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    Use "hopelessly" in a sentence

    hopelessly example sentences


    1. windows, and I fell hopelessly in love

    2. One of the few unarmed forces in the world, they had the utmost regard of the European superstar policeman; fighting a tidal wave of international organized crime with only their bare hands, hopelessly outnumbered, out-gunned and underfunded, technology from the stone age, forensics from the middle ages

    3. I cowered before them, staring at them in wide-eyed horror, hopelessly confused

    4. ’ Gilla wailed hopelessly

    5. His chat up lines developed from monosyllabic grunting into the crudely embarrassing hope of youth before finally passing into the hopelessly threatening swagger of the seventeen year old

    6. hopelessly threatening swagger of the seventeen year old

    7. As Mrs Brown waffled on about their flock and the prizes they had won, Andy peered out of the window at the moor over which he had struggled so hopelessly only the day before – it looked so innocuous from inside the car

    8. He was one who thought the whole notion of biology was hopelessly outdated

    9. By late Saturday night she was so bored she found herself sitting in front of the television trying to brush her hair with her good hand, but when the brush snagged and tumbled to the floor she didn’t even try to retrieve it; instead she found herself weeping hopelessly

    10. After one day I'm hopelessly in love with you

    11. "Hopelessly infatuated then, captivated, mesmerized, bewitched, call it what you will," he said and to a larger extent than he wanted to admit to himself, meant it

    12. they had to admit that they were hopelessly lost

    13. Klowa had fallen hopelessly in love with Luray and didn't mind telling Desa about it in trumps

    14. then three steps to the left, and I hopelessly followed, not caring

    15. It was hopelessly smashed, demasted, leaking badly

    16. Oddly enough, Denise was a well-educated, witty, likeable person who got along with most everyone, yet she apparently was always engulfed in some kind of blinding fog that left her hopelessly lost, even in familiar territory that she had passed through on previous occasions

    17. In this kind of terrain you can get disorientated very quickly to say the least all the terrain looks the same and it is quite easy to double back on yourselves or move in the wrong direction and pretty soon you are hopelessly lost

    18. “Nothing at all it’s just that our communications have broken down and there are units strewn all over the place up and down these infernal gullies and hopelessly lost even more serious a lot have no ammunition left”

    19. Tanya was hopelessly addicted to the immersion; the outside world – such as the compound had become – was now intolerable to her

    20. Being hopelessly in love with Sally

    21. Another concept hopelessly confused by the so-called thinking class

    22. A disease that only the hopelessly cowardly seem to be afflicted with

    23. I pressed on, guided only by the stars, but soon became hopelessly entangled in a swamp

    24. This puissant badger, hopelessly lost to the forces of the Dark Healing, planned to use the powerful magic of Boddaert's remains to further his own ambitions, and what followed was indeed a dark period in badger history

    25. Fillmore's commissioners negotiated eighteen hopelessly failed treaties

    26. She recalled the sad story of her life, losing her love and hopelessly trying to replace it with her rotten brat

    27. The only problems were that it was in need of extensive remodeling and hopelessly overpriced so, after several attempts at negotiation fell flat, she put the idea to rest

    28. “I want what he wants, Worth,” I said hopelessly

    29. Following their usual schedule, the crew would arrive the next morning and the insulating blocks became hopelessly buried behind tons of fish and ice

    30. He was hopelessly in love with her

    31. This Word settled over the land like a deadly plague on the “House of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” who struggled on helplessly, and then hopelessly as it spread even into the lands of their conquers

    32. Was she to cry so hopelessly once? Cry because that love could never be? Cry because it was hopeless? Cry because she could give all she was but that was not enough?

    33. A few weeks ago, I was just a lost kid, hopelessly trying to beat my nightmare of anxieties and fears, and now I’m a confident and balanced alpha male, in the service of the High Forces and getting ready to help people to heal the same illness that crippled me for all these years

    34. As he gazed rather hopelessly over the landscape the sunset light struck on a window of the old West homestead on the hill

    35. The boat-driver was a hopelessly scrawny man with a thin mustache and bulging eyes

    36. They fought very valiantly, but we got there too late to help and they were hopelessly outgunned and outnumbered,” was his reply

    37. hopelessly out for their surrender once more before marching

    38. I wanted to scream to Levi to not leave my side, but it was like my voice had dried out, like someone had poured acid down my oesophagus, and all I could do was stare hopelessly after my boyfriend as he left me alone, unaided with his aunt

    39. theory, but when it comes to practice, I find that I fail hopelessly

    40. and teachers contradict each other hopelessly

    41. I confess, Grammy, I’m madly, hopelessly in love,” she said before floating up the stairs

    42. space into itself, trying hopelessly to contain its growth and preserve the void

    43. “Three are retired reclusives who never leave home, three are too physically infirm to leave their beds due to magically inflicted injuries, and two are hopelessly insane! And the injured three are receiving long-distance Sendings of the Readings beings taken all over this valley, but of you two primarily, of course

    44. looking for directions, as the poor thing had got hopelessly

    45. His spirit was deeply burdened with sorrow, and his cross hopelessly heavy

    46. “I looked about, and realized that the races of our world were hopelessly divided, undisciplined, and self-concerned

    47. “The two factions were unable to reach consensus, and it appeared that we were hopelessly deadlocked

    48. We will be ranked for our performance into ten leagues of skill and status, and one can only contest by underhanded means against those players in the same league, in order to protect the beginners from being hopelessly obliterated by the masters

    49. The hut and trees surrounding it were invisible by this time and she was afraid that she was again hopelessly lost on a bare mountainside in a snowstorm, but doggedly she continued upwards and when the going became too difficult, she decided to rather make for lower ground and hopefully find some trees to shelter under

    50. After retracing our swim several more times, we presumed that the bag was hopelessly lost

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    Synonyms for "hopelessly"

    hopelessly dispiritedly

    "hopelessly" definitions

    in a hopeless manner

    in a dispirited manner without hope

    without hope; desperate because there seems no possibility of comfort or success