Use "hoy" in a sentence
hoy example sentences
1. Hace calor hoy
2. developed an organized concept of itself as a girl or a hoy, along with many of the
3. rather, it creares the íllusion of being a girl ora hoy, a woman or a man, by dictating
4. As a hoy moves into oedipal attachment
5. the hoy in the oedipal phase
6. A roan or hoy would, indeed, be
7. children, would fathers equal mothers so that a hoy could come to equal a girl in
8. Included prominently are literally thousands of messages about how to behave as a girl or a hoy
9. o ¿a —— estamos hoy? what is the day of the month?
10. And with that Ya hoy! the flames were under Gandalf’s tree
11. So he sang, running fast, tossing up his hat and catching it, until he was hidden by a fold of the ground: but for some time his hey now! hoy now!came floating back down the wind, which had shifted round towards the south