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    Use "graciously" in a sentence

    graciously example sentences


    1. He drank graciously

    2. ’ I replied graciously, ‘As I’m having a day off I thought it appropriate to dress accordingly

    3. The tall woman busy at the spinning wheel furthest from me, bows her head graciously and smiles as she hears her name

    4. Miss Hill was charmed and delighted at the attentive service presented by the adorable girls and said so as she graciously accepted the proffered victuals

    5. Livingson has graciously taken me on a brief tour of your new bungalows

    6. Mandy Hill, in an exertion of will to remain civil, said, “I have just come from an inspection of the Livingson Bungalow Lodges,” she carefully phrased, “and was graciously received, properly entertained, and handsomely impressed with Livingson's sophistication and good taste

    7. When not actively on patrol, it could be found in close proximity of one, or both of the twins, graciously accepting the adoration from whom they evidently considered their co-workers

    8. “Your father graciously taught me to use his fly rod and let me fish with it for a just a few minutes, and I was hooked,” added White Feathers

    9. If you are able to offer some direction for me to pursue in this regard, I would accept it most graciously

    10. In fact I learned to type in the ballroom of the house – rows of manual typewriters on desks in half the original ballroom; a stud wall completely out of keeping with the original graciously appointed saloon dividing the room into two

    11. So he graciously accepted the raggedy old teddy bear

    12. " the manager smiled graciously at Madam who clutching Lemoss by the shoulder led him out of hearing range

    13. Tohm stepped up and graciously added, “What it means in practical terms is that we are vital to the administration of the Orchards

    14. I turned to the couple and again thanked them; this couple who had so graciously brought me to this wondrous household

    15. He pulled up a chair on which she graciously sat

    16. He walked through, graciously accepting the praise and smiling at all who approached him

    17. I thanked her, and she smiled, but didn’t lean in for a kiss, so I got out as graciously as I could

    18. The Rooinekke were renowned as champions on the disco floor, in case we Afrikaners did not already know that and they were willing to graciously teach us all of their moves, since we are comrades in arms so to speak! It seems they indeed had a lot more rhythm than us if I am being honest, but I cannot dance and it common knowledge that I am very clumsy

    19. Akstyr graciously offered him a pastry, which Maldynado stuffed in his mouth

    20. Another trick in the Wild West was to graciously refuse al tea and coffee in that area

    21. Everyone rose and applauded them and they waved back graciously and shook hands with several leaders from the Police Department, one being the Captain

    22. “So what’s all this about, then?” I murmured graciously, more politely than I felt

    23. and it was sad when someone did not know how to receive a gift graciously

    24. The woman hit Patty with such force, that he fell forward just as the woman tripped against his overturned bag and also went down, landing, none too graciously, on top of Pat

    25. Ranger handled the moment of enthusiasm graciously

    26. At that, the Procrastinator Militant withdrew from any thought or intention of protesting, and simply accepted the proffered stool graciously

    27. The group smiled at each other, graciously accepting the forest's invitation

    28. I have seen many thoughtful, intelligent and well balanced ministers who have faithfully and graciously preached the Gospel and pastored their flocks

    29. I thanked Pueng graciously for another wonderful Thai experience but warned her to keep looking over her shoulder for a few days!

    30. As we made our way to the front of the auditorium, Mia was already standing next her mother with her head down, graciously accepting praise from all who approached her until she saw Quan

    31. that i will be able to host families as graciously as they hosted us

    32. graciously invited to enjoy the evening on behalf of CASNNJ—pronounced “Cass

    33. Most of the Abnegation have graciously agreed to let us stay in their sector of the city to plan as they clean up the aftermath of the attack

    34. Kang Son graciously showed me around his ship

    35. The Khan graciously decided to “honor” us by spending the night with us

    36. At the edge of the town, we found a man returning from the fields who graciously directed us to a place where travelers could spend the night

    37. A young couple welcomed us into their home graciously

    38. She graciously accepted some dried meat and centli and added it to her stew

    39. deal graciously, I have given order, that such of the nation of the Jews, and of the priests and Levites being within our realm, as are

    40. She graciously explained them all, probably giving us more information that we needed unless we planned to prepare them ourselves—a very unlikely prospect

    41. his prayer requests, and indicate that the Lord has heard by graciously giving him

    42. He has graciously sent along some presents for you and hopes you understand that they are expressions of his generosity, not fealty

    43. Gonzalo insisted that he had only said what needed to be said, and graciously apologized for any trouble he had caused the ambassador

    44. We were escorted to the home of the chief magistrate of the city who received us most graciously

    45. work, play by the rules, share, win graciously,

    46. power, that he would look on all the house of Israel graciously

    47. I would’ve walked away graciously if Jesse was the one kissing her, but the bitch was throwing herself at him when he clearly didn’t want her back

    48. 60 And Esau said to Jacob, Who are these with you, my brothere are they your children or your servantse and Jacob answered Esau and said, They are my children which God has graciously given to your servant

    49. “For once in your life my love, accept a present from me graciously

    50. 25 Remember now this day to me your covenant with Abraham our father, which our ancestors related to us, and do graciously with me this day for the sake of Abraham and Isaac our fathers, and save me and the children of Chittim from the hand of the King of Africa who comes against us for battle

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    Synonyms for "graciously"

    gracefully graciously

    "graciously" definitions

    in a gracious or graceful manner