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    high wall example sentences

    high wall

    1. I wondered where Emanuele was taking me at first, because he turned down one of these lanes and then took what appeared to be a cobbled street (I later found out it was a Roman road … Anna, a Roman road!!!!!) with high walls either side

    2. 12It had a great, high wall with 182

    3. There is a small door at the rear which opens out to an old type garden with a high wall around it, no one saw me leave

    4. And it was an incredibly high wall with no fans behind it; was just an empty outfield wall with nobody sitting in the outfield

    5. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an witch, who had great power and was feared by all the world

    6. ‘We have a high wall

    7. It was separated from the tiny path that served this side of Yoonbarla Brook by a high wall of trellis choked with all the spice vines they'd had on it since she'd owned the place

    8. He could see ahead a high wall with a arched entrance way

    9. High walls, painted in apple green

    10. “And a two story high wall

    11. The circles were twenty paces in diameter in some cases, with four-feet-high walls of snow pushed up around the edges

    12. That I may bring down all these high walls and towering steeples!

    13. When the sun finally broke free of the horizon, Brokin ordered the storming of Brockenhurst Sett, watching proudly as his fighters streamed into the openings in the high walls of the earthworks

    14. Our more affluent houses look like Fort Knox with high walls and electric fencing

    15. Huge sparks seemed to fly from unfathomable contraptions that seemed to be hard at work, showering the improbably high walls with fiery fragments

    16. It is surrounded by high walls, large old trees and a beautifully kept garden

    17. As if they had not been there before to notice, he suddenly reached the high walls of the Garden that stretched in front of him as far as his eyes could see

    18. the heels of her boots echoing between the high walls on either

    19. 60 At that time also they builded up the mount Sion with high walls and strong towers round about, lest the Gentiles should

    20. which he had set up on the altar in Jerusalem, and that they had compassed about the sanctuary with high walls, as before, and his

    21. Thamnatha, Pharathoni, and Taphon, these did he strengthen with high walls, with gates and with bars

    22. 5 All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars; beside unwalled towns a great many

    23. The sounds of a city in the midst of a busy evening were heard drifting faintly over the three meter high walls

    24. 60 At that time also they builded up the mount Sion with high walls and strong towers round about lest the Gentiles should come and tread it down as they had done before

    25. 5 Moreover there came one who brought him tidings into Persia that the armies which went against the land of Judea were put to flight: 6 And that Lysias who went out first with a great power was driven away of the Jews; and that they were made strong by the armour and power and store of spoils which they had gotten of the armies whom they had destroyed: 7 Also that they had pulled down the abomination which he had set up on the altar in Jerusalem and that they had compassed about the sanctuary with high walls as before and his city Bethsura

    26. 50 Afterward returned Bacchides to Jerusalem and repaired the strong cites in Judea; the fort in Jericho and Emmaus and Bethhoron and Bethel and Thamnatha Pharathoni and Taphon these did he strengthen with high walls with gates and with bars

    27. High walls of water, about 35-40 feet high or more, surrounded the building

    28. I looked to the church below and saw the high walls of water still surrounding it, waiting for a command

    29. As a result, high walls of water were formed

    30. I saw millions of high walls of water around the world, as there were millions of churches with a coffin in it

    31. Kerim and Cristal sat on a four-foot high wall of sandstone blocks, which stretched for miles along the shoreline

    32. A few months back I was sitting outside in the sunshine alone hoping it would relieve some of the depression when two little birds flew over the high walls and landed at my feet

    33. High walls of solid steel stretched between the skyscrapers

    34. The whole city is surrounded by a fifteen metre high wall and is about six metres wide

    35. It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels; and names were written on them, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel

    36. ‗Their Swimming pool is surrounded by a high wall, and the gymnasium is inside and private

    37. Not with 8 foot high walls and this solid oak gate

    38. The patio was scattered with paint cans and paintbrushes, one large laurel tree rising above the high walls

    39. This was in a wing of the palace which let directly onto the street; on all other sides it was surrounded by broad gardens, bordered by a high wall

    40. The second explosion closed the pass behind them trapping the three trucks and their men inside a twenty foot high wall of rocks in front and behind them

    41. We emerged into a small courtyard concealed on three sides by a high wall guarded by the Earl’s soldiers who walked the ridgeline and maintained a stout bailey gate which was open

    42. for a while, eventually coming up against a high wall of red brick

    43. He went slowly around the high walls of the huge

    44. It was a rough map of the “Keepers” compound showing the high walls that guarded it

    45. They reached Suride Town; a city concealed behind an eight story high wall of dark, metallic brown, covered with a dome that was rotten at some sides to reveal sunlight into its husk

    46. There was an apartment complex a few meters away, separated from the older building by a seven meter high wall on the ground and the fifty meter distance between the two

    47. Luckily, there’s a high wall on the peripheral of my yard

    48. So strong, in fact was this feeling of alienation that, without consulting Anthea, I engaged a builder to erect a high wall around the boundary of the house and gardens

    49. It had been so long since I had ventured beyond our high wall that it felt strange to be at large in the town, although I met no-one and the few cars which passed, did so without pausing

    50. There are songs of the white cliffs of Dover and they are nice, but Beachy Head beats them all: it's a 160 metre high wall of white chalk, that overlooks the English channel

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