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    guzzle example sentences





    1. Egil ordered a slave to fill a silver-decorated horn with mead, then he drank it all back in a single guzzle, without stopping to breathe

    2. "I've but come from the last wine-shop open Ishtar's curse on these white-livered reformers who close the grog-houses! 'Let men sleep rather than guzzle," they say—aye, so they can work and fight better for their masters! Soft-gutted eunuchs, I call them

    3. 'Yet here I sit and guzzle wine of Kyros

    4. I scramble to the bottle pull of the cap and guzzle as much liquid as I possible could

    5. The humidity was dropping and we had already started to guzzle water so it was

    6. ‘But you said different is okay,’ and she laughed out loud and took a guzzle of Baikal and did another dance and I understood why she was so happy, that really she was having the time of her life

    7. He will guzzle it, but he will not swallow it

    8. He unscrews the top and takes a long guzzle, empties most of the bottle, wipes his mouth with his sleeve

    9. John arrives first—huge apologies to Campbell, big smiles and kisses for us all, a man just thrilled to be here, just delighted to arrive at the tail-end of a cocktail hour across town so he can guzzle a drink and head home with his wife

    10. When they got to the Harlem River, they would guzzle huge volumes of water to slake their thirst

    11. His sharp chin shot the guzzle in a steady fauceting off in the air, down his tweed scarf and locomotive-colored coat

    12. As for tea or sour-cabbage soup, the master and the mistress themselves guzzle that

    1. Gomorrah guzzled from the vast vats that had been

    2. If this was wine he guzzled, maybe the slave catcher would soon fall over

    3. His father opened another beer and guzzled it down

    4. I was really irritated, annoyed at Akua for firstly, calling me here under false pretences, secondly, because my stomach was growling, and thirdly, because I could have taken advantage of my trip over to the hospital and possibly have eaten a fresher meal than the one I had just guzzled, which was clearly impossible now, because the jock was here

    5. “It’s fine,” he said as he guzzled the wine down and poured

    6. bed and guzzled the mind numbing liquid

    7. " He guzzled down half the beer from his can

    8. Timing their progress to himself, Edwin reckoned they had less than a minute before they’d be guzzled by the machine

    9. Dad wheeled me over to one of the plush couches, arranged me on it and sat next to me while he guzzled fragrant cups of coffee and ate French pastries

    10. Thus advised, and with the example before her of one whose word was the ultimate law to her, the countess complied, and ate ravenously though daintily, while her liege lord tore into the meat joints and guzzled the wine with as much gusto as if he had not already eaten once that night

    11. I leaped onto the counter, grabbed hold of one glass and then guzzled the contents

    12. “He’s not a nice man, but Rahul Bhaiya is the best, he’s a doctor,” Anil guzzled a glass of water

    13. When they got back to the City the machine guzzled their catch, the stock flowed, and soon they became rich

    14. Cynthia guzzled the water in the bottle like a camel

    15. licked the margarine and syrup still on the plate then guzzled

    16. and then guzzled the contents; instantly, I was hydrated

    17. with the built in motorized massager and guzzled down an

    18. ” He guzzled an entire bottle of water, wiped his mouth dry and let out a sigh of relief

    19. “Molly, I said as I guzzled the glass

    20. last category, where you will find me, crooked lawyers,” as he guzzled the

    21. Pon had left his cloth bag with Stu, only taking his Glave and GPS with him and, as the lads guzzled their well-deserved beer, the bag started to ring

    22. Frank guzzled the rest of Alice’s beer, grabbed Victor’s whiskey, and headed to the bar

    23. Frank guzzled his drink and, as they got up to leave the bar area, turned back and grabbed Chuck’s glass, guzzling that too

    24. He guzzled his water, relishing the wet coolness as it washed down his dry throat

    25. In my ten days on the trail, I’d yet to see another human, so I lounged without concern for anyone coming along, dizzy with ecstasy as I laboriously pumped the cold water through my water purifier and guzzled bottle after bottle

    26. They shoveled down five-cent hot dogs at Nathan’s, ate cotton candy, guzzled ice-cold Coca-Colas

    27. They wandered through the spires and turrets of Luna Park, rode more rides, gobbled peanuts, and guzzled more Cokes

    28. I guzzled whey shakes for years and was astonished by how much lighter and leaner I felt when switching to a plant-based blend

    29. He ran his hands through his blond hair, guzzled down the last of his Classic Coke, and smiled pleasantly, as if he were taking a curtain call

    1. As he drops his gaze, he tilts his head up and guzzles the cocktail

    1. He said, ‘Good, it’s full’ before he started guzzling it

    2. guzzling down the other eleven

    3. Reaching for one of the many bottles of water that I had left sitting out, I guzzling the whole thing down, surprising myself

    4. The notion that they were built of molecule-thin structures was only of limited interest to the beer guzzling, football and TV-poker watching Fred

    5. The locals were always good drinkers, who seemed determined to fill the day with an orgy of guzzling

    6. A couple of kids sat on top of the car hoods, laughing, and guzzling their beer

    7. guzzling this stuff down like there was no tomorrow

    8. 8x107 mouths are busy puffing on glow wands and guzzling can after can of golden stupi-fuel

    9. She carried a plastic cup around the house with her and was constantly guzzling water through a straw

    10. And more than looking the part, he felt the part; the awakening of old memories, the resurge of the wild, mad, glorious days of old before his feet were set on the imperial path when he was a wandering mercenary, roistering, brawling, guzzling, adventuring, with no thought for the morrow, and no desire save sparkling ale, red lips, and a keen sword to swing on all the battlefields of the world

    11. In a short period of time, she had started to mean much more to me than the bits and bytes guzzling computer geek of a while ago

    12. I chose the former, twisting the cap off a one litre bottle of pop and then guzzling the contents therein

    13. I obliged her by guzzling the entire contents of the cup of beer and then handing back the cup

    14. But as soon as he did, I took his advice by guzzling my screw driver

    15. These same people are the ones who waste resources instead of practicing conservation, who don’t recycle and who drive gas guzzling, environmentally polluting vehicles like Hummers and SUVs

    16. Walter and Randy and they all started guzzling Julius’s spirits, his guard

    17. We did however still have a few kilometres to do to break that record (well, a few tens of thousands actually) and ridiculously helpful as Geza and his chums were, they drew the line at finishing the trip for us while we lounged around Geza's flat guzzling another gargantuan pile of comfort food

    18. Now we believe in laissez faire as much as the next mug who has no real idea what it means, but this was too gross: Fellow diners shluping up bowfuls of Iskembe, a type of hot tripe soup with chilli powder, or guzzling on platefuls of tas kebab, basically bull’s bollocks in a yummy bollock-based sauce and sheep’s head we could handle but sheep’s head broiled in its own grey, fatty discharge complete with juicy staring eyes, all consumed without the aid of cutlery and with much slurping and picking of teeth was too much

    19. Repton once collapsed with stomach cramps whilst guzzling shrimp in Orlando

    20. Beer sipping became beer quaffing then turned to wine guzzling

    21. Wine guzzling later turned to hard stuff requiring mixers and finally the Jagermeisters was scootered in from a neighbouring village

    22. But if man gives free rein to his spirit and follows the primrose path, that is, living a life of nothing but ease and pleasure, so that he fails to make use of his intellectual gifts and the power of his thought, he will become entirely embroiled in the lowly life, drinking from its quagmire and guzzling from its cup of mean, carnal desires

    23. champagne for little guzzling Molly

    24. Guzzling another large glass of champagne, Molly had reached the “let’s

    25. Scott said, guzzling his beer

    26. If you keep guzzling those blue label Chimay

    27. He stopped because Elandria had already opened the bottle and was guzzling it down as though it were water

    28. Frank guzzled his drink and, as they got up to leave the bar area, turned back and grabbed Chuck’s glass, guzzling that too

    29. But here you sit, guzzling boiled beef as though you'd not had a bite for three days

    30. I imagined the Australian honeymooners on the AT now, eating cheeseburgers and guzzling beer in a pub a couple of miles from the trail, sleeping by night under a wooden roof

    31. My motion sensor went off, so I peeked outside and there he was, kneeling in the dirt, just guzzling tomatoes

    32. But here you sit, guzzling boiled beef as though you’d not had a bite for three days

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    Synonyms for "guzzle"

    guzzle swill tipple booze toast drink

    "guzzle" definitions

    drink greedily or as if with great thirst