Use "governmental" in a sentence
governmental example sentences
1. the governmental ship with medicines and a team of doctors was
2. The Roman world had at its root a governmental system that denied God
3. ordained elders to have governmental authority over
4. But are they recognized in relation to social problems and governmental issues? I think not, at least not enough, at least by the decision makers in the seats of power, but I would encourage the thinking citizen to understand that there are social problems that are by no means solvable, but are subject to amelioration, for as the science of economics reminds us, there are tradeoffs, which should be taken advantage of
5. He had it exactly right in stressing that governmental power is like the authority of a parent: and what he tells us is that, instead of acting as a parent should act in preparing a child for adulthood, government, especially at the national level, seeks to keep the citizen in perpetual childhood
6. Spending has grown dramatically at all governmental levels, actually faster at the state and local levels
7. “Well, the grazing commons and ocean reefs aren’t ‘expandable’ while governmental budgets are! As long as it is in the politicians’ interest, they can continue to pass as many funding bills as they wish, resulting in the persistent deficits that led to the Balanced Budget Amendment proposals
8. I would guess that any major accounting firm could be employed, as is the case with ordinary businesses, in the context of smaller state and local governmental units
9. limitation upon the existing powers of governmental agencies…
10. expected with these unelected, uncontrolled governmental bodies fraud and corruption are rampant
11. Another important benefit of the implantation is the immediate end of the hunger, misery, social abandonment and of the lack of sufficient income for anybody to live well in society with dignity and development opportunities anywhere in the world; it also puts an end to unemployment insurance need, tributary incentive, governmental transfers, subsidy or loan
12. Besides, it lives at the expense of sinecures of the State; it fights for pharaonic contracts; it struggles for tax incentives or subsidies to be competitive; it makes political agreements to obtain public concessions; it uses lobby to generate casuistical laws that benefit its interests; it applies the terror of the unemployment to obtain the worker’s productivity and the support of the governmental authorities in the trade questions and work to satisfy its revindications
13. See that the Third Sector overcomes any machine governmental
14. See other examples: the donations of trillion dollars that are collected by Third Sector; the payments of wages that are effected by the companies; the taxes and duties that are deposited in the Banks; savings and investment of billion of citizens that are credited in bank current account; governmental transfers that are sent to States and Municipal districts and other values that circulate in the banking system
15. no mistake about this, the results of governmental failures are directly
16. Besides, the governmental authorities of those countries or institutional sponsors have the noble role of turning this block as ideal model of human society before the world when choosing in applying its resources in this innovative and definitive solution
17. Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries This Project gives opportunity to the sponsors or governmental authorities of any country of offering as a gift this solution for the African continent and also to recover the enormous social debt that have with that millenarian people
18. It will be direct agent for solution of the social problem, without depending of governmental aid, without delegating power for another to do in its name
19. It is called abortion, and a women‘s right of privacy, and governmental allowance against the desires of the people and religions
20. Governmental responsibility seemed to end with the fall of the Roman Dictatorships
21. This is why they fit so well into academia, Hollywood, the theater, governmental jobs and many of the art forms
22. Of course, they generally avoid governmental jobs that reek with danger, such as police, military, and related occupations
23. When it is President Obama and he prejudges police officers and a governmental employee, Shackly, (who his system fired) it is faulty common sense
24. For instance: Governmental organisms, ministries, secretariats, foundation and the mixed economy company or the government’s partner
25. The money of the foreseen budget for the XUSING Project is deposited in Current Account “Social” with vinculum to the Country Argentina, so that nobody puts the hand in that money, not even the governmental authorities
26. government could have known this information, such leaks represent governmental abuse and harm the safety of the country by informing the enemy
27. The term sustainability sounds neat, but it always refers to a governmental, bureaucratic or global program
28. mental, and governmental services in the
29. I have proof that there was no governmental experimental plane involved and there were no terrorists involved
30. The word “republic” is generally understood to refer at a minimum to a governmental arrangement based on law, acting as a guardian of property and personal rights, and in which the people governed have a voice
31. the truth, and sheepishly accepts to be fed with governmental phony news and
32. The logic that education affects all states and therefore is a federal responsibility, could be made about virtually any and all governmental actions and is not in keeping with our Founders
33. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said the
34. I was working as a physician at a governmental agency
35. With access to governmental agencies, the Soviet Union had friends in high places
36. its own initiative or on the basis of Governmental Decision 955/ 2004, because of
37. In 1999, I was elected a trustee of Cornell University, serving on the committees on governmental relations, alumni affairs and development and trustee-community communications
38. We wish to be integrated into the legal and political framework of The Just Alliance, yet we also wish to have a greater voice in governmental and military affairs than the average citizen, as I’m sure you can understand
39. The Social Democrats as a party had success in Europe early after World War I because after that horrifying war the people willingly accepted that party’s directions of rebuilding the infrastructure of their European countries and subjugated themselves to the governmental support of the poor, similar to Roosevelt’s “New Deal
40. If free enterprises are bureaucratically supervised, managed, or regulated by governmental agencies, then control of production is being exercised
41. The prudent way to decrease expenditures for both governmental and private
42. Everyone knows that the United States faces massive governmental budget
43. The rest of the governmental mechanism is funded by other taxation such as VAT, capital gains tax, excise duty, etc
44. However the local people (Mayans) had such a distrust of anything governmental that they would refuse to go to the government hospital
45. They follow the men who exalt themselves, who have the material, governmental and
46. Mercy ministry is always the work of the individual, but justice punishment is the function of the social, governmental, or universe administrative groups
47. They attacked the army units, police stations and governmental buildings
48. Parrots of many types have been carriers of the disease in the past, and in some parts of the country, veterinarians are under governmental orders to keep an eye out for Newcastle
49. Miller had given up his medical practice to devote full-time to governmental affairs
50. During these family reunions, Siri’s children played together under the watchful eye of their mothers, as he spent much of his time visiting the various governmental departments in the continued battle to prevent the remaining free Maasai from being forcibly expelled from their land