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    Use "have lost" in a sentence

    have lost example sentences

    have lost

    1. He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, "But you wore those sandals, I couldn't have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don't think I've ever carried an aluminum on my person," Ava said

    2. pound steps 10 times you have lost 10 pounds

    3. have lost our faith in supernatural acts of God

    4. Both are sunburned and seemed to have lost weight

    5. ‘Mum must have lost her temper with a vengeance then – he has my sympathy, Mrs Merrett

    6. their exhausted relatives have lost all hope, having spent all family savings

    7. She seemed to have lost her sparkle all of a sudden, as

    8. The unspoken dread that Stephen might have lost her hangs in the air

    9. Hoping to make him stop this, I made up a melodramatic love story about a boyfriend of mine who was killed in a car accident nine years ago; strangely enough, I felt quite emotional about it and when I said “I have lost someone” I meant it

    10. He must have lost it when he left the raft

    11. You have lost your aged appearance

    12. Though the good earth is rich, and can provide for everyone, we have lost the way

    13. if she didn't look like a cute ragdoll in those clothes, I would have lost my temper

    14. “It may be that you speak the truth Lord Boras, but due to your actions,” Naria stepped back, “how can I know this for sure?” Now in a softer voice she continued, “You have lost my trust Lord Boras, and deeply injured my respect for you

    15. Today he may have lost the sanctity of the small heaven he had believed in since 2152, but they had all gained a much greater one

    16. ‘If they’d found horses we’d have lost their trail by

    17. Connor, I have lost an assistant chef to a restaurant in Sacramento and am now short-handed; would you consider allowing Jameson to help out on weeknights and the odd weekend in my kitchens?” She inquired tactfully of the Livery proprietor

    18. Mxali Ngubane: It has been six days since we have lost communication with The

    19. have lost his last chance to save Marguerite Beauchamp

    20. have lost nothing and all our worries would have been

    21. Many congregations have lost their

    22. people in the Church have lost hope and settled for living in

    23. We have lost touch with our

    24. She hugged him close, she could have lost him

    25. It appears that we have lost two of the scholars

    26. They have lost all shams

    27. She seemed to have lost all interest in life

    28. a quantity of provisions of equal value would have been distributed among a still greater number of people, who would have bought them in pennyworths and pound weights, and not have lost or thrown away a single ounce of them

    29. Your parents have lost their autonomy and are in a home for the aged

    30. To dream that you have been carjacked suggests that you have lost your direction in life

    31. To dream of a bursting dam denotes that you have lost control of your anger and are overwhelmed with emotions

    32. You have lost a little bit of yourself

    33. If you lose an oar, then it suggests that you have lost your groove or have taken something for granted

    34. If you forgot where you parked, then it indicates that you have lost your direction in life

    35. It may also mean that you have lost track of your goals

    36. Now that you push me down I shall shout me cheers for now you have lost and I have won

    37. As it turned out, he would have lost his stake, since Mrs Pilfer managed to land the pie safely on an uncluttered corner of the table

    38. However, we do not know this because we have lost touch with our true Selves

    39. below its standard weight, the bank would, in this case, have lost only one per cent

    40. I sometimes wonder just how we could have lost such promising soldiers to the kind of mad vanity we’re seeing now

    41. At the end of all of this, they’ll each be staggering around whining and wondering how they could have missed the signs, how they could have lost control of their own little worlds

    42. She might, perhaps, have gained an absolute, but she would certainly have lost a relative advantage

    43. “Yes I know what you mean it’s been a hard slog and we have lost some good men and friends and I know that things are a bit confused at the moment but we will hopefully find more about what’s happening later when we get informed from the Staff

    44. We as well as the Fusiliers have lost a lot of good friends and comrades today and there are also a lot of wounded to be seen to

    45. ” One of the Sappers who had his water can resting on the edge of the well was startled by the shout he jumped and his water can hit the floor losing the water and his hook plummeted down the well and if he had not grabbed the rope he would have lost the lot

    46. We have launched god knows how many attacks since we got there and I have lost count of the number of good blokes we have lost

    47. Had the state of the country been different, had rents been gradually falling in consequence of the declension of cultivation, the landlords would almost all have lost this difference

    48. toes, fingers, but whatever it is, if you'd gone to hospital you'd probably have lost one

    49. “I don’t give a shit they can please themselves they are not the only ones that have lost loved ones in this war and they certainly won’t be the last

    50. “I see you still have my Christmas present from last year I thought that you may have lost it after everything you have been through I’m glad you haven’t

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