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    Use "hangover" in a sentence

    hangover example sentences


    1. ‘Hope the hangover is going – keep your chin up

    2. ‘Ready to go, Kate? I think you’re going to have a hangover tomorrow

    3. the gaps a scale of hangover and lethargy

    4. He had the worst hangover in the whole wide world and he felt physically sick as he remembered the state of chaos that he and his wife had left behind them the previous evening, but when he opened the kitchen door he was blinded by the dazzle from the work tops and the gleaming surfaces of the kitchen appliances

    5. The adrenalin rush of the previous evening and the near quarter bottle of Scotch that she had drunk before bed had not mixed well and, when she opened the door to the reporter from the Sun & Mercury, Miss Jones was suffering from the unpalatable effects of her first hangover since her debutante years

    6. I wouldn’t say I have a hangover but there is a definite feeling that I wasn’t drinking water last night

    7. He had the worst hangover in the whole wide

    8. She heard some of the same lines she heard when he was bathing her and she was finishing up her construction of this hangover

    9. ‘That would be nice, but don’t worry if your hangover is too bad to contemplate it

    10. doubtless, he’s sleeping off his hangover!

    11. hangover, much later than was habitual for him

    12. Clubbers on the dance floor and in the bar area are staring, all of them making the same basic assumption; stupid, pissed up kids with one mother of a hangover on the cards

    13. Billy shuts his eyes, hoping that silence will finally come, that the gun will disappear or morph into something more useful, a bottle of brandy, perhaps, but nothing happens, nothing except for the sound of his on board stereo system breaking through the hangover haze in his head

    14. how to cure a hangover, it would be the Russians

    15. The addition of the herbs prevented a hangover, so he could indulge to his heart’s content

    16. He might be suffering from a severe hangover, but she still was hobbled by all the

    17. At this hour especially, when he’d be suffering a deep hangover

    18. He blinked his hangover at the sword on the ceiling, caused by

    19. I never get headaches like most people do when they have a hangover but I’m always starving the next morning after a goodnight out

    20. having a hangover lower your workout intensity, but drinking actually lowers protein synthesis by twenty percent

    21. A mind of fuzzy thoughts, it was like recovering from the worst possible hangover

    22. Frank couldn’t remember much after opening the first bottle, but knew he must have drunk a hell of a lot by the hangover he was suffering

    23. Judging by the size of the hangover, he must have drunk a whole goddamn bunch before Sylvia went on her berserk rampage and busted every bottle in the place

    24. He had to get going, but first there must be something he could do to ease the damn hangover

    25. Goddamn, he was feeling good! What hangover?

    26. The worry she’d assigned to recruiting Caroline hardly seemed worth losing a day over, a feeling that was strongly reinforced when she awoke the next morning with a hangover of enormous proportions and an airplane to catch, but the many pieces were in place and maybe in time to prevent a shortage of product

    27. She went off to have a shower to wash away her hangover and get ready for the day’s work

    28. The most damnable hangover I ever had…’

    29. - It does not give a hangover normally; however, as we shared several casks of it, it should be felt!

    30. The hangover was gone and there was only a heavy drowsiness left in her body

    31. The next day I had such a terrible hangover and I was so worried

    32. You got a hangover?”

    33. I’m just sleepy and a little spaced out like a hangover without the bad effects

    34. I will be meditating in order to avoid the post-jump hangover just in case the jump algorithms are off,” I said to Kellyn privately

    35. I do not have time to explain why, just be aware that we will probably face greater than normal hangover coming back, regardless of our preparations,” I said over the comm, taking care to leave it open so that we could hear the countdown as I walked back to the group

    36. Tomo guessed he was suffering from bad concussion, mixed with a hangover

    37. You would figure by now I’d be used to going to school with a hangover

    38. They told me it was not brain damage; instead, it was more like the effect of having a big hangover

    39. “I was ready to catch you if you passed out, no hangover?” I teased and she chuckled

    40. I had a hangover, only several hours’ sleep, felt like it was 5am back in AZ, yet we did a hell of a job

    41. 5-10pm, two aspirins and tall glass of water at bedtime, no hangover, no DUIs, etc

    42. than a little discomfort, due to his hangover, and he moved

    43. Yazadril and Hilsith cast hangover cures on their loved ones, then took them home and tucked them into bed

    44. These are the current writings of a chemo hangover

    45. "I was laying in the ward with the rest of the guys about to be med-evaced, just resting up from my hangover, when some general comes through and pins these to our pillows

    46. Since waking this morning with a hangover and worse, he had walked up a mountain overlooking Eid

    47. The events of the evening had sobered him and now he was left with one hell of a hangover

    48. Tips on how to avoid a hangover headache

    49. hangover usually sets in after the consumption of alcohol

    50. ƒ The hangover headache is usually the result of

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    Synonyms for "hangover"

    hangover holdover katzenjammer

    "hangover" definitions

    disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol)

    an official who remains in office after his term

    something that has survived from the past