Use "higher rank" in a sentence
higher rank example sentences
higher rank
1. Maybe teacher was a higher rank than constable?
2. Such a clergy, however, while they pay their court in this manner to the higher ranks of life, are very apt to neglect altogether the means of maintaining their influence and authority with the lower
3. ” I looked at them askance and couldn’t believe what they were saying I mean although they were a lot older than me and of higher rank I still regarded them as friends but the I thought how wrong could I be
4. Hence it was very possible that a junior member would command a car until the higher ranking member got his own
5. Still others believed the ultimate responsibility lay with higher ranking officers or civilian leaders
6. To enter a higher rank, one is
7. He also had hired me as an attorney I instead of II, to which latter higher rank; I was entitled because I had by then more than the required three years’ experience
8. The higher the position, the fewer places were available, so in the higher ranks competition was fierce
9. Thus concluded the discussion that higher ranking men had been fighting for years in the Pentagon
10. He did not thank the General as one does not thank a higher ranking officer for any award or superior efficiency report because that implies the ranking officer is giving the award or efficiency report to the individual who has, in fact, earned it
11. obviously of a higher rank by the way that the first ones deferred to him
12. At last a higher ranking officer drove up
13. The second cop, who seemed to be of higher rank, chimed in
14. The higher ranking ruling demons(Nephilim) and other spirits are then easier to cast out when their houses and structures are dismantled properly and will ensure lasting freedom
15. A "greli" of dark and pointy ears, apparently the one of higher rank, gestured and produced strange sounds at the center of the circle
16. see the end of that ladder, and that the work of Those in the higher ranks of
17. A cipher clerk, a guard or perhaps the chauffeur may be a KGB officer and possess a higher rank than senior diplomats including the ambassador
18. There are many reverberations in terms of the result of taking on a lifetime or choosing to forge this option, but none of these are punishments, they are not sanctions because you refused to follow the orders of some higher ranking entity
19. hold higher rank than their dog/s this creates a situation of
20. In fact, it’s still prevalent with higher ranking
21. regardless of age must have higher rank
22. bags into incinerators have higher rank and prestige than I do
23. will result in a higher ranking for your site
24. web page in order to achieve a higher ranking, it is a lot
25. To summarize in its most basic form, the following are considered factors that contribute to the higher ranking of a website
26. Following this idea, sites that are more popular as determined by links are then given higher ranking
27. One of the prosecuting counselors nudged the higher ranked person, who was busy reading over some files
28. on tricks and gimmicks in an attempt to fool the search engines into higher rankings suffer mightily when
29. The consequence of having God endorsement will repress any impulse by a woman to have a revolt, and men enjoys the advantage of having a higher rank
30. Anyone who neglects his ability to think, consequently will be inactive depriving himself from Divine exaltedness and highness because the Almighty God has graced humanity with the ability to think that they can attain higher rank of approaching God and render good actions to approach nearer to Him, however the prophet (cpth) contemplated and thought about the cosmic wonders (signs) such as the sun and moon, the day and night …etc
31. Also, any of them whose spirit had more than one quality in common with the Envoy (cpth) surpassed the others and gained a higher rank than his counterparts
32. One day, our officer Mohammad Amin met up with his friend Mohammad al-Taghlibi who was also an officer in the military but held a higher rank than our officer; however, the latter yielded to Mohammad Amin because of his sublime morals, his bravery, fearlessness and innate goodness that he had observed throughout their friendship, and for his consummate approach to his Provider
33. Higher Rankings In The Search Engines
34. around of apparently higher rank wearing different military dress
35. your competitors have a higher ranking than you, linking to them can
36. más more, most, further; of higher rank; ~ bien rather; a ~
37. being, higher ranks were possible
38. Nevertheless, only the higher ranks
39. I also found that most of the houses had finally been completed around the hall, all ready to quarter our higher ranked Clan members
40. The Zoarinians have a secretive sect in their higher ranks of hierarchy that oversee the most intimate affairs of the empire, including the actions and private lives of the governors themselves
41. “Bridge,” Smith glared at the DC, “let me finish and when I was a DC, I addressed anyone with a higher rank than me as sir
42. Consider how strange it would be if God were not such a Being as this; if the Creator of all sensitive souls were the one Spirit devoid of sense and feeling! We are surrounded by a vast world of, living things, there are nearly a million species of them on earth, under each species a multitude that no man can number, each of these individual organisms possessing a sentient life, even the lowest some darkling sensation of pleasure or pain, the higher ranks so exquisitely organised for enjoyment and suffering that no words can sufficiently express the reality
43. Those who believe, and emigrate, and strive in God's path with their possessions and their persons, are of a higher rank with God
44. Let’s say you have ranked a player as a third round selection: however, you notice there are higher ranked athletes still available
45. Ferrars at first reasonably endeavoured to dissuade him from marrying Miss Dashwood, by every argument in her power;--told him, that in Miss Morton he would have a woman of higher rank and larger fortune;--
46. The higher ranking, most powerful Fae are able to translocate from place to place at the speed of thought
47. I could, therefore, expect a higher rank, and who knows what might have happened had the elder branch remained on the throne? But the Revolution of July was, it seems, sufficiently glorious to allow itself to be ungrateful, and it was so for all services that did not date from the imperial period
48. He didn’t want the responsibility of the higher rank, even though it would mean providing better for his family
49. He didn’t want the responsibility of the higher rank, even though it would mean providing better for his family
50. A higher ranking officer was behind them, exhorting them to get inside