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    gunnery example sentences


    1. "Wish we’d brought the gunnery junk instead," Parker blurted out without thinking

    2. continued, “And a finer gunnery crew you couldn’t wish to find

    3. However, I am a trained master gunnery sergeant with the US Marine corp

    4. ‘Master gunnery sergeant Nathaniel Hogan, United States Marine Corp, at your service

    5. Superior gunnery on board the Kearsarge and the deteriorated condition of Alabama’s powder and shells soon began to tell

    6. With the sparse population, and lots of lakes and swamps for air-to-ground gunnery practice, the Broads would be ideal

    7. The real problem was my gunnery, but I didn’t tell him that

    8. Listen to some of the tapes the various Air Forces have of crashes from aerobatics or on the gunnery range when a guy screws up

    9. Gunnery officer (weapons officer): officer in charge of ship"s gunnery

    10. Officer in charge of ship"s armament: guns, gunnery, missiles, and other weapons and weaponry

    11. Even the battle hardened Marines were intimidated by Captain Darwin and the only one who would spar with her was a grizzled old gunnery sergeant who appeared to be an even match

    12. She had no training in aerial gunnery, but she had lots of practice at rifle shooting, a sharp vision, excellent hand-eye coordination and had also listened to the best air aces of the Luftwaffe as they told her how to calculate a shooting deflection

    13. She however needed to seriously improve the accuracy of her air gunnery

    14. ‘’TEN SHIPS?!’’ Exclaimed the gunnery officer

    15. Apart from losing badly the gunnery duel, they lost a further four fighters and allowed us to speed past them and catch the bombers for a last strafing pass against their unprotected bellies

    16. Ingrid, having acted as an instructor on air tactics and aerial gunnery for the course, stood behind him with the other instructors, all male, of the course

    17. That was wasteful of ammunition but Ingrid knew too well that her female pilots were new to combat and still had a lot to learn about air gunnery

    18. A P-38 then flew past him and he had time to see the pink and black letters ‘LADY HAWK’ painted on its nose before the heavy fighter returned into the fray, making quick work of a BETTY bomber with a single, surprisingly short burst that demonstrated a mastery of air gunnery that Galer could only envy

    19. The Marine and Navy pilots still went after them, downing five more BETTYs, while the lone P-38 put on an air gunnery show and shot down two more bombers before running out of ammunition and turning around to return to Henderson Field

    20. � Half an hour later, Laplante, in the middle of a dissertation on tank gunnery systems, started hesitating in her speech

    21. of war, rising to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant before he was wounded, and decorated in 1974,

    22. In fact, the leading ship was Prinz Eugen, and the gunnery officer of Prince of Wales, realising this, transferred his attention to the second ship in the enemy line

    23. Hood was able to use her gunnery radar but Prince of Wales’ radar was malfunctioning

    24. They believed that the coming war would he fought in much the same manner as the last, where fleet battles would again consist of gunnery duels between lines of heavy ships

    25. an experienced Gunnery Instructor and as such is experienced in the handling, storage and

    26. “Ah, gunnery school, eh? Alma Mater and all that?” he was asked

    27. “Oh, I have always wanted to teach gunnery, sir and Excellent is the home of it, isn’t it? They’re

    28. He rose to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, a classification

    29. His time as a Gunnery

    30. On the wall above the gate, a gunnery sergeant signalled to his men

    31. There was talk of a visit by a Welsh gunnery sergeant who was serving with the French

    32. When the crew got the best gunnery scores in the squadron, Louie rewarded the enlisted men by pinning his insignia to their uniforms and sneaking them into the club

    33. The Church was unlikely to approach the sophistication of Charisian gunnery techniques for a long time to come, but the margin of superiority was narrowing

    34. Young Seevyrs had come perilously close to the thousand-yard limit he’d set, but he supposed he shouldn’t complain about that, since Lance’s fire had probably contributed to the Charisians’ gunnery problems

    35. It said unflattering things about the Royal Dohlaran Navy’s gunnery that it had taken them more than ninety minutes to score their first hit

    36. Allen; he has served with me upwards of five years, and to his unremitted exertions in disciplining the crew is to be imputed the obvious superiority of our gunnery exhibited in the result of this contest

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