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    guesses example sentences


    1. " There was no reason to share his guesses

    2. Davie guesses the boiler was sold for scrap

    3. ’ Alan thought about trying to go along with her guesses and say his parents got it from some wandering Messiah who said he had Angels making them for him

    4. While questioning Sinon, the Trojan priest guesses the plot and warns the Trojans, and says "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" (I fear Greeks even those bearing gifts), which became known as 'beware of Greeks bearing gifts,"

    5. Helen of Troy also guesses the plot and tries to trick and uncover the Greek men inside the horse by imitating the voices of their wives

    6. Klowa guesses they've been hibernating

    7. But he had his guesses as to which side he likely claimed allegiance

    8. But it had not been the time for second guesses and apprehension

    9. If later on he guesses in that, or in any of a number of other areas, he"s going to kill patients

    10. "If I had three guesses, I should use every one that our maid wanted to

    11.  Planning ahead according to the facts, not guesses,

    12. Clive wondered if he was keeping other guesses to himself

    13. The smallest of snippets of all these “sounds?” seemed to be endlessly descending upon my inner mind, as snowflakes on a windless winter, seeming to tell me of things beyond that of even the most vivid of any imaginary guesses

    14. These earlier best guesses should have never been cast in the stone of final answers, as many seem to have insisted upon who felt responsible for stable dogma

    15. In more recent history many of the “best guesses” of belief seemed not to have held up very well, before the challenge of science’s verifiable postulations

    16. Legal Guesses: This is non-consensual sex which is basically rape and I'm guessing it’s most likely illegal

    17. Legal Guesses: although it’s ethically wrong for a guy to lie to a woman to get her to believe he really loves her so she’ll have sex with him, I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to lie to someone about whether or not you really love them

    18. Nigel had a password-protected computer and 15 minutes of my best guesses did nothing to unlock it

    19. Jesse's guesses were wrong but she hadn't been too far off

    20. Jesse's guesses about the young men were wrong but she hadn't been too far off

    21. about, but am sure I could make a few guesses

    22. secret was all about, and I made quite a few guesses at it, some of

    23. rumours about it, made any guesses with the others?”

    24. many of the guesses are wrong (i

    25. Mosheh wonders what to do first; go see his family, visit the palace, or try to find food? The palace could be a dangerous place to visit, even though it’s been… oh, about sixty years, Mosheh guesses, incorrectly as always

    26. I’d say thirteen,” Tina guesses a bit high, knowin’ what he wants to hear

    27. “Any guesses as to where they are heading?”

    28. Perhaps he guesses at its true nature

    29. The team with the most number of correct guesses at the end is the winner

    30. • The team with the most number of correct guesses at the end is the winner

    31. Thyne is carrying a small cylinder that is connected to a harness and tubing, Grailem guesses that this is a flame thrower of some kind

    32. The timing of the attack and the manner of attack were open guesses

    33. The first was JOTTO, a word game where you have to guess your opponent’s five-letter word before he guesses yours

    34. For example, if the secret word happens to be eerie, guesses of means and level would result in 1 and 2 jots respectively

    35. In that approach, the computer could usually figure out the player’s word in eight guesses or less

    36. the thoughts and origins of these beliefs can only be educated guesses with the use of deductive reasoning and rational

    37. In this program, we take guesses from the user and check if it is the number that we have

    38. In this program, we are still playing the guessing game, but the advantage is that the user is allowed to keep guessing until he guesses correctly - there is no need to repeatedly execute the program for each guess as we have done previously

    39. On the other hand, time and measurements are approximations or rough guesses, not unlike computer science, which has good intentions but is limited to being close

    40. Guesses for the snowpack on the mountain vary from

    41. All of these guesses proceed from the false assumption that “the

    42. year forecasts based on assumptions which are, at best, guesses as to the state

    43. After he made a few wild guesses, we explained

    44. Any guesses on how many times I have been asked today if I'm going to this afternoon's

    45. Solving crimes has its guesses

    46. to conceal, to do everything so that no one ever guesses what he or she is really

    47. Unks guesses they have a little over an hour and a half before sunset

    48. from the game in which a pebble is held behind the back of one child,and another guesses which hand it is in

    49. With the correctness with which one guesses most of a person's thoughts after you have lived with him ten years, my step-mother guessed what he was thinking

    50. In fact we made even our guesses with a sort of lack of confidence

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