Use "house of worship" in a sentence
house of worship example sentences
house of worship
1. ladies shoes for them before they entered the house of worship
2. A house of worship standing firm over its city
3. After all, you love your house of worship
4. It is evident in the Ka‘bah, the first house of worship given by Allah to Isma‘il and his mother, Hagar
5. The best place to drop pounds may be your own house of worship
6. Preacher Cooper took another step towards the house of worship then said, “Reverend Mason, I’m Preacher Cooper
7. house of worship and rarely read scriptural texts
8. He also did not hold back when throwing out the money changers who were trying to do business in His house of worship
9. He also did not hold back when the money changers were trying to use His house of worship as a place to try and sell their goods to do business
10. ghosts filled the house of worship
11. Then I looked her in the eyes once more and called her a liar, “you and your so called priest disgust me, using the Lords name to further your own status in life tell what did the devil promise you to make you pervert the name of the Lord and his house of worship in such a manner?” Roxanne was tugging at my sleeve in an effort to try and pull me away but I was on a roll
12. Every house of worship where the Holy Spirit has been rejected, resisted, ignored—because we want to have Church without Him—is coming under the judgment of God