Use "hardship" in a sentence
hardship example sentences
1. But what if there isn’t need for chastening? What if we’re blameless? Why would God allow for tribulation and hardship and suffering to befall us? Why would God allow for His children to be martyred or tortured? Does that sound like a loving father? In the Holocaust, where was God? Does that look like a loving father?
2. In times of plenty the cupboard was rarely full and in times of hardship the children barely had a crust to share between them
3. times of hardship the children barely had a crust to share between
4. Restriction of flow only causes more burden and hardship
5. They are, however, altogether different, are regulated by quite different principles, and bear no proportion to the quantity, the hardship, or the ingenuity of this supposed labour of inspection and direction
6. When the inconstancy of employment is combined with the hardship, disagreeableness, and
7. The coal-heavers in London exercise a trade which, in hardship, dirtiness, and
8. hardship, prayers, and giving without expecting anything in
9. " There is somewhat of hardship in this matter of certificates," says the
10. It imposes no real hardship upon the masters
11. I’m sure your family saw its share of hardship
12. And she’d be beautiful -- what man would refuse her? What man would even consider such a fate a hardship?
13. After all these years of bitter hardship, the Gods had turned their favor on her
14. Not only did he have a beautiful girl whom he loved very much, but he had also managed to rescue her family from enduring further hardship on the plain
15. Propelled by hardship as a result of poverty, they went on to succeed in life and attain an abundance of wealth
16. Time and again, channeling by mediums, hypnotherapy sessions and deep meditations have revealed that we do come back to Earth voluntarily to experience life as a human being, despite the ‘amnesia’ and hardship
17. The departed Mother Theresa who endured hardship and suffering in her noble work displayed unconditional love
18. The pain and hardship we go through in life are not without its cause, and we cannot deny responsibility for its occurrence
19. When there was economic hardship, he gave back to the people some of the tax money that was collected earlier
20. There seems to be a hardship in obliging the proprietor to pay a tax for an untenanted house, from which he can derive no revenue, especially so very heavy a tax
21. sometimes hardship can bring out the best in people
22. However to us who were used to the trenches it was no hardship for we had a knack of dropping off anywhere and sleeping sitting up suited us fine
23. as you wish, but the truth is that your childhood was one of hardship
24. With the capacity of each transport, and the roster of each regiment before him, the youngest officer could have made effective assignment and saved such dire confusion, which took two days to untangle, and entailed much sun-exposure and hardship on the soldiers
25. You have to understand that South Africa was not and still is not a welfare state and if you lose your job for whatever reason you suffer tremendous hardship
26. hardship on its people? Should its people, (they cannot properly be called citizens), be held liable for the criminal designs of its ruler(s)? (they cannot properly be called leaders) Should its people be subject to international reprisals by otherwise peaceful nations threatened by its existence? Should its people be perceived as innocent bystanders caught up in the whirlwinds of determined causes or willing accomplices drawn to ―dynamic‖ currents exceeding their moral and physical endurance? Should its people be subject to (economic) sanctions imposed against that nation whose objectionable conduct at home and abroad poses a viable threat to its peaceful neighbors? Is ignorance an excuse, or complacency or cowardliness for that matter? The present situation in Iraq recalls Hitler‘s Germany
27. Fidel Castro‘s supporters on the American Left have historically argued that 1) most embargoes are ineffective in subverting autocratic governments (note these are the same people who summarily called for embargoes against Iraq as a viable alternative to war), and 2) that such restrictions promote unnecessary hardship to its citizens and should therefore be lifted if not for humanitarian reasons, alone
28. Yours shall be a bitter place, filled with remorse and many tears! Hardship and troubles shall be your daily bread!
29. Deregulation can often kill, lead to greater poverty and hardship, lead to higher death rates from preventable disease, crime, preventable deaths from workplace accidents, higher child death rates, and earlier deaths for senior citizens
30. In what manner am I qualified to arbitrate the collective shortcomings of diseased individuals who have promoted spiritual hardship on so many young children on so many emotional levels?
31. Any new or imagined illness for me is another hardship for him, and he usually takes it harder than I do
32. I believe we need to look at life’s obstacles as part of a journey and not as a hardship or a test
33. Some were going on leave in Paris, no hardship for them, and the rest were flying with us
34. That will create great hardship for the people who live here
35. watching how they conducted themselves in a time of hardship and it
36. ” She looked up at Nico, who was trying to swallow the hardship of the story
37. In sum, while it is good to patiently endure one's troubles, there is also wisdom in thinking how to protect oneself from hardship or adversity in the future by not accumulating more negative karma in a mindless way
38. Ashes: Turning from sins; devastation; total death of the old life; consumed; mourning; sorrow; dejection; victory over hardship; to be worthless;
39. better life without hardship
40. These were men with the creases of hardship drawn deep across greying brows
41. Anything attained through hardship was always remembered more
42. 21 And the labor imposed on the children of Israel in the days of Adikam exceeded in hardship that which they performed in the days of his father
43. where hardship and fear were concerned
44. ” All of the foregoing accusations were true, but because he and Denny also cut 20% of the payroll before Christmas (they magnanimously continued my health insurance through December 31st, and I elected to retain it via COBRA until I got to NM), I was not the only “financial hardship layoff” and the termination letter acknowledged as much
45. From time to time Herod even showed concern for the needs of the people; in 25 BCE, a year of hardship and famine, he purchased grain for the people, distributed clothes, and supplied seed, and on two occasions lightened the burden of taxation
46. Spell out the realities and consequences of these purchases to others – short on cash, family tension, unnecessary stress and complications, hardship and more
47. Then you were tested by severe hardship, and hardened by months of deprivation, then became the first of another race to be accepted by the elves into The Nine Valleys
48. In spite of all the hardship and heartbreak, there is a God in this world
49. I put them through a great deal of torturous hardship, and though it was in a good cause, I cannot be proud of it
50. hardship of the great willow, a miraculous wonder occurred