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    Use "greensward" in a sentence

    greensward example sentences


    1. We had broken suddenly into a lovely glade of greensward surrounded by ancient trees

    2. It had a small park, with a fine old oak here and there, and an avenue of limes towards the southwest front, with a sunk fence between park and pleasure-ground, so that from the drawing-room windows the glance swept uninterruptedly along a slope of greensward till the limes ended in a level of corn and pastures, which often seemed to melt into a lake under the setting sun

    3. At the south end of the greensward there was an opening

    4. `What are these? ' asked Sam, handling one that lay upon the greensward

    5. to its southward wall, and about them was a garden and a greensward with

    6. the greensward of the Houses of Healing behind them; and away southward

    7. Out of these Eggs jump’d candied Chicks, flapping their candied Wings! Upon another Occasion, said she, her Mistress had caus’d the Table to resemble a lovely Greensward whereupon Trees burst suddenly into Leaf, Rivers unfroze, and Flow’rs pok’d their Heads above the Earth

    8. But he saw nothing outside—within he saw a patch of greensward surrounded by a matted mass of gorgeous tropical plants and flowers, and, above, the waving foliage of mighty trees, and, over all, the blue of an equatorial sky

    9. In the center of the greensward a young woman sat upon a little mound of earth, and beside her sat a young giant

    10. “The horses, with their coats like satin, the jockeys in their bright colors, the excited throng of spectators and the velvety greensward

    11. The streets are bordered by trees, principally evergreens, which, though rigidly kept down to the height of mere shrubs, appear stately by the side of the miniature mansions they overlook; and, in every dooryard, or more pretentious greensward, tiny larches, pines yet in their babyhood, and dwarfed cedars, cast a mimic shade, and bestow an air of dignity and venerableness to the place

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    Synonyms for "greensward"

    greensward sod sward turf

    "greensward" definitions

    surface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots