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    highly-developed example sentences


    1. Brubaker’s brain was a finely-honed tool, a precision, highly-developed instrument capable of amazing things

    2. “Not least,” answered Robin, “because they have highly-developed managed security services, which include intrusion detection systems

    3. The more manifested results of life creativity of such “people” as you (the most highly-developed representatives) there are and the more active they are manifested in the outer world, the quicker your conscious collective Creativity refocuses you into a Continuum where these qualities have the maximum possibility of realization in the community with a corresponding development Level

    4. While it will be a completely different period in the Self-Consciousness of “an atom” or a very highly-developed Entity that also observe the same part of the Universe

    5. For example, the wave length of Our “hydrogen” Reality in one of highly-developed “dense-plasmic Pleiadian” civilizations equals 21cm, while the wave length of irkkulligren Realities modeled by us now is just 7cm! From the scientific point of view it is complete nonsense and absurdity! Any physicist would use formulas to prove me that this cannot be, because scientists are sure that the higher the frequency of any oscillation, the less its wave length must be

    6. The main functional feature of these very unusual factor Axes is that they make it possible for FLUU-VVU-doubles to actively reproject (in their typical frequency range) into the structure of Self-Consciousness of any highly-developed Proto-Forms (while “human” SVUULL-VVU-copies can reproject into underdeveloped Proto-Forms of animals) in order to realize their VVU-Information, which is practically impossible to do from usual factor Axes designed only for the dynamics of Proto-Forms of LLUU-VVU with a medium level of development

    7. That is why even highest-qualitative UU-VVU-copies cannot reproject from ordinary factor Axes into structures of Self-Consciousnesses of highly-developed Proto-Forms

    8. IISSIIDIOLOGY is one of such sources of high-frequency Knowledge of the forthcoming epoch, which has potentially absorbed the whole synthesized Experience of more primitive Levels of Existence, reveals to “the present humankind” unimaginably more extensive possibilities and perspectives for “future” creative realizations as a highly-developed Cosmic Civilization that will finally get away from the heavy chains of old fears, ignorance and prejudices, and will naturally join (but not conquer!) one Cosmic Family of identical and even more developed Civilizations

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