talking about heretical things openly in a Church was
of the tithing system as a heretical act
And he had the Urfalli with him, their machines working in ways unfathomable, the heinous products of heretical pacts with the forces of evil
Any and all protestations to the opposite were declared heretical and the works of those in opposition were consigned to the pit called Apocrypha
It was born when its apostles declared the largest and most pervasive of those influences, Gnosticism, a heretical doctrine
“The Inquisition created earlier [1184] [was meant] to counter the wide infiltration of heretical teaching [Catharism] into Catholic thought and behavior
26 Heretical Press website, Dinare, “A Short History Of Banking
land of Ethiopia, which they believe is their heretical roots
'But this is madness!' protested Trocero, 'The maunderings of a heretical priest, the mumblings of a mad witch-woman
Fishmael, oh Fishmael, are you wise? Are your heretical arguments just? It is troubling that such convincing words can be uttered by such a blackened soul
Much of that was due to the negative reactions of the Catholic Church, which had a tight grip on the Quebec society of the time, to what it perceived as the immoral and heretical attitudes of the members of the Time Patrol
that its very nature is heretical to theology
discounted because they were deemed to be heretical
the Gospels probably because it was also heretical
to say the least, heretical and blasphemous
only heretical to misconception and the real heresy
(that there may not be a God) is heretical and
the atheistic and heretical
They were sons because Eve knew the heretical
It is the heretical truth which is concealed
done in order to hide the dark heretical truth that there may not be a God, from the eyes
It is quite plain that by partaking of this fruit (heretical truth) one is made 'as gods' but
the atheistic and heretical knowledge that God is an ideal
Then the moon (heretical truth) shall be confounded,
(heretical truth) shall not give her light, and the stars
the moon (heretical truth) into blood (spirit of
It actually represents the heretical TRUTH or worldliness that is that
that the sun = heretical truth and the moon idolatrous truth and indeed
(heretical truth), in the valley of Ajalon (Valley of
which represents the heretical truth is seen as “our ruin” as portrayed by the ‘Valley
moon (heretical truth) shall not give her light,
thirst! Only the heretical TRUTH can quench this thirst
is either nonsense, heretical or both
ideas that might be heretical
Historically, new ideas have been scoffed at and deemed heretical,
‘’You and your Time Patrol have left His Holiness little choice but to call up your heretical, blasphemous statements, Overseer
This may seem heretical to religious people, who see prayer as playing that role, but that is only because our conception of poetry and prayer have changed so
Certain bishops of semi-Arian tendencies found it impossible to infuse into the laity of their flocks the heretical poison which they themselves had imbibed
Many of the AS-real gen obediently slashed at their throats trying to terminate the heretical comformicator's illegal memes from making them receivers of forbidden ideas
3) basically repeats the biblical material, adding the assertion that the Nicolaitans were heretical followers of Nicolaus, the proselyte of Antioch who was chosen to be one of the seven (Acts 6:5)
raise a child a book of heretical psychology, had lost the skill to correctly
Others were written in a language he recognised as belonging to the heretical Cathars who had been put down with much slaughter two centuries earlier
The father abbot has received grievous testimony of heretical practices within his manorial domain of Sherborne
What a heretical thought!
All Resurrectionist priests practiced various forms of healing magic, but other types of magic were considered heretical and outlawed in Caldera
out the purge of all heretical faiths
hotbed of heretical Christians
“Some of the heretical books deal with other
said, “the same issues the heretical movements explore:
faiths, then why were the so-called heretical faiths so
While the following Egyptian rulers tried to destroy and crush this heretical belief system of the SUN and the ruler of Egypt being one and the same being; in other words a living god
while the Jews of Judea tried to crush the heretical belief in a son of God existing on Earth as an ordinary man
And the heretical Semites who refused to give up their belief in an overriding all-powerful God: being cast out of Egypt
capable of leading in a heretical direction
Another Christian sect that was declared to be heretical and was wiped out by the early Christian church were the Evianites
In the lost heretical Gospel of the Evianites, the divine Christ parachutes down from heaven, enters the body of Jesus, does his mischief, and then opts out and goes back up to heaven
Do you understand now why certain Christian gospels were banned and why certain sects of Christianity were declared to be heretical and were wiped out of existence and exterminated? These secret hidden stinking undead things do not want living humans to figure out the truth about how they operate and what they actually are
Why do you think Jesus was crucified? Not just because he was a heretical Jew who had driven the evil filthy money changers out of the temple and cursed them calling them the spawn of Satan, but because he touched people with his bare hands
This exploration of Scripture interpretation may be acutely considered by some fundamentalists and others to be at worst, heretical and blasphemous, and at best, somewhat atypical and non-traditional, although it is essentially an objective, considered, practical and realistic academic approach
secretive circles that the Church labeled heretical because those people were striving to understand
the Cathars and Gnostics, because they were labeled heretical
began making the rounds within esoteric and heretical circles across Europe
(and other truly secret groups), which partially grew out of the heretical movements of earlier
stop the heretical word forming on her lips
necessary to cleanse this heretical land ready for the Day of
which they are disciplined beforehand for incorruption; they entertain heretical opinions
of the methods by which they are disciplined beforehand for incorruption; they entertain heretical opinions
incorruption; they entertain heretical opinions
147 said, “Some who are reckoned among the orthodox to beyond the prearranged plan for the exaltation of the just, and are ignorant of the methods by which they are disciplined beforehand for incorruption; they entertain heretical opinions
Tregelles, however, who will not be suspected of any heretical bias, with many other Hebrew scholars, translates "And many from among the sleepers of the dust shall awake; these shall be unto everlasting life; but those (the rest of the sleepers, those who do not awake at this time) shall be unto shame and everlasting contempt
In the same age heretical baptism was accounted a nullity in a Council at Carthage, 'because it could not be accompanied by the heavenly gift
He needed to give the nuns the clear message that Caris’s medical ideas were heretical
Over the years, he had always sent problem monks here: the mutinous, the mentally ill, those inclined to question the church’ s teachings and take an interest in heretical ideas
It was part of their plan to spread employment—and the heretical concepts of industrialization—as broadly as possible among their subjects
The Inquisition would undoubtedly have all manner of reservations about Fultyn’s proposal, since its most important design feature was copied directly from yet another heretical device, but it wouldn’t matter
After all, if one of the Inquisition’s own violated the regulations laid down for the governance of the holding camps—allowed misplaced leniency to encourage the heretical to maintain their defiance of God’s plan and the Archangels’ plain commandments rather than seek pardon and penance—it could only encourage others to do the same thing, which must inevitably undercut all Mother Church’s effort to crush the heresy
Faith was a frail shield against those heretical thunderbolts, and the warriors of Mother Church’s Inquisition fled wildly towards the protection of Camp Chihiro’s buildings
Perhaps even especially these days, since his cellars were deep and he’d laid in an extensive collection of the harder-to-get brands—especially from Chisholm—before the embargo had shut down legal commerce with the heretical Out Islands
The pressure would ease a bit in the next couple of months, as the northern canal systems began to thaw once more, but for the moment Gorath was probably the only port in the world which could rival heretical Tellesberg’s normal volume of shipping, and protecting it and keeping it flowing was the responsibility of the two admirals gazing out across it
In fact, HMS Defiant of the Royal Dohlaran Navy had once been HMS Dancer, of the Imperial Charisian Navy, the flagship of the heretical admiral who’d led that incursion
While no loyal son of Mother Church could question her legitimate right and responsibility to deal with those taken in impious and heretical rebellion against her, it would not be inappropriate for us to advise the vicarate about how best—and most effectively—the treatment of those prisoners might enhance rather than weaken our own Kingdom’s ability to support and sustain the Jihad
Still—I can’t help but see the irony that they whisper the loudest that the Garden of Beauty and Truth in Providence is heretical, when it’s their beliefs that contradict The Books of the Law
The Mzabites, the heretical Puritans of Algerian Mohammedanism, are seen everywhere as honest petty traders and workers in street industries
During the course of the controversies between the two parties, while each one claimed infallibility for itself and declared its opponent heretical, arose the idea of the one church
It is an historical fact that there have existed, and still continue to exist, numerous bodies, each one of whom maintains itself to be the true Church established by Christ, declaring at the same time that all the others who call themselves churches are heretical and schismatic
"I know that they dispute our right to qualify thus" (that is, to pronounce them heretical) "the tendencies which were so actively resisted by the early Fathers
Pressensé simply calls his own creed Christian truth, precisely as every heretical sect has done