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    hedge against example sentences

    hedge against

    1. The reason is that it functions as a hedge against religious belief, in particular the belief in Man’s uniqueness

    2. A print-on-demand breed who was into electronic publishing, the kind that I had heard the big publishing houses were trying to ramp up their operations to include as a hedge against complete failure

    3. days, on the premise that flexibility is a hedge against any subsequent need for change

    4. asset class like gold or real estate to hedge against inflation, but will need to move away

    5. Structured settlements have the further advantage of letting parents set up plans that hedge against unwise expenditures that some 18-year-olds might make

    6. used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss

    7. In fact that is exactly how we think of social security: as a hedge against inflation in the distant future

    8. (Although we did have $30,000 saved up in a bond fund for use over the first year of our retirement as a partial hedge against risk

    9. The fund bought the OEX May 505 puts as a hedge against a short iron butterfly

    10. “Yes,” I stated, “but those aren’t a hedge against this position

    11. (Turn to Chapter 15 for more on using precious metals as a hedge against inflation

    12. For example, Hershey Foods Corporation is an active participant in cocoa futures because it wants to hedge against the price risk of cocoa, a primary input for making its chocolates

    13. Phelps Dodge has an active hedging program, in which it enters into agreements with other market participants through the futures markets, to hedge against price risk

    14. It is not a hedge against inflation, not in the long run anyway

    15. For the long June 88-90 strangle, you can hedge against such a decrease while still taking advantage of favorable movement in prices by selling a farther out strangle: September 86 puts and 94 calls

    16. For example, investors who try to hedge away Nestlé’s Swiss franc exposure (its shares are listed in Switzerland) will have trouble knowing what currency to hedge against, as less than 5% of Nestlé’s revenues are in Swiss francs

    17. Stocks carry no such guarantee and, in fact, are a relatively poor hedge against high rates of inflation

    18. He will commit a portion of his funds to buying put options on a stock index, to hedge against a broad decline in the market

    19. So to lessen the blow to your portfolio and your wallet, keep reading for a list of investments that will help you hedge against inflation and even make some money as prices skyrocket

    20. A position that exactly replicates the index is an imperfect hedge against the futures contract because one side is subject to stock-type settlement, while the other side is subject to futures-type settlement

    21. Options are used to hedge against risk

    22. In addition to using them as a hedge against a portfolio of individual stocks, you can also buy ETFs in specific sectors, countries, or asset classes

    23. 4 percent), and an effective hedge against portfolio volatility

    24. Merton’s Inter-temporal CAPM implies that priced factors other than market beta should hedge against future changes in the investment opportunity set

    25. Data are limited but many studies suggest that direct real estate holdings provide a good hedge against inflation over the long run

    26. Deflation tends to hurt most asset classes, so it is difficult to hedge against

    27. He will probably cover it, but perhaps he would keep it as a hedge against the newly purchased calls

    28. Farmers originated the buying and selling of futures contracts as a way to offer a hedge against price changes in their crops

    29. Producers and end users are constantly using the futures markets to hedge against price swings up or down

    30. On one occasion, a report showed a recovering economy will be quite bullish for precious metals because gold is considered a hedge against inflation

    31. This relative outperformance of the VPN related to the VPD involves the risk control measure that the VPN implements through buying out of the money call options to hedge against a dramatic rise in volatility

    32. Gold is considered a hedge against inflation, but it also comes under pressure during economic slowdowns

    33. A good portion of this trading is by institutions using VIX call options as a hedge against a bearish move in the equity market

    34. Depending on the contract and cost associated with the spread and the passage of a day, either 60 or 90 VIX Calls may be purchased as a hedge against a drop in the S&P 500

    35. A similar approach may be implemented as a hedge against this occurring when trading futures calendar spreads

    36. The more we can hedge against exposures that concern us, the more aggressive we can be in individual long positions based on our view of the fundamentals

    37. Having once been the linchpin of the global monetary system, gold is still seen by many as a solid hedge against inflation

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