Use "guarantor" in a sentence
guarantor example sentences
1. It is a politically costly endeavor, however, when the guarantor is unable to deliver its promises save the promises, themselves
2. From the earliest of times, as far as the science of anthropology has been able to discern, the father/patriarch has been the guarantor of the welfare and safety of the family, then clan, etc
3. My son, if you are guarantor for your friend, if you have slapped your hand with the stranger, you are trapped by the words of your
4. You see, suppose you speak words to act as a guarantor for someone's loan
5. Executive Suites, and its guarantor PAG
6. When a military ceases to protect freedoms and, rather, becomes a guarantor of security, it has ceased being for the people and instead is against them and for the owners of the guns and dispensers of pay
7. Defaulting on a loan, or credit cards, there is a good chance that the guarantor does not
8. That is the guarantor pays when
9. Guarantor : One who guarantees an obligation and has a legal duty to fulfill it
10. Why should any religious text be regarded as the last word? Because it is old? Because it has stayed unchanged? How many books even older than the Hindu Upanishads, or the Jewish-Christian-Mohammedan Bible have been dumped and regarded as pure trash? Age alone is not a guarantor of knowledge, wisdom, or truth… or relevancy, or worth, or sanctity
11. was the personified (symbolized) guarantor of universal order, truth and justice were considered the
12. It also refers directly to Maat (truth and justice) as the guarantor of universal order and as the way to
13. religion or one’s opinions about the true meaning of scientific data, is not a reliable guarantor of the
14. Jacob Charro was twenty-two and the proud owner of a Volvo XC60 which he had bought on credit with his father as guarantor
15. Inexperienced investors may imagine that the word “guaranteed” carries a positive assurance of safety; but, needless to say, the value of any guaranty depends strictly upon the financial condition of the guarantor
16. If the guarantor has nothing, the guaranty is worthless
17. In contrast with the attitude of the financial novice, Wall Street displays a tendency to underestimate the value of a guaranty, as shown by the lower prices often current for guaranteed issues in comparison with the debentures or even the preferred stock of the guarantor
18. This sophisticated distrust of guarantees dates back to the Kanawha and Hocking Coal and Coke Company case in 1915, when the guarantor railroad endeavored to escape its liability by claiming that the guaranty, made in 1901, was beyond its corporate powers and hence void
19. A common or preferred stock fully guaranteed by another company has the status of a bond issue as far as the guarantor is concerned
20. 36 times in 1938), but that of the guarantor company was high (over 4 times in 1938 on a consolidated basis and over 11 times in that year on a parent-only basis inclusive of interest for which it was contingently liable)
21. The price record shows that the Kansas City Terminal Railway Company 4s frequently sold at no higher prices than representative issues of individual guarantor companies which later turned out to be of questionable soundness, whereas at no time was the safety of the Terminal bond ever a matter of doubt
22. It is true that the guarantor companies were not independent of the selling companies, nor did they have other types of surety business
23. The guarantor companies were mere subsidiaries of the sellers of the bonds
24. Hence, when the crash came, the value of the properties, the real estate bond company, and the affiliated guarantor company all collapsed together
25. Furthermore, the face amount of the mortgages guaranteed rose to so high a multiple of the capital of the guarantor companies that it should have been obvious that the guaranty would afford only the flimsiest of protection in the event of a general decline in values
26. When the real estate market broke in 1931, the first consequence was the utter collapse of virtually every one of the newer real estate bond companies and their subsidiary guarantor concerns
27. In addition to the strength and general experience of the surety company there was the important fact that such a guarantor, being entirely independent, would presumably be highly critical of the issues submitted for its guaranty
28. In most cases the resultant losses to the guarantor were greater than it could stand; several of the companies were forced into receivership (notably National Surety Company), and holders of bonds with such guarantees failed to obtain full protection
29. The Tobacco Products example illustrates the fairly frequent undervaluation of guaranteed or quasi-guaranteed issues as compared with other securities of the guarantor enterprise
30. ) “Yet its [San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railway’s] importance to the Southern Pacific Company’s lines is such that the guarantor company very wisely meets the bond interest deficit“ In spite of such instances, the rule holds good almost always that the strength of a guaranteed bond is no greater than that of the corporation issuing it and the earning capacity of the property directly covered by it
31. , Preferred, guaranteed by Schulte Retail Stores Corporation, as compared with the price of Schulte Preferred; and by the price of Armour and Company of Delaware guaranteed preferred, as compared with the preferred stock of the guarantor company, Armour and Company of Illinois
32. When the guaranteed security is outstanding against a separately operated property, its standing may depend either on its own results or on those of the guarantor
33. Hence the issue need be required to pass only one of three alternative tests, based on (1) earnings of issuing company, independent of the guarantee; or (2) combined earnings and charges of the issuing and guarantor companies; or (3) earnings of guarantor company applied to its own charges plus its guarantees
34. This is the typical situation, in which coverage is calculated from a consolidated income account, including operations of both the parent (guarantor) company and its guaranteed subsidiaries
35. XI of the Chandler (Federal Bankruptcy) Act has been availed of to induce holders of guaranteed issues to modify their contract without sacrifice by the guarantor company and to force acceptance of the modified terms by minority holders
36. Note also the full payment in 1939 of Utica, Clinton and Binghamton Railroad First 5s through funds supplied by Delaware and Hudson Railroad, the guarantor, although Delaware and Hudson had not been operating the line for a great many years
37. 8 Interest was continued on these income bonds (through 1939) despite receivership of the guarantor company in 1935 and default on all its own obligations
38. The strength of a guaranteed bond may be very much greater than that of the corporation issuing it, because that strength rests upon the dual claim of the holder against both the issuing corporation and the guarantor