise was treated with far more kindness and consideration than is usually bestowed on a governess

    20. After that the child was told how to accost the servants and the governess

    21. These were the girls that composed the small domestic flock, which my governess trained up with surprising order and management, considering the giddy wildness of young girls once got upon the loose

    22. After talking a little of her old governess and her peculiarities, she questioned him about his life

    23. Dolly and Anna dined alone with the children and the English governess

    24. ‘I told you it was mother!’ he shouted to the governess

    25. With a child’s keen instinct for every manifestation of feeling, he saw distinctly that his father, his governess, his nurse,—all did not merely dislike Vronsky, but looked on him with horror and aversion, though they never said anything about him, while his mother looked on him as her greatest friend

    26. Meanwhile, Alexey Alexandrovitch was holding his son by the shoulder while he was speaking to the governess, and Seryozha was so miserably uncomfortable that Anna saw he was on the point of tears

    27. One dress, Tanya’s, which the English governess had undertaken, cost Darya Alexandrovna much loss of temper

    28. The English governess in altering it had made the seams in the wrong place, had taken up the sleeves too much, and altogether spoilt the dress

    29. The dress was set right, but there was nearly a quarrel with the English governess

    30. Everything went happily at home too; but at lunch Grisha began whistling, and, what was worse, was disobedient to the English governess, and was forbidden to have any tart

    31. This was really too tragic, and Darya Alexandrovna made up her mind to persuade the English governess to forgive Grisha, and she went to speak to her

    32. The peasant women even made Darya Alexandrovna laugh, and offended the English governess, because she was the cause of the laughter she did not understand

    33. not bring herself to call her maid, and still less go downstairs and see her son and his governess

    34. She dressed quickly, went downstairs, and with resolute steps walked into the drawing room, where she found, as usual, waiting for her, the coffee, Seryozha, and his governess

    35. The governess, after saying good-morning, began a long and detailed account of Seryozha’s naughtiness, but Anna did not hear her; she was considering whether she

    36. ‘Seryozha,’ she said, as soon as the governess had left the room, ‘that was wrong, but you’ll never do it again, will you?

    37. ‘No need of anything,’ she said to herself, and closing her blotting-case she went upstairs, told the governess and the servants that she was going that day to Moscow, and at once set to work to pack up her things

    38. governess, who had during Anna’s illness replaced the French one, was sitting near the boy knitting a shawl

    39. It was only when Anna had left his house, and the English governess sent to ask him whether she should dine with him or separately, that for the first time he clearly comprehended his position, and was appalled by it

    40. Miss Witherton, who is now my wife, was governess to this little girl

    41. As to the governess, she knew no more than I did, and our common interest was one of the causes which drew us together

    42. Besides the Oblonskys, with all their children and their governess, the old princess too came to stay that summer with the Levins, as she considered it her duty to watch over her inexperienced daughter in her INTERESTING CONDITION

    43. Kitty would have gone into the next room, but there the English governess was giving Tanya a lesson

    44. forget that she had compounded her initial error of birth by being the governess of Mr

    45. Calvert and that governess as the “second Mrs

    46. And Wade could have nourishing food to fill out his thin cheeks and warm clothes and a governess and

    47. 'I once had a governess who jumped off this bridge and drowned herself

    48. "It was Svidrigaïlov, that landowner in whose house my sister was insulted when she was their governess

    49. One day, a little boy, who was out with his governess, made her take a longer walk than he intended, for he could not tear himself from the little girl whose pure, sweet voice seemed to bind him to her

    50. Garth was a trifle too emphatic in her resistance to what she held to be follies: the passage from governess into housewife

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    "governess" definitions

    a woman entrusted with the care and supervision of a child (especially in a private home)