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    Use "hold firm" in a sentence

    hold firm example sentences

    hold firm

    1. Don’t hold firmly to attention

    2. and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you

    3. …hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to

    4. Close your eyes and hold firm pressure for a few minutes

    5. something solid to hold firm to

    6. “I think that I have one already! Hold firmly my fishing rod while I pull in my line, quick!”

    7. The coalition government’s recommendation was to hold firm on the “real terms” amount that the UK hands over to Brussels; allowing for inflation that would amount to a 2% increase

    8. Put pie crust ingredients into a food processor and blend until the mixture can be pressed together and hold firm

    9. To overcome fear, one should hold firmly to the mental attitude of Courage

    10. If the legislators hold firm long enough until the simplified Law becomes normalized, so people grudgingly begin to accept its basically fair precept: then you have enough public opinion on your side to resist any special interests who will be certain to keep persistently trying to change that simplified Law so they can enjoy the levels of wealth and corruption they were previously accustomed to

    11. And even though your light was shining, yet you see men were not saved by it, hold firm and doubt not the power of the heavenly light

    12. There is rather forced upon the reader the impression of deficiency in this respect, which seems to be due to the author’s failure to grasp thoroughly and hold firmly at all times the details of the plot, with a resulting lack of co-ordination in the action

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