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    Use "gunner" in a sentence

    gunner example sentences


    1. The gunner sucked at his teeth for a few seconds, evidently lost in

    2. gunner returned to his tale

    3. The gunner sat back in his seat

    4. The gunner looked lost in thought for a few moments, then

    5. The old gunner could see that both Tom and Alistair were itching

    6. the old gunner to continue

    7. The gunner paused for a moment, and the others leant closer so as

    8. “The noise and the smoke were tremendous,” the old gunner

    9. The gunner again paused, evidently in thought of his old

    10. again about the story by the Gunner in the pub – clearly, blatantly

    11. It was then that I saw a burly German gunner with red bristly hair on his head and a face like a constipated pig trying to free a stoppage on the gun

    12. The piggy looking German gunner lashed out at me with the hammer but I soon put a stop to him spitting him on my bayonet

    13. “No Sir I’m afraid its kaput a cartridge jammed in the breech and the German gunner smashed the cocking handle trying to free it nothing short of an armourers workshop will get that working again

    14. I crawled out on top and a German machine gunner must have seen the movement because he became very interested in me for a short while

    15. I felt them and my hand came away sticky with blood a machine gunner must have seen me and I had to hide behind Sam’s body as he opened up sending bursts my way

    16. That constable / machine gunner had orders to take out whatever (and whoever) needed to be taken out when called on

    17. Your average MAG gunner was very much Flying Squad material in arrogance

    18. The poor machine gunner had to hide from his own machine gun

    19. The Casspir was purposely built with a crew of three being the driver, side gunner and commander

    20. Sometimes the side gunner and commander was the same person but ideally it should not be for the commander needed to command and give suppressing fire and worked the radios at the same time

    21. Apparently the cannon could switch between armour piercing rounds and high explosive and the gunner simple shot the T55 right beneath the turret where the armour is the weakest and kept on shooting until it blew up

    22. No one besides the side gunner in the front ever used the gun ports but stood upright in the car on the seats and shot down the sides the roof being open

    23. The gunner was standing up; and he let loose a stream of red tracer over the side at the tree line below

    24. “Hosed her down real good,” the gunner told him

    25. He and Saul, his gunner; were fuckin’ lucky there was no fire

    26. The base-plate was screwed to the dash of the plane, where it could be easily seen and read, even over the pilot’s shoulder by the gunner or observer

    27. Kowalski hunkered at his shoulder, a gunner; but the name of the other guy just wouldn’t come, a sign of fatigue

    28. Aweemowep was a very accurate gunner though, as I assessed the results

    29. His gunner was in a coma

    30. His gunner was right with him, patting him hard on the shoulder and shouting, “Attaboy! You can do it! Keep flying the plane!”

    31. The gunner had taken a bullet through the shoulder

    32. When we got back, my gunner told me, “You should have killed him, you should have gone around again

    33. A good gunner, Johnny Strepp, volunteered as I knew he would when asked

    34. “I meant things over here,” I said and saw a fireball explode a few dozen yards away, a gunner team narrowly avoiding it

    35. The disconnected pitching of the two boats was making it hard for the gunner

    36. The gunner fired off another volley that passed over the after deck

    37. spun sideways to reveal a gunner behind a 50-caliber

    38. "Maybe so," Bender said, "but when I run across a bad gunner, one that shoots too early or too late, or has bad aim, I don't kill him

    39. volunteer ball turret gunner in the belly of a bomber

    40. was a van with a machine gunner

    41. “Take out the machine gunner

    42. You throw it in reverse, flip a three point and maneuver behind your gunner

    43. An armoured car, its lights peering curiously at the cobbles, a machine gunner perched on top, rolled by

    44. The gunner on the down side clings to his fixed machine gun and is hanging out of the open door, but the elevated gunner is not so lucky and falls back through the gun deck

    45. A flash followed by a loud explosion against the wall of the house then told her that a RPG gunner was now targeting them

    46. Looking in the direction the flash had come from, she soon found the said gunner, who was frantically reloading his rocket launcher

    47. The boy was only sixteen years old but was reputed to be the best machine gunner in the division

    48. His sailor’s tunic displayed the ribbon of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal with bar, plus the insignia of expert machine gunner

    49. Peter Stilwell, who was by now little more than a spectator in this battle, nearly applauded at that: the teenager was truly a phenomenal gunner

    50. This is Ship’s Boy Tom Allen, the best machine gunner I ever saw

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    artilleryman cannoneer gunner machine gunner

    "gunner" definitions

    a serviceman in the artillery