A small handful of walnuts or almonds, about 1-3 ounces, can help lower high blood cholesterol levels and other blood factors linked to heart disease
Yet again Stephen comes to my rescue, grabbing a handful of tissues from the box I keep in here and holding them out for me
He returns very quickly with a handful of kitchen roll and proceeds to dab at my leg
A handful of other teachers are sprawled here and there
‘What have I let myself in for?’ he muttered theatrically as Liz, who has been collecting up some of the soggy wallpaper which fell out of the bag, throws a handful at him
He corners her by the back door and, neatly forcing her to yield up the handful of wallpaper she is holding, dexterously pushes it down the back of her t-shirt as she squirms and squeals
‘Cheek!’ I retorted, grabbing a handful of cleavers from the nearby hedgerow and dabbing it on him
"There’s a handful of amorphous transient contacts moving in the debris…
He looked around at the handful of redsuits still out there on the ledge with him in the piss yellow, sulfurous haze
Add a handful to a vegetarian stir-fry or use as a nut butter on crackers or bread
These are a handful of perks that companies have offered in the past, and continue to offer to their followers in order to keep them on board
So he grabbed a big handful of his stuff, and started to make a lot noise walking down the ramp to his cart
Daniel’s voice was almost desperate in tone, he sighed deeply, millions have died, only a handful of us left
‘Yes, there’s the three here in the Med, one somewhere in the Rhone valley in France, four in the north American continent, a handful in Russia, two or three in the Germany/Poland/Austria regions, the three which we have in the British Isles and goodness only knows how many in the Oriental areas … they’ve never admitted to more than two up to now
“Yes they are and quite a handful
‘It was cool!’ he finished, adding that Katie had a bit of a thing for Jake, before grabbing a handful of biscuits and disappearing up to his room again
Then in a handful of minutes she had gone, smashed to pieces
’ He said, pausing by the side table where cutlery is neatly bundled up in napkins - he counts out sufficient bundles and hands them to me then picks up a handful of condiments, all packaged in their plastic bags
‘It was a mess, no doubt about it, but that’s because most of the house was unused; her parents were living in a handful of rooms on the ground floor by then
Grabbing a handful of covers he wrenched them back
6 Better is a handful, with quietness, than two handfuls with
As the story unfolds, the boy places a handful of each colour of sand into the bowl of dark water
As well as the tents, there were a handful of horse-drawn
And this!’ he picked up a handful
Reaching for a handful of mud, Sheila roughly rubbed it onto Chrissie’s chest, her touch knowing and experienced
“I suppose only a handful of people know the truth of that adventure
handful of damp dirt and covered the wigglers with it
That got a reaction from her, she stopped with a handful halfway to her mouth
Sitting down beside Terry, having grabbed a handful of tissues from the box on the side, I put my arm round her shoulders, ‘What on earth is the matter, Terry?’
He’s had lunch with her a couple of times (cue another outbreak of sobbing from Terry, I reach for another handful of tissues),
He had only used it a handful of times
sidled over to a nearby stall and bought a handful of
She was actually dusting the thesh with a handful of flour to help it stick when that hit her and she wafted the flour over the basin while buckling up with laughter
Abraham rewarded him with a handful of pennies
Kneeling on the canyon floor, one hand stemmed the flow of blood from his nose, the other grabbed a handful of sand
Johnson tried to grab Heather as she ran by him but only grasped a handful
Accordingly, I dug up a piece of ground as well as I could with my wooden spade, and dividing it into two parts, I sowed my grain; but as I was sowing, it casually occurred to my thoughts that I would not sow it all at first, because I did not know when was the proper time for it, so I sowed about two-thirds of the seed, leaving about a handful of each
My people work harder than even the Ancients, but we are no more than a handful, whereas they were thousands
We were a mere handful against a horde of dead
In fact, at present there was only a handful of mages who were of the Sixth
She just had normal beautiful tits, one complete handful each
" One of the reasons why he'd chosen to make a home of the inn was that -- beyond a handful of regulars, of which he was one -- very few customers frequented its walls
"Unfortunately, only a handful of these weapons remained, smuggled down through the ages
The first party through the gate were to consist of a handful of fair folk officers, five thousand Orcs and five thousand goblins
Then Gogo took a shoebox out of her chest of drawers, opened it and grabbed a handful of what looked like cotton candy
handful of rags in her mouth - stopping briefly to give her
A lovely handful of oboloi
There remained only a handful of Makii left in the Grand Hall
Only a handful of Magi speckled the gathering, thin blue halos burning around their bodies
From the tones, I knew my mother was one of the parties inside and I guessed from the other voices that a handful of the elders were arguing with her
All it takes is a handful of unhappy customers who have had bad experiences
of mutton, a heel of wheaten bread, a handful of plump olives, and a goatskin full of wine
In exchange, she gave him a handful of berries
“Then I’d have to change the whole darn story, Tygo! Why don’t you sip on some more of that homemade lemonade and crackle another handful of sunflower seeds, and don’t worry about the Standard family that I told you about
A handful of gleaming coins and a warm smile would be more than enough to convince the carriage driver to take her most of the way - just a bit further beyond the point at which the road split and the way upward to Meridia’s famed shrine came into view
handful to his mother by now and she would have placed
She’d love a handful of olives and a bite of roasted meat
made suggestions on a handful of your lines
But even her ill-will for the thief could be easily tempered with a handful of gold coins
Before leaving the tavern, the stranger produced a handful more of gold coins to place on the bar counter and then helped himself to a bottle of DRAFT
It was a surreal sight, the very late evening finding a handful of soldiers at the camp’s edge, ready to meet them
“Hmpf, that brother of yours…he’s certainly a handful
The usual number of freaks roamed close by, some wearing army fatigues, and the handful that picked up interest in the Murano were coming closer
I looked around, only seeing a handful
Or, actually, for his son and a handful of others, but the relationship was near enough for the fear to become personal
Chris bent over and scooped up a handful of the grey gravel
The children ran to pick a handful, then brought them to their mothers, offering them as something precious indeed
Sebastian, Russell, Alex, Victoria, and a handful of Guardians stomped out of the front doors of Temple less than three minutes later
It wasn’t fifty steps later before a handful of demons crawled out from behind rock surfaces, snarling
“I told you this would happen and that it would bode no good for us and I was right charging fucking trenches with a handful of blokes mark my words no bloody good will come from this escapade and that’s a fact
Sebastian ran to an open refrigeration unit and grabbed a handful of packets of blood and turned toward the tunnel that went
finishing with a hill in the distance and lights from a handful of houses scattered upon it
populated by a handful of freaks who'd gone
The venue was not crowded; a few scattered groups of mainly university students and a handful of couples hung about the bar area
She had always been a handful for Jack but at thirty she seemed
Tying up the entire farmer army in flows of Air had been suggested, though few Alit’aren or Ael Tarael were strong enough in the Power of Air to hold more than a handful at a time, and this made it difficult to perform other spells at the same time
A small force of soldiers were left behind to lead the farmers back to Nordhel, only a handful could be spared though the farmers felt safer to have some protection
He looked her in the eye for a second, before Khan grabbed a large handful of his hair and lifted his head back
She glanced up to Raven, then grabbed a large handful of Alexia’s dark hair
had been limited to the handful who had been there
The pirate never got a chance to finish the sentence, since Cheeryup took that moment to throw the handful of dirt and gravel she’d been hiding in her fist into his open, blabbering mouth, making him gag, sputter, and cough
I told him that was a good idea, got myself some lemonade, and grabbed a handful of cookies, as well
Despite the fresh snow, a handful of young athletes jogged past on their way to the lake trail
Hunger is a good sauce, and the creatures are collected, and a handful or two thrown into a fry-pan with a little fat, and though I did not try this tempting dish, they are said to be just passable, will keep a long time, and can be easily prepared
Fysto grabbed a handful of sand from the standard firefighting buckets that dotted the deck and threw it in the port agent’s face
"Well" said the Costumer, reaching out for a handful of cherries, "this Christmas Masquerade of yours was a beautiful idea; but you wouldn't do
with it--oh, wonder!--a handful of gold pieces, which fell with a
handful into each of Toinette's shoes, as they stood, toes together by
round his waist, he pulled out a handful of something brown
A modern army, composed of the finest men and material in the world, had been moved recklessly into a death-trap, to be decimated by what proved to be a handful of half-starved Spaniards
A handful of enforcers struggled to establish barricades on either side of the bridge, but this had just happened and few men had arrived
York flew in for the day when a small ceremony was held by Minister Lyle with a handful of relatives
She had a Kombi for obvious reasons, she clearly had a handful of children; their remnants were all over the car
handful of soldiers prepared for battle while Crowley studied the painted walls
is not the perfect solution, (a relatively handful of densely populated states strategically allied could conceivably influence the course of an election), abolishing it would further erode the (already) marginalized impact of voters residing in thinly populated areas
He wished he had grabbed a bigger handful of jerky back at Clarence’s cabin
She felt him grab a handful of her hair and sucked in her breath, waiting for the punch to land
He flipped open the lid and dumped a handful of his wife’s clothes back on the bed
Mai Bell clutched a handful of the big man’s thick hair, steadying his head while her husband held the knife close to the sweating face
Irrationally, he found his hands scrabbling to pull out a handful of tissues from the space between the seats where the little packet was kept