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    hermetical example sentences


    1. There were temperature controlled, hermetically sealed, storage units made of glass

    2. the hermetically sealed isolation

    3. ‘Would you like to see the world – just once, before it’s too late?’ Gerrid looked at Tanya, hoping there was something left of her – a connection with reality outside TIAR and this hermetically concealed complex

    4. No matter how much Emily tried to convince her of Gary’s fears about CN and noble intentions, Jane’s mind was hermetically sealed shut

    5. When Siri had first decided to abandon his secure life working on the EADUN project and return to the Maasai Mara, he thought his chances of succeeding were pretty slim, but he now considered it to have been well worth the gamble, if only to be rid of the claustrophobic environment inside the hermetically sealed cities

    6. One store that caught the eye of Joseph sold a wide variety of spices at incredibly low prices, along with large quantities of food, mostly fish, preserved in either hermetically sealed glass jars or in metallic cans made of tin

    7. Hermetically sealed in space suits that have umbilical cords attached to them for life support; just like babies

    8. Hermetically sealed in space suits that have umbilical cords attached to them for life support

    9. requirements of the new sport at the hermetically sealed British Farting Centre in

    10. and there is no necessity for its being hermetically tight--but the object of converting bunkers into spaces of safety would be attained

    11. Its invisible door must have been hermetically sealed

    12. Doors were cut into the watertight bulkheads and were shut hermetically by means of india–rubber seals, which insured complete safety aboard

    13. The next day, February 14, I decided to spend a few hours studying the fish of this island group; but for whatever reason, the panels remained hermetically sealed

    14. Although the lounge was hermetically sealed, it was filling with an intolerable stink of sulfur, and I could see scarlet flames of such brightness, they overpowered our electric light

    15. I wanted to plunge my eyes through the lounge window and into these Atlantic waters; but the panels were hermetically sealed, and a mantle of sheet iron separated me from this ocean with which I was still unfamiliar

    16. On the way home I stopped at the deli and got a medium black coffee and a slice of hermetically sealed cornbread

    17. He made his guests enter the cage with great precaution, then he crawled in after them, pulled the stones together, and closed the opening hermetically again

    18. They had found in the cellar fifteen full bottles hermetically sealed

    19. This done, the hatches are replaced, and hermetically closed, like a closet walled up

    20. It became undoubtedly certain that even as all those inventions of the human mind, such as newspapers, theatres, concerts, parties, balls, cards, magazines, novels, are nothing but means to sustain the spiritual life of men outside its natural condition of labour for others, so in the same way all the hygienic and medical inventions of the human mind for the provision of food, drink, dwelling, ventilation, warming of rooms, clothes, medicines, mineral water, gymnastics, electric and other cures, are all merely means to sustain the bodily life of man outside of its natural conditions of labour; and all these are nothing else than an establishment hermetically closed, in which, by means of chemical apparatus, the evaporation of water for the plants is arranged, when you need only to open the window, and do that which is natural, not for men alone but to beasts too; in other words, having absorbed the food, and thus produced a charge of energy, to discharge it by muscular labour

    21. It turned out that all these devices of the human mind for the agreeable arrangement of the physical existence of idle persons are precisely analogous to those artful contrivances which people might invent for the production in vessels hermetically sealed, by means of mechanical arrangements, of evaporation, and plants, of the air best fitted for breathing, when all that is needed is to open the window

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